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Презентация на тему A History of the United States through its flags


The project aim: To investigate various information on theories about the origin of the flag’s symbols – the stars and stripes and separate out the myths from the facts behind the Stars and Stripes.
“A History of the United States  through its flags”.Levin Egor, Moscow, The project aim: To investigate various information on theories about the origin A project hypothesis. Studying materials on the given question we can offer Project problems. to develop capabilities and skills of intellectual and aesthetic communication;to Methods  sociological research and interrogation among school students; systematization of the Result creation of the methodical learner’s guide on country specific studies of A symbolFlags are visual symbols, and few of them are as universally American Symbols before the Stars and Stripes.Since there was no official United The Union flagAlthough the British flag underwent a number of changes in American Revolution Flags Before June 1776John Paul Jones raised this Flag on The Gadsden Flag In 1775, Colonel Christopher Gadsden was in Philadelphia representing British East India Company Flags 1678-1800 Of course, if you really want Join or Die Flag The rattlesnake was the favorite animal emblem of Powerful American symbolNavy Regulations, first promulgated in 1865, prescribed the use of Grand Union Flag 1775  The Grand Union 1775: Also The standard Cavalry GuidonThe U.S. Cavalry used Guidons in the Civil War Colonial The New England Flag and Ensign The history of the Pine Tree The Massachusetts Bay Colony Flag 1636-1686 The Massachusetts Bay Colony used the The Sons of Liberty Flags 1765 The Sons of Liberty Flags 1765 The American Revolutionary War Privateer and Naval Ensigns A privateer is a privately-owned The First Flag Resolution 1777 The Betsy Ross Flag According to mistaken George Washington's Headquarters Flag One of the reasons we discount the whole The Hopkinson Flag The design of the first Official United States Flags 1783-1820 Including the War of 1812 The Fort Independence The Great Star flag.There are many, many versions of the Great Star Evolution of the United States Flag No one knows with absolute certainty The original Pledge of Allegiance Official American flags (1st) Delaware December 7th, 1787 (2nd) Pennsylvania December 12th,1787 Constitutional Amendment Issue The History Of Flag Day The Fourth of July was traditionally celebrated Uncle SamUncle Sam is the national personificationUncle Sam is the national personification
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The project aim:
To investigate various information on theories

The project aim: To investigate various information on theories about the

about the origin of the flag’s symbols – the

stars and stripes and separate out the myths from the facts behind the Stars and Stripes.

Слайд 3 A project hypothesis.
Studying materials on the given question

A project hypothesis. Studying materials on the given question we can

we can offer different opinions about the American flag’s

origin and about tight connection between the history of the country and the history of its flag .

Слайд 4 Project problems.
to develop capabilities and skills of intellectual

Project problems. to develop capabilities and skills of intellectual and aesthetic

and aesthetic communication;
to broaden intellectual horizon and vocabulary;
to analyze

existing versions and work out our own version on the given question;
to form skills of research work and work with scientific literature;
to create the methodical learner’s guide on regional history of the United States of America for secondary and senior school.

Слайд 5 Methods
sociological research and interrogation among school students;

Methods sociological research and interrogation among school students; systematization of the

systematization of the methodological, artistic, popular and scientific literature,

Internet sites;
translation of articles and other materials into English language.

Слайд 6 Result
creation of the methodical learner’s guide on country

Result creation of the methodical learner’s guide on country specific studies

specific studies of The United States of America for

secondary and senior school.
studying the history of The United States of America through the origin of the flag’s symbols – the stars and stripes.

Слайд 7 A symbol
Flags are visual symbols, and few of

A symbolFlags are visual symbols, and few of them are as

them are as universally recognized as the American flag

Слайд 8 American Symbols before the Stars and Stripes.
Since there

American Symbols before the Stars and Stripes.Since there was no official

was no official United States Flag for the first

year after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, there were a great number of homespun flag designs. The first flag is without question the most well known of those.

The First United States Flag “Betsy Ross”

Bennington Flag

Cowpens Flag

Слайд 9 The Union flag
Although the British flag underwent a

The Union flagAlthough the British flag underwent a number of changes

number of changes in the 17th century, the St.

George's Cross continued as the official national flag. The Union flag would have been the official flag of what would one day become Georgia.

A new flag for England and her colonies was adopted in 1707. This flag was widely used on ships during the Colonial period. This was the first National flag of the United States.

