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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Еда

. So today we decided to analyze and tell you about the usual English meals. Traditionally the day of a typical Englishman begins with a cup of tea in the
Meals in England and their . So today we decided to analyze and tell you about the BreakfastThe first English breakfast is at 7-8 am and includes several fairly a couple of fried sausagesfried fat bacon with a crispy crustTwo .Golden toasts are put on the edge This breakfast is sometimes served LunchThe second breakfast or lunch is at 1-2 o'clock in the afternoon. Lunch The second breakfast, lunch or dinner, many British people spend in
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Слайд 2 .
So today we decided to analyze and

. So today we decided to analyze and tell you about

tell you about the usual English meals.

Traditionally the day of a typical Englishman begins with a cup of tea in the morning, which is still drunk in bed.

Слайд 3 Breakfast
The first English breakfast is at 7-8 am

BreakfastThe first English breakfast is at 7-8 am and includes several

and includes several fairly nutritious dishes.
This meal involves a

strictly defined set of products that has not changed for centuries. This traditional table of national cuisine in England is not very diverse, but it is quite caloric.  The beginning of the tradition of preparing such a hearty breakfast was laid by the families of ordinary English workers. After all, these people were having a good breakfast in the morning, and afterwards they did all day long hard physical work. Eating during the day
was not possible, and the second meal was already a homemade
dinner late at night. Therefore, breakfast was cooked in order to
ensure that the person was fed all day, especially given that the
climate in the country is rather cold.

Слайд 4
a couple of fried sausagesf
ried fat bacon

a couple of fried sausagesfried fat bacon with a crispy

with a crispy crust
Two or three tomatoes, oiled with

fried bacon
Tomatoes can be either fresh or canned
fried champignonsa portion of white beans
with tomato
fried eggs, cooked from two eggs
Two or three fresh toast with butter

But times change, daily calorie consumption is different, but the tradition of dense breakfasts has remained so far. Traditionally in the morning breakfast include the following seven dishes:


Слайд 5 .
Golden toasts are put on the edge

.Golden toasts are put on the edge This breakfast is sometimes

breakfast is sometimes served a
large bottle of ketchup.

Calories are
not considered here. After such a
meal there is still a long time will not
want. But according to the English
tradition at five o'clock in the
afternoon they drink classical tea.

Drink such a breakfast with a glass of coffee, orange juice or tea with milk. Sometimes the menu also includes pancakes with jam
from strawberries or a glass of milk with corn flakes. All the products are put together in one dish in color: two yellow circles of scrambled eggs in the frame of light fried protein, pink beans, brown mushrooms, and almost black sausages, and in the remaining empty place of the dish - brightly red tomatoes


Слайд 6 Lunch
The second breakfast or lunch is at 1-2

LunchThe second breakfast or lunch is at 1-2 o'clock in the

o'clock in the afternoon. In fact, in our country

the second English breakfast - this is dinner, but in England it is customary to call dinner a dinner meal

On weekends in England, breakfast smoothly flows into lunch - this extended food intake, which lasts almost half a day and is more of an entertainment and a joint pastime for the whole family, is called a brunch (the beginning and end of the words breakfast and lunch are combined

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-eda.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 164
  • Количество скачиваний: 0