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Презентация на тему Дополнительное чтение. Тексты на тему: Достопримечательности Лондона. 5-7 классы.

Цели:1.Овладевать навыками чтения текста, развивать языковую догадку.2. Расширить кругозор учащихся.3. Формировать уважительное отношение к культуре других народов.4.Уметь ориентироваться в тексте и находить нужную информацию.
Тексты на тему: «Достопримечательности Лондона»5-7 классыДополнительное чтениеПодборка текстов: Кунц Т.Б. Цели:1.Овладевать навыками чтения текста, развивать языковую догадку.2. Расширить кругозор учащихся.3. Формировать уважительное Big Ben Big Ben		The famous clock Big Ben stands near the Houses of Parliament. Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace		Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official residence and is used to 10 Downing Street 10 Downing Street		10 Downing Street is the residence and office of the Trafalgar Square Trafalgar Square		Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. It was so London Eye (the Millennium Wheel) London Eye (the Millennium Wheel)		The London Eye is a giant observation wheel Tower Bridge Tower Bridge		Tower Bridge is the most famous bridge over the River Thames. Tower of London. The white Tower Tower of London. The white Tower		The Tower of London is one of Palace of Westminster Palace of Westminster		The Palace of Westminster also known as the Houses Westminster Bridge Westminster Bridge		Westminster Bridge is a road and foot traffic bridge over the The Globe Theatre The Globe Theatre		The Globe Theatre has long been associated with Williams Shakespeare. Westminster Abbey Westminster Abbey		Westminster Abbey is a Gothic monastery church in London that is 30 St. Mary Axe 30 St. Mary Axe		30 St. Mary Axe Building is a skyscraper in St. Paul’s Cathedral St. Paul’s Cathedral		The city’s greatest monument, St. Paul’s Cathedral was built by Cross the odd word out1. a) the British Museumb) the Great Firec) 3.a) Irelandb) Virginiac) Walesd) Scotland 4.a)Londonb)Moscowc)Birminghamd)Bristol Check yourself1. the Great Fire2. Sergiev Posad3. Virginia4. MoscowGOOD!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Цели:
1.Овладевать навыками чтения текста, развивать языковую догадку.
2. Расширить

Цели:1.Овладевать навыками чтения текста, развивать языковую догадку.2. Расширить кругозор учащихся.3. Формировать

кругозор учащихся.
3. Формировать уважительное отношение к культуре других народов.

ориентироваться в тексте и находить нужную информацию.

Слайд 3 Big Ben

Big Ben

Слайд 4 Big Ben
The famous clock Big Ben stands near

Big Ben		The famous clock Big Ben stands near the Houses of

the Houses of Parliament. Big Ben is a big

bell. The clock has four faces and five big bells. The biggest bell is known as Big Ben. The bell is named after Sir Benjamin Hall; the first commissioner of works when the Houses of Parliament were rebuilt in 1850. He was a tall man, whose nickname was Big Ben. So people know the clock as Big Ben. You hear it every hour. The bell weighs 13720 kilograms. It has a deep tone and you can hear it on the radio: “This is the BBC. The time is six o’clock.” And then you hear the deep boom of Big Ben of six times.
Big Ben looks most attractively at night when the clock faces are illuminated. You even know when parliament is in session, because a light shines above the clock face.
Where does Big Ben stand?
Who was the bell named after?
Who was Sir Benjamin hall?

Слайд 5 Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

Слайд 6 Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official residence

Buckingham Palace		Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official residence and is used

and is used to receive and entertain guests on

state, ceremonial and official occasions for the Royal Family. The Queen has four palaces in Britain.
The Buckingham Palace is located between the Green Park, Hide Park and St. James’s Park. During August and September you can go inside Buckingham Palace. The palace is very big. You can see 19 of the rooms, ballroom and gardens, the gallery with the Royal family’s greatest treasures including paintings and the finest French and English furniture. If the Queen’s flag is flying outside the palace, it means that the Queen is at home.
What is the Queen’s official residence?
Where is Buckingham Palace located?
When can guests go inside Buckingham Palace?