Слайд 10 American Revolution Flags Before June 1776
John Paul Jones

American Revolution Flags Before June 1776John Paul Jones raised this Flag

raised this Flag on the British frigate Serapis, which

he had captured during the most famous Revolutionary naval battle on September 23rd, 1779, when his own ship, the badly damaged Bonhomme Richard, sank.

This was the first national flag of the English colonies, and Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown under this flag.

Слайд 11 The Gadsden Flag
In 1775, Colonel Christopher Gadsden

The Gadsden Flag In 1775, Colonel Christopher Gadsden was in Philadelphia

was in Philadelphia representing his home colony of South

Carolina at the Continental Congress and presented this new naval flag to the Congress. It became the first flag used by the sea-going soldiers who eventually would become the United States Marines.

Слайд 12 British East India Company Flags 1678-1800
Of course,

British East India Company Flags 1678-1800 Of course, if you really

if you really want to know who caused the

American Revolution, the answer is the British East India Company, originally, called the English East India Company, but renamed in 1707.

Слайд 13 Join or Die Flag
The rattlesnake was the favorite

Join or Die Flag The rattlesnake was the favorite animal emblem

animal emblem of the Americans even before the Revolution.

In 1751 Benjamin Franklin's Pennsylvania Gazette carried a bitter article protesting the British practice of sending convicts to America.

Слайд 14 Powerful American symbol
Navy Regulations, first promulgated in 1865,

Powerful American symbolNavy Regulations, first promulgated in 1865, prescribed the use

prescribed the use of the jack. Additionally it is

flown to indicate a court martial is in progress, and as the President's and Secretary of the Navy's personal flag. This powerful American symbol was used by the Continental Navy in 1775 and is being used again by the U.S. Navy in the War on Terrorism.

Слайд 15 Grand Union Flag 1775
The Grand Union 1775: Also

Grand Union Flag 1775 The Grand Union 1775: Also known

known as the Continental flag, it is the first

true U.S. Flag. It combined the British King's Colours and the thirteen stripes signifying Colonial unity. George Washington liked this design so well that he chose it to be flown to celebrate the formation of the Continental Army on New Years Day, 1776, on Prospect Hill in Somerville, near his headquarters at Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Слайд 16 The standard Cavalry Guidon
The U.S. Cavalry used Guidons

The standard Cavalry GuidonThe U.S. Cavalry used Guidons in the Civil

in the Civil War as well as the Plains

Indian Wars later on. This was also one of the three flags of Colonel George A. Custer and the Seventh Cavalry at the Battle of Little Big Horn, as this was the standard Cavalry Guidon of that era, 1876.

Слайд 17 Colonial "Liberty" Protest Flags
Flags with the word


"Liberty" on them came to be called Liberty Flags

and were usually flown from Liberty poles.

Слайд 18 The New England Flag and Ensign
The history

The New England Flag and Ensign The history of the Pine

of the Pine Tree as a symbol of New

England predates the European colonial settlements. In eastern Massachusetts, southern New Hampshire and the southern corner of Maine, there lived a nomadic tribe of Native Americans known as the Penacook.

Слайд 19 The Massachusetts Bay Colony Flag 1636-1686
The Massachusetts

The Massachusetts Bay Colony Flag 1636-1686 The Massachusetts Bay Colony used

Bay Colony used the British Red Ensign for public

ceremonies.  In 1636, Roger Williams preached a sermon condemning the "unchristian" shaped cross in the flag as a symbol of the Anti-Christ. Governor John Endicott ordered removal of the St. George's Cross from their flags.

Слайд 20 The Sons of Liberty Flags 1765
The Sons

The Sons of Liberty Flags 1765 The Sons of Liberty Flags

of Liberty Flags 1765 The history of the Stamp

Act flag began in about 1765, when protests of the duties and taxes and stamps required by Parliament began in the colonies.

Слайд 21 The "Grand Old Union Flag" or Continental Colors


According to legend, one day in 1775 General

Washington approached Rebecca Flower Young, a Philadelphia pennant and colors maker, and asked her to make a flag for use by the troops. The flag he designed became known as the Grand Union Flag. Years later, Rebecca assisted her daughter in making an even more famous flag for our country, the "Star Spangled Banner" used at Ft. McHenry.

Слайд 22 American Revolutionary War Privateer and Naval Ensigns

American Revolutionary War Privateer and Naval Ensigns A privateer is a

privateer is a privately-owned warship authorized by "letters of

marque" from a recognized national government to attack foreign shipping. The 13 Colonies, having declared their Independence, had only 31 ships comprising the Continental Navy. To add to this, local state governments issued Letters of Marque to privately owned merchant ships which were then armed as warships to prey on British merchant ships.

Слайд 23 The First Flag Resolution 1777
The Betsy Ross Flag

The First Flag Resolution 1777 The Betsy Ross Flag According to

According to mistaken legend, in June of 1776, Betsy

Ross, who was a widow struggling to run her own upholstery business sewed the first flag. Upholsterers in Colonial America not only worked on furniture but did all manner of sewing work, which for some included making flags.

Слайд 24 George Washington's Headquarters Flag
One of the reasons

George Washington's Headquarters Flag One of the reasons we discount the

we discount the whole Betsy Ross story as a

myth is because we know George Washington didn't favor five-pointed stars. Take a look at the personal flag that George Washington had made in 1775 and notice that he used six pointed stars! He never stopped using this flag throughout the whole the Revolutionary War.

Слайд 25 The Hopkinson Flag
The design of the first

The Hopkinson Flag The design of the first Official

Official "Stars and Stripes" is credited to Francis Hopkinson,

a Congressman from New Jersey, and signer of the Declaration of Independence. His design had the thirteen stars arranged in a "staggered" pattern. Although there is no original example of this flag still left, we do have the bill he gave Congress for its design. Congressman Hopkins asked Congress for a keg of ale for his work. There is no record of Congress ever paying him.

Слайд 26 United States Flags 1783-1820 Including the War of 1812

United States Flags 1783-1820 Including the War of 1812 The Fort

The Fort Independence Flag 1781 Jonathon Fowle presented this

flag to the officers of "Castle William " (later renamed Fort Independence) in Boston in 1781. The first foreign war ship to visit the new United States after the war was H.M.S. Alligator in 1791. She saluted the American flag with 13 guns and the fort returned the salute. The flag is now part of the Massachusetts State House collection.

Слайд 27 The Great Star flag.
There are many, many versions

The Great Star flag.There are many, many versions of the Great

of the Great Star flag. This flag flew over

the Capitol dome for at least six months of 1818. This flag was designed by Captain Samuel Chester Reid of the U.S. Navy. Congress adopted both his 13 stripes idea and the idea of adding a star for each future state.

Слайд 28 Evolution of the United States Flag
No one knows

Evolution of the United States Flag No one knows with absolute

with absolute certainty who designed the first stars and

stripes or who made it. Congressman Francis HopkinsonNo one knows with absolute certainty who designed the first stars and stripes or who made it. Congressman Francis Hopkinson seems most likely to have designed it, and few historians believe that Betsy Ross, a Philadelphia seamstress, made the first one.

Слайд 29 The original Pledge of Allegiance
"I pledge allegiance to

The original Pledge of Allegiance

my Flag and the Republic for which it stands-

one nation indivisible-with liberty and justice for all."

Слайд 30 Official American flags
(1st) Delaware December 7th, 1787

Official American flags (1st) Delaware December 7th, 1787 (2nd) Pennsylvania December

Pennsylvania December 12th,1787
(3rd) New Jersey December18th, 1787

Georgia January 2nd, 1788
(5th) Connecticut January 9th, 1788
(6th) Massachusetts February 6th, 1788
(7th) Maryland April 28th, 1788
(8th) South Carolina May 23rd, 1788
(9th) New Hampshire June 21st, 1788
(10th) Virginia June 25th, 1788
(11th) New York July 25th, 1788
(12th) North Carolina November 21st, 1789
(13th) Rhode Island May 29th, 1790

Слайд 31 Constitutional Amendment Issue
"The Congress and the states shall

Constitutional Amendment Issue

have power to prohibit the physical desecration of the

flag of the United States"

Слайд 32 The History Of Flag Day
The Fourth of July

The History Of Flag Day The Fourth of July was traditionally

was traditionally celebrated as America's birthday, but the idea

of an annual day specifically celebrating the Flag is believed to have first originated in 1885. BJ Cigrand, a schoolteacher, arranged for the pupils in the Fredonia, Wisconsin Public School, District 6, to observe June 14 (the 108th anniversary of the official adoption of The Stars and Stripes) as 'Flag Birthday'. In numerous magazines and newspaper articles and public addresses over the following years, Cigrand continued to enthusiastically advocate the observance of June 14 as 'Flag Birthday', or 'Flag Day'.

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