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Презентация на тему англоязычные страны

The territories of some states are populated by different nationalities, whose representatives simply will not understand each other without having one common for all adverbs. Therefore, such English-speaking countries as India and Singapore made official speech
There are several countries in the world where English is the main The territories of some states are populated by different nationalities, whose representatives One can wonder how the An interesting situation has developed with Ireland and Malta. These English-speaking countries Why exactly the adverb of a rather small island - Britain - IT'S ALL)THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION :-*
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The territories of some states are populated by

The territories of some states are populated by different nationalities, whose

different nationalities, whose representatives simply will not understand each

other without having one common for all adverbs. Therefore, such English-speaking countries as India and Singapore made official speech on the same level as Hindi (in India) or Tamil, Malay and Chinese (in Singapore), but outside of the above-mentioned countries, the language originating in the British Isles is gaining popularity. Agree, in the modern world, an educated person is simply required to speak English.

Слайд 3 One can wonder how the "universal" Esperanto has

One can wonder how the

failed, and young people of different countries, dreaming of

making a career, will bite "English". Perhaps it was the skillful policy of British colonization. Whereas France, Belgium, Holland and Germany conquered countries in Africa, but the influx of the population from the monopoly there was minimal, Britain tried to populate the conquered territories with its settlers. The English-speaking countries of the American continent, the USA and Canada, just like Australia and New Zealand simply drove out the indigenous population to the margines - along with their dialects and dialects.

Слайд 4 An interesting situation has developed with Ireland and

An interesting situation has developed with Ireland and Malta. These English-speaking

Malta. These English-speaking countries in Europe have quite complex

local dialects. Gaelic gradually was forced out on the "Green Island", especially after the Holodomor, when the majority of its carriers - the villagers - died. Now Dublin has a multi-year program to revive the native language, but English is officially used.
Maltese, which is a complex mixture of Semitic, Arabic, Occitan and Italian, has long been the language of oral communication, and it was not until the beginning of the 19th century that literary works appeared on it. "Scientist" speech was before 1800 Italian (when the island was owned by knights-Ioanites), and after this date, when Britain seized power, English. In the 1920s, residents decided by way of a referendum which adverb should be left as the second official (after the Maltese). The choice was not in favor of the Italian, and thus Malta was accepted into the English-speaking countries of the world.

Слайд 5 Why exactly the adverb of a rather small

Why exactly the adverb of a rather small island - Britain

island - Britain - conquered the planet? Experts believe

that the scientific and technological revolution began with the United States. There, on undeveloped lands, emigrants from all over the Old World flocked. They were enterprising people who were not afraid to risk it. They were inventive, they thought outside the box. The European bureaucracy and feudal vestiges did not bind the hands of new entrepreneurs like in Europe. And since the majority of the population were from the United Kingdom, having adopted a motley wave of emigrants, the United States and Canada preserved the speech of their former historical homeland. Now these two English-speaking countries are the leaders of highly scientific technologies

  • Имя файла: angloyazychnye-strany.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 145
  • Количество скачиваний: 0