Слайд 7 10 Downing Street

10 Downing Street

Слайд 8 10 Downing Street
10 Downing Street is the residence

10 Downing Street		10 Downing Street is the residence and office of

and office of the Prime Minister of the United

Kingdom and the headquarters of Her Majesty’s Government. Downing Street is located in Whitehall in central London, a few minutes’ walk from the Houses of Parliament and a little farther from Buckingham Palace. It is actually the official residence of the first Lord of the Treasury, but in modern times this post has always been held simultaneously with the office of Prime Minister.
Where is Downing Street located?
Is 10 Downing Street the office of Prime Minister?
Is 10 Downing Street far from the Houses of Parliament?
What is situated next to 10 Downing Street?

Слайд 9 Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 10 Trafalgar Square
Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of

Trafalgar Square		Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. It was

London. It was so named to commemorate Admiral Nelson’s

victory at the Battle of Trafalgar. In the middle of the square there is a very famous monument Nelson’s Column with the statue of Lord Horatio Nelson on the top. The Column is over 170 feet high. Its pedestal is decorated with bas-reliefs of famous naval battles. At the base of Nelson’s Column are four great lions.
Trafalgar Square has become famous as a point for all kinds of demonstrations, marches and political meetings.
Each year in December, the people of Norway send a gift of an enormous Christmas tree to Britain which is erected in Trafalgar Square. This is thanks for Britain’s part in liberation during the Second World War.
Why was Trafalgar Square so named?
Where is Column of Nelson situated?
What can you tell about Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square?

Слайд 11 London Eye (the Millennium Wheel)

London Eye (the Millennium Wheel)

Слайд 12 London Eye (the Millennium Wheel)
The London Eye is

London Eye (the Millennium Wheel)		The London Eye is a giant observation

a giant observation wheel situated on the bank of

the river Thames. It is 135 meters high. As the wheel turn it stops to allow tourists to see fantastic views over the city. It takes half an hour for the London Eye to complete one rotation.
Since opening in March 2000 the London Eye has become a symbol of modern Britain. The London Eye is visited by over 3,5 million people a year.
The wheel carries 32 sealed and air-conditioned egg-shaped passenger capsules. Each 10 tones capsule holds 25 people, who are free to walk around inside the capsule, though seating is provided.
Where is the London Eye situated?
Since what time has the London Eye become a symbol of modern Britain?
How many tourists visit the London Eye a year?
How many passengers does the wheel carry?

Слайд 13 Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

Слайд 14 Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge is the most famous bridge

Tower Bridge		Tower Bridge is the most famous bridge over the River

over the River Thames. It is close to the

Tower of London, which gives it its name. Sir John Wolfe Barry designed it.
The bridge consists of two towers which are tied together. The bridge was officially opened on 30 June 1894 by the Prince of Wales (the future King Edward VII), and his wife.
The bridge is 244 meters (800 feet) in length with two towers each 65 meters (213 feet) high.
Thousands of tourists visit Tower Bridge every year.
What is the most famous bridge in London?
Why does it give its name?
When was Tower Bridge officially opened?
Who was Tower Bridge officially opened by?
Who designed Tower Bridge?

Слайд 15 Tower of London. The white Tower

Tower of London. The white Tower

Слайд 16 Tower of London. The white Tower
The Tower of

Tower of London. The white Tower		The Tower of London is one

London is one of the most imposing and popular

of London’s historical sites. Now it is a museum. It comprises 20 towers. The oldest is the White Tower, dates back to the 11th century and the time of William the Conqueror. Nowadays a lot of tourists visit the Tower of London, because of the Tower’s evil reputation as a prison. The Tower has got Beefeaters, ravens, the Crown Jewels. The royal Crown has got three hundred jewels on it and the celebrated Indian diamond.
Many stories associated with British history come from the Tower in 1483 King Edward IV’s two sons were murdered in the so-called Bloody Tower. Over two centuries later the skeletons of two little boys were found buried beneath steps in the White Tower.
The ravens, huge black birds, are an official part of the Tower. Legend states that it the ravens were to leave the Tower the Crown will fall and Britain with it. Under the special care of the Raven Master, the ravens eat raw meat every day. And there is no danger of them flying away, because their wings are clipped.
What is the most imposing and popular historical sites in London?
How many towers does the Tower of London comprise?
When was the Tower of London founded?
What is the Tower of London famous for?

Слайд 17 Palace of Westminster

Palace of Westminster

Слайд 18 Palace of Westminster
The Palace of Westminster also

Palace of Westminster		The Palace of Westminster also known as the

known as the Houses of Parliament is the seat

of Britain’s two parliamentary houses, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
In the middle of the 11th century, King Edward the Confessor had moved his court to the Palace of Westminster, situated on a central site near the river Thames.
In 1265 a parliament was created with two houses: the Lords and the Commons. The House of Lords met at the Palace of Westminster while the House of Commons did not have a permanent location. After King Henry VIII moved his court to Whitehall Palace in 1530, the House of Lords continued to meet in Westminster. In 1547, the House of Commons also moved here, confirming Westminster as the central seat of government, a position it still holds today.
The tower opposite Big Ben is the Victoria Tower, built in 1860. The tower contains the records of both the House of Lords and the House of Commons since 1497. During the parliamentary year the Union flag is hoisted on top of the 98m tall tower.
The Queen, who is the Head of State, opens and closes Parliament. All new laws are discussed by MPs in the Commons, then debated in the Lords, and finally signed by the Queen. All three are part of Parliament in Britain.
Where is the seat of Britain’s two parliamentary houses?
What is opposite Big Ben?
When was the Victoria Tower built?
Who is the Head of State?

Слайд 19 Westminster Bridge

Westminster Bridge

Слайд 20 Westminster Bridge
Westminster Bridge is a road and foot

Westminster Bridge		Westminster Bridge is a road and foot traffic bridge over

traffic bridge over the River Thames. For over 500

years, the nearest bridge to London Bridge was at Kingston. Proposals for a bridge at Westminster had been made as early as 1664. The current bridge was designed by Thomas Page and opened in 1862. The bridge is painted green, the same colour as the leather seats in the House of Commons which is on the side of the Palace of Westminster nearest the bridge. This is in contrast to Lambeth Bridge which is red, the same colour as the seats in the House of Lords and is on the opposite side of the Houses of Parliament.
It links the Palace of Westminster on the west side of the river with Country Hall and the London Eye on the east and was the finishing point during the early years of the London Marathon.
What colour is the bridge painted?
What does Westminster Bridge link?

Слайд 21 The Globe Theatre

The Globe Theatre

Слайд 22 The Globe Theatre
The Globe Theatre has long been

The Globe Theatre		The Globe Theatre has long been associated with Williams

associated with Williams Shakespeare. The original Globe Theatre, built

by an acting company to which William Shakespeare belonged, opened in 1559.
Unfortunately, the original Globe Theatre burnt to the ground during a performance of Shakespeare’s Henry VIII in 1613. The new Globe Theatre opened in 1997. It is located on Bankside, about 183 metres from the original site. It was the first building with a thatched roof allowed to be built in London since the great Fire of 1666.
Similar to the original, the stage of the new Globe Theatre extends into a large circular yard, which is surrounded by three tiers of very steep seating. The most expensive seats are covered. All others are exposed, which is why plays are held here only during the summer months. Additional standing room is available at a very low cost for those who don’t mind remaining erect during the production.
With what name is the Globe Theatre associated?
Where is the Globe Theatre located?
Why are plays held only during the summer months?

