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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Достопримечательности Лондона (7 класс)

Read the tongue-twisters[f] Four furious friends fought for the phone. [s], [ʃ] She sells seashells on the seashore [w], [v] William always wears a very warm white vest in winter.
Открытый урок по английскому Read the tongue-twisters[f] Four furious friends fought for the phone. [s], [ʃ] Answer the questionsWhat would you like to make: a tour of Moscow Big Ben The Buckingham Palace The British Museum Westminster Abbey The Tower of London Sights of London The Houses of Parliament: the House of Lords and  the House of Commons Trafalgar Square The Monument to Admiral Nelson The National Gallery Downing Street, 10 (The Prime Minister’s house) Whitehall A double-decker bus Check up your answers Song: “London rap” Big Ben is not a Science Museum London Zoo The London Eye Read the descriptionIt is the place where British kings and queens live The Buckingham Palace Read the descriptionIt is the Prime Minister’s house Downing Street, 10 (The Prime Minister’s house) Read the descriptionYou can go by boat and see it from the The Houses of Parliament: the House of Lords and  the House of Commons Read the descriptionIt is the  popular place for people to meet. In the middle of Trafalgar Square Read the descriptionIt is the biggest wheel in the world. It's 135 The London Eye Reflection card1. Did you understand everything on the lesson?2. Did you have Thank you for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Read the tongue-twisters
[f] Four furious friends fought for

Read the tongue-twisters[f] Four furious friends fought for the phone. [s],

the phone.
[s], [ʃ] She sells seashells on the

[w], [v] William always wears a very warm white vest in winter.

Слайд 3 Answer the questions
What would you like to make:

Answer the questionsWhat would you like to make: a tour of

a tour of Moscow or a tour of London?

colour are London buses?
Would you like to go on a world tour?
To what places do tourists usually go?
What souvenirs do you like to give to your friends?

Слайд 4 Big Ben

Big Ben

Слайд 5 The Buckingham Palace

The Buckingham Palace

Слайд 6 The British Museum

The British Museum

Слайд 7 Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

Слайд 8 The Tower of London

The Tower of London

Слайд 9 Sights of London

Sights of London

Слайд 10 The Houses of Parliament: the House of Lords and

The Houses of Parliament: the House of Lords and the House of Commons

the House of Commons

Слайд 11 Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 12 The Monument to Admiral Nelson

The Monument to Admiral Nelson

Слайд 13 The National Gallery

The National Gallery

Слайд 14 Downing Street, 10 (The Prime Minister’s house)

Downing Street, 10 (The Prime Minister’s house)

Слайд 15 Whitehall


Слайд 16 A double-decker bus

A double-decker bus

Слайд 17 Check up your answers Song: “London rap”
Big Ben

Check up your answers Song: “London rap” Big Ben is not

is not a person Big Ben is not a

clock Big Ben is not a tower It's a bell: ding dong A Science museum, to learn about space Astronauts, rockets, awesome place At the British Museum you can see Egyptian mummies; it's free! 700 species in London Zoo Reptiles, Amphibians, Invertebrates too
Penguins waddle, crocodiles snap No you can't stroke a crocodile on your lap! Round and round goes The London Eye It's 130 meters high Buckingham Palace is where The Queen sleeps And The Prime Minister at Downing Street. If you're tired, and need to eat get fish and chips and a cup of tea

Слайд 18 Science Museum

Science Museum

Слайд 19 London Zoo

London Zoo

Слайд 20 The London Eye

The London Eye

Слайд 21 Read the description
It is the place where British

Read the descriptionIt is the place where British kings and queens

kings and queens live and work when they are

in London. Tourists can visit some of its parts and watch the Changing of the Guard outside.

Слайд 22 The Buckingham Palace

The Buckingham Palace

Слайд 23 Read the description
It is the Prime Minister’s house

Read the descriptionIt is the Prime Minister’s house

Слайд 24 Downing Street, 10 (The Prime Minister’s house)

Downing Street, 10 (The Prime Minister’s house)

Слайд 25 Read the description
You can go by boat and

Read the descriptionYou can go by boat and see it from

see it from the river Thames. It is open

to visitors and you can see how the country’s leaders work here.

Слайд 26 The Houses of Parliament: the House of Lords and

The Houses of Parliament: the House of Lords and the House of Commons

the House of Commons

Слайд 27 Read the description
It is the  popular place for people to meet.

Read the descriptionIt is the  popular place for people to meet. In the middle

In the middle of the square there is Nelson's

Column, which is 51 m high. To the left you can see the National Gallery.
It has  a fine collection of European paintings.

Слайд 28 Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 29 Read the description
It is the biggest wheel in

Read the descriptionIt is the biggest wheel in the world. It's

the world. It's 135 metres high. It has 32

sections and each one holds up to 25 people. Most people buy single tickets. A ride  takes 30 minutes

Слайд 30 The London Eye

The London Eye

Слайд 31 Reflection card
1. Did you understand everything on the

Reflection card1. Did you understand everything on the lesson?2. Did you

2. Did you have any difficulties?
3. Was the information

interesting and useful?
4. Did you feel comfortable?
5. Did you like the lesson?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-dostoprimechatelnosti-londona-7-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 129
  • Количество скачиваний: 0