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Презентация на тему по английскому языку к интеллектуальной игре “From Philosopher Bacon to footballer Beckham’’

I. Warming–up . Great Britain.1.Why is the Westminster Palace clock called ”Big Ben”?2.What is the seventh biggest city in the world?3. Where do the British Queen and her family live?4.What is the Union Jack?5. What
English- Speaking Decade February, 20018. secondary school N 1Intellectual Game“From Philosopher Bacon I. Warming–up .  Great Britain.1.Why is the Westminster Palace clock called We work in team.  Brain storm II. The Competition of Tongue- twisters. 1.Robert Rowley rolledA round roll round,A Our members of judges- winners of English Olympiads III. Captains’ CompetitionImagine that you are a guide.You should tell foreign tourists One for all-all for one. IV. Riddles. Jokes.What do cats have that no other animal have?What has V. A CONCERT
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 I. Warming–up . Great Britain.

1.Why is the Westminster

I. Warming–up . Great Britain.1.Why is the Westminster Palace clock called

Palace clock called ”Big Ben”?
2.What is the seventh biggest

city in the world?
3. Where do the British Queen and her family live?
4.What is the Union Jack?
5. What does the British Parliament consist of?
6. Who is official Head of the State in the U.K?

Слайд 3 We work in team. Brain storm

We work in team. Brain storm

Слайд 4 II. The Competition of Tongue- twisters.
1.Robert Rowley

II. The Competition of Tongue- twisters. 1.Robert Rowley rolledA round roll

A round roll round,
A round roll Robert
Rowley rolled round;

did the round roll roll
Robert Rowley rolled round?
2 .Peter Piper picked a peck
Of pickled peppers;
A peck of pickled peppers
Peter Piper pickled;
If Peter Piper pickled a perk
Of pickled peppers,
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers
Peter Piper picled?

Слайд 5 Our members of judges- winners of English Olympiads

Our members of judges- winners of English Olympiads

Слайд 6 III. Captains’ Competition
Imagine that you are a guide.

III. Captains’ CompetitionImagine that you are a guide.You should tell foreign

should tell foreign tourists about the sights of Britain

and its famous people.

Make up 15 or more sentences.
Be creative and skilful.
Good LUCK!

Слайд 7 One for all-all for one.

One for all-all for one.

Слайд 8 IV. Riddles. Jokes.
What do cats have that no

IV. Riddles. Jokes.What do cats have that no other animal have?What

other animal have?
What has no head, no legs, no

arms, and still have tongue?
How many lions can enter an empty cage?
What can play but can’t walk?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-k-intellektualnoy-igre-“from-philosopher-bacon-to-footballer-beckham.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 151
  • Количество скачиваний: 0