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Презентация на тему Books in our life

Why people started writing booksWhy people started writing books? The main aim of writing books is to save and transmit knowledge to future generations.
Books in our life Why people started writing booksWhy people started writing books? The main aim The HistoryWhen writing systems were invented in ancient civilizations, nearly everything that Papyrus, a thick paper-like material made by weaving the stems of the Chinese bamboo book Romans wax tablets A wax tablet is a tablet The Chinese independently developed a papermaking process during the Han Dynasty, between The first printed book appeared thanks to Johannes Gutenberg. His invention of GenresPeople can read such kind of literature as:Fiction: novel detective epic poetry Why do you think read or don’t read?I think people must read How do you read?But if you read book you have to read Book, which is worth to read to my mindI think the book My favourite book“The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” is poignant and tragic history The authorVasilyev Boris Lvovich(born May 21, 1924) - Soviet and Russian writer. The film“The Dawns Here Are Quiet..” was dramatized in 1972. The director The End
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Why people started writing books
Why people started writing

Why people started writing booksWhy people started writing books? The main

The main aim of writing books is to

save and transmit knowledge to future generations.

Слайд 3 The History
When writing systems were invented in ancient

The HistoryWhen writing systems were invented in ancient civilizations, nearly everything

civilizations, nearly everything that could be written upon —stone,

clay, tree bark, metal sheets—was used for writing.

Sumerian clay tablets of 2400–2200 BC

Слайд 4 Papyrus, a thick paper-like material made by weaving

Papyrus, a thick paper-like material made by weaving the stems of

the stems of the papyrus plant, then pounding the

woven sheet with a hammer-like tool, was used for writing in Ancient Egypt.

Egyptian papyrus showing the god Osiris and the weighing of the heart

Слайд 5 Chinese bamboo book
Romans wax tablets
A wax

Chinese bamboo book Romans wax tablets A wax tablet is a

tablet is a tablet made of wood and covered

with a layer of wax often linked loosely to a cover tablet, as a "double-leaved" diptych. It was used as a reusable and portable writing surface in Antiquity and throughout the Middle Ages.

Woodblock printing used in China before development of paper. Woodblock printing in China is strongly associated with Buddhism, which encouraged the spread of charms and sutras

Слайд 6 The Chinese independently developed a papermaking process during

The Chinese independently developed a papermaking process during the Han Dynasty,

the Han Dynasty, between 202 BC and 220 AD,

which is where modern paper originated.

Слайд 7 The first printed book appeared thanks to Johannes

The first printed book appeared thanks to Johannes Gutenberg. His invention

Gutenberg. His invention of mechanical movable type printing started

the Printing Revolution.

Nowadays the methods used for the printing and binding of books fundamentally changed. The majority of books are printed by offset lithography.

Слайд 8 Genres
People can read such kind of literature as:

GenresPeople can read such kind of literature as:Fiction: novel detective epