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Презентация на тему Почему важно учить английский язык (презентация, 5 класс)

We can say what I have to do to know English.We can talk about learning EnglishWe can understand English textsWe can write about improving English.
Why is it importantto know English? We can say what I have to do to know English.We can ENGLISH LANGUAGETo learn new thingsTo connect with different countriesTo play games of When Do We Have to Be Back? When do we have to Say if it is true or falseHe had to practise every dayHe A Frenchman in EnglandNew words to knowA waiter – официант a restaurant Finish:  I can use English ...Englishto watch video cartoons What do we have to do to learn, to know English? Why must we learn English words? I like to sing whenI like to sing whenThe sun is shining.I
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 We can say what I have to do

We can say what I have to do to know English.We

to know English.

We can talk about learning English


can understand English texts

We can write about improving English.

To learn new things
To connect with different

ENGLISH LANGUAGETo learn new thingsTo connect with different countriesTo play games

To play games of English-speaking children
To use computer
To read

books in English

To make friends around the world

To understand English-speaking people

To sing English songs

Слайд 7 When Do We Have to Be Back?
When do

When Do We Have to Be Back? When do we have

we have to be back, Jack?
When do we have

to be back?
You have to be back at two, Lou.
You have to be back at two.
How long do we have to wait, Kate?
How long do we have to wait?
You have to wait until ten, Ken.
You have to wait until ten.
How soon do we have to pay, Ray?
How soon do we have to pay?
Pay as soon as you can, Ann.
Pay as soon as you can.

Слайд 10 Say if it is true or false
He had

Say if it is true or falseHe had to practise every

to practise every day
He has to play every day

has to stay healthy
Footballers have to be very strong
They have to eat special food
Footballers don’t have to work hard

Слайд 12 A Frenchman in England

New words to know
A waiter

A Frenchman in EnglandNew words to knowA waiter – официант a

– официант
a restaurant – ресторан
a mushroom –

to draw-drew – рисовать
an umbrella – зонт

Слайд 13

Finish: I can use English

Finish: I can use English ...Englishto watch video cartoons and


to watch video cartoons and films
to recite poems
to read


to write letters to an English pen-friend

to sing English songs

to play computer games

Слайд 14 What do we have to do to learn,

What do we have to do to learn, to know English?

to know English?

Слайд 16 Why must we learn English words?

Why must we learn English words?

  • Имя файла: pochemu-vazhno-uchit-angliyskiy-yazyk-prezentatsiya-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 163
  • Количество скачиваний: 0