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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка в 10 классе по теме Англоязычные страны: Канада и Австралия

The topic of the lesson
Презентация  к уроку английского языка  по теме:  «Англоязычные страны The topic of the lesson Our goalYou will show the presentations of your projects on Canada and Active vocabulary practice Active vocabulary practice Active vocabulary practice Active vocabulary practice Discussing presentationsHow full was the presentation?Were there any passive constructions used in Quiz on Canada1. Canada’s hockey team has always been one of the Quiz on Australia1. A lot of Australians are descendants of pilgrims from HomeworkTry to find the meaning of the following words – realities, reflecting
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The topic of the lesson

The topic of the lesson

Слайд 3 Our goal

You will show the presentations of your

Our goalYou will show the presentations of your projects on Canada

projects on Canada and Australia, discuss them, take part

in the quiz and find out which of the teams “Canadians” or “Australians” knows its country more.

Слайд 4 Active vocabulary practice

Active vocabulary practice

Слайд 5 Active vocabulary practice

Active vocabulary practice

Слайд 6 Active vocabulary practice

Active vocabulary practice

Слайд 7 Active vocabulary practice

Active vocabulary practice

Слайд 8 Discussing presentations

How full was the presentation?

Were there any

Discussing presentationsHow full was the presentation?Were there any passive constructions used

passive constructions used in the presentation?

Were there any emphatic

sentences used in the presentation?

Were any conjunctions used in the presentation?

Did you notice any grammatical or factual mistakes?

What is your impression of the presentation?

Which of the countries would you like to travel and why?


Слайд 9 Quiz on Canada
1. Canada’s hockey team has always

Quiz on Canada1. Canada’s hockey team has always been one of

been one of the best in the world.

In Canadian woods you can come across by far the most dangerous snakes and spiders in the world.
3. Canada is in the Southern hemisphere.
4. Canada is a constitutional monarchy.
5. Canada is the second biggest country in the world.
6. Bush fires are the main dangers for Canada.
7. A lot of Canadians are related to convicts.
8. People say that the queen chose the capital of the country by sticking a pin on a map.
9. A lot of names of the cities and lakes in Canada come from the language of the first nations.

Слайд 10 Quiz on Australia
1. A lot of Australians are

Quiz on Australia1. A lot of Australians are descendants of pilgrims

descendants of pilgrims from Mayflower.
2. Sydney is the

capital of Australia.
3. When we have got summer Australians have got winter.
4. The world famous Niagara Falls is situated in Australia.
5. Uluru is an iconic image of Australia.
6. Both English and French languages are official in Australia.
7. In 1603 the French explorer Samual de Champlain started the colonization of the country.
8. Australians have a very tough background.
9. This country is home to a lot of unique animals which don’t live anywhere else.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-v-10-klasse-po-teme-angloyazychnye-strany-kanada-i-avstraliya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 150
  • Количество скачиваний: 0