Слайд 23 Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

Слайд 24 Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey is a Gothic monastery church

Westminster Abbey		Westminster Abbey is a Gothic monastery church in London that

in London that is the traditional place of coronation

and burial for English monarchs. Westminster Abbey is famous for its architecture, for its historic associations. Westminster Abbey has its world famed Poet’s Corner where many of the greatest English writers are buried: Chaucer, Ch. Dickens, Tennyson, Thomas Hardy and Rudyard Kipling. Here, too, are memorials to Shakespeare, Burns, Byron, Walter Scott, Thackeray and to the great American poet Longfellow. Westminster Abbey is a place of worship owned by the royal family.
Is Westminster Abbey a church or a palace?
What is Westminster Abbey famous for?
Who is buried in Westminster Abbey?

Слайд 25 30 St. Mary Axe

30 St. Mary Axe

Слайд 26 30 St. Mary Axe
30 St. Mary Axe Building

30 St. Mary Axe		30 St. Mary Axe Building is a skyscraper

is a skyscraper in London’s main financial district, the

City of London.
Originally known as the Swiss Re Building, it was later renamed to its street address 30 St. Mary Axe after Swiss Re sold the building in 2007. Even before its construction was complete Londoners nicknamed the building the “Gherkin” for its distinctive shape, and it is still known by that name.
The skyscraper was built in 2004 after a modern glass and steel design by the architectural firm of Foster and Partners. With 41 floors, the tower is 180 metres (591 ft.) tall. The cigar-shaped structure has a steel frame with circular floor plans and a glass façade with diamond-shaped panels.
The top of the tower, where visitors find an open hall covered by a glass conical dome is spectacular. From here you have great views over the city. The building is not open to the public. Its unique and efficient design has won the Gherkin many awards.
What is the nickname of the building?
Who nicknamed the St. Mary Axe Building the “Gherkin” and why?
St. Mary Axe Building is a skyscraper, isn’t it?
What is at the top of the building?

Слайд 27 St. Paul’s Cathedral

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Слайд 28 St. Paul’s Cathedral
The city’s greatest monument, St. Paul’s

St. Paul’s Cathedral		The city’s greatest monument, St. Paul’s Cathedral was built

Cathedral was built by Christopher Wren between 1675 and

1710. Unfortunately Christopher Wren died before the completion. He is buried there.
The Cathedral is one of Europe’s largest cathedrals and it is second in size only to St. Peter’s in Rome. The famous dome reaches a height of 111 meter (366 ft) and weights about 66,000 tons. On top of the dome is a large lantern with a weight of 850 tons.
560 steps lead visitors along three galleries all the way to the top of the dome. The first gallery, the Whispering Gallery, just inside the dome, is renowned for its acoustics. The second gallery, the Stone Gallery, is situated at a height of 53 meter (174ft) on the outside of the dome, right on top of the colonnade. On top of the dome, at a height of 85 meter (279 ft), is the narrow Golden Gallery, encircling the lantern’s base. Here you have a magnificent view over the City.
The church was the site of a number of important historic events such as the funeral of Admiral Nelson in 1806 and the funeral of Winston Churchill in 1965. Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer married here in 1981.
Who built St. Paul’s Cathedral?
When was it built?
What historic events were in St. Paul’s Cathedral?

Слайд 29 Cross the odd word out
a) the British

Cross the odd word out1. a) the British Museumb) the Great

b) the Great Fire
c) Trafalgar Square
d) the National Gallery

Buckingham Palace
b) Trafalgar Square
c) Sergiev Posad
d) Westminster Abbey

Слайд 30
a) Ireland
b) Virginia
c) Wales
d) Scotland

3.a) Irelandb) Virginiac) Walesd) Scotland 4.a)Londonb)Moscowc)Birminghamd)Bristol

  • Имя файла: dopolnitelnoe-chtenie-teksty-na-temu-dostoprimechatelnosti-londona-5-7-klassy.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 173
  • Количество скачиваний: 2