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Презентация на тему к уроку Типы вопросов в английском языке

5 types of questionsОбщий вопрос (general question)Альтернативный вопрос (alternative question )Специальный вопрос (special question) Вопрос к подлеющему (question to the subject)Разделительный вопрос (tag-question)
The fundamentals of English grammarTypes of questions 5 types of questionsОбщий вопрос (general question)Альтернативный вопрос (alternative question )Специальный вопрос General questionВспомогательный (модальный) глаголAm I at work?Is she a nurse?Are you at Alternative question?Вспомогательный (модальный) глагол     подлежащее  сказуемое Special questionВопросительное слово Вспомогательные (модальные) глаголTo beПодлежащее Сказуемое … ? What are Question to the subjectWho?Who is at work?Who is a nurse?Who is at Tag-questionПодлежащееAt lesson he wrote a dictations, didn’t he?She studies in the eighth Answers for tag-question?Да, былаYes, she was.She was in England a year ago, 5 Types of questions in present simple Do you play the piano?Does he play tennis?General question Alternative questionDoes he Special questionwho - кто  what - что, какой  whose - чей  whom Question to the subjectWho?Who enjoys this music?   Вопрос задается в 5 Types of questions in past simple General questionDid he read the new book?Did they give him an album Special questionWhen did he live when he was a little boywho - 5 Types of questions in Future Simple Alternative questionWill you go to the disco or stay at home in
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 5 types of questions
Общий вопрос (general question)

Альтернативный вопрос

5 types of questionsОбщий вопрос (general question)Альтернативный вопрос (alternative question )Специальный

(alternative question )

Специальный вопрос (special question)

Вопрос к подлеющему

(question to the subject)

Разделительный вопрос (tag-question)

Слайд 3 General question
Вспомогательный (модальный) глагол
Am I at work?
Is she

General questionВспомогательный (модальный) глаголAm I at work?Is she a nurse?Are you

a nurse?
Are you at home?
Can you give me some


May I close the window?

Must I do this exercise?


To be

Can May Must


Слайд 4 Alternative question?
Вспомогательный (модальный) глагол

Alternative question?Вспомогательный (модальный) глагол   подлежащее сказуемое  … or

подлежащее сказуемое … or

… ?

Am I at work or at home?

Is she a nurse or a driver?

Are you at home or at school?

Can you drive a car or a motor bike?

May I close the window or the door?

Must I read or learn the poem?

To be

Can May Must

Слайд 5 Special question
Вопросительное слово
Вспомогательные (модальные) глагол
To be

Special questionВопросительное слово Вспомогательные (модальные) глаголTo beПодлежащее Сказуемое … ? What

What are you?
What is this?
Where is the


who - кто  what - что, какой  whose - чей  whom - кого, which - который 

when - когда  where - где  where to - куда  how - как why - почему  how much - cколько  how many - сколько  how long - как долго


Whose copy-book can I take?

Where may I close the door?

Why must I do this work?

Слайд 6 Question to the subject
Who is at work?
Who is

Question to the subjectWho?Who is at work?Who is a nurse?Who is

a nurse?
Who is at home?
To be
Who can give me

some advice?
Who may close the door?
Who must do this work?

Вопрос задается в 3 л. Ед. ч.


Слайд 7 Tag-question

At lesson he wrote a dictations, didn’t he?

Tag-questionПодлежащееAt lesson he wrote a dictations, didn’t he?She studies in the

studies in the eighth form, doesn’t she ?
Сказуемое-смысловой глагол

в ножном времени и форме

Oleg won’t become angry, will he?
The girls can’t swim in the lake, can they?

(модальный) глагол, соответствующий времени и форме смыслового глагола

Местоимение, заменяющее подлежащее






Слайд 8 Answers for tag-question?
Да, была
Yes, she was.
She was in

Answers for tag-question?Да, былаYes, she was.She was in England a year

England a year ago, wasn’t she ?
Нет, не была

No, she wasn’t.

You don’t go to music school on Saturdays, do you?

Нет, не хожу
(соглашаемся с первой частью предложения)

Да, хожу
(высказываем противоположные варианты)

No, I don’t.

Yes, I do.

Слайд 9 5 Types of questions in present simple

5 Types of questions in present simple

Слайд 10 Do you play the piano?
Does he play tennis?


Do you play the piano?Does he play tennis?General question Alternative questionDoes

Alternative question
Does he play tennis or football in his

free time?

Do they live in Moscow or in St. Petersburg?

Слайд 11 Special question
who - кто  what - что, какой  whose -

Special questionwho - кто  what - что, какой  whose - чей 

чей  whom - кого, which - который  when - когда  where -

где  where to - куда  how - как why - почему  how much - cколько  how many - сколько  how long - как долго

What does he do in his free time?

When does the lesson start?

Whom does he invite to the party?

Слайд 12 Question to the subject
Who enjoys this music?

Question to the subjectWho?Who enjoys this music?  Вопрос задается в

Вопрос задается в 3л.ед.ч

вспомогательный глагол не
Who knows the results?

Tag questions
She plays the piano well, doesn’t she

Слайд 13 5 Types of questions in past simple

5 Types of questions in past simple

Слайд 14 General question
Did he read the new book?
Did they

General questionDid he read the new book?Did they give him an

give him an album or roller skates as a


Alternative question

Question to the subject

Who spoke to him yesterday?

Вспомогательный глагол не нужен, но смысловой должен стоять в прошедшем времени.

Слайд 15 Special question
When did he live when he was

Special questionWhen did he live when he was a little boywho

a little boy
who - кто  what - что, какой  whose -

чей  whom - кого, which - который  when - когда  where - где  where to - куда  how - как why - почему  how much - cколько  how many - сколько  how long - как долго


He finished his work yesterday, didn’t he?

Слайд 16 5 Types of questions in Future Simple

5 Types of questions in Future Simple

Слайд 17 Alternative question
Will you go to the disco or

Alternative questionWill you go to the disco or stay at home

stay at home in the evening?
Special question
What will

you give your friend for his birthday?

Question to the subject

Who will come to the party?

General question

Will you play the guitar to us

Tag - question

Oleg won’t translate this text, will he?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-tipy-voprosov-v-angliyskom-yazyke.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 140
  • Количество скачиваний: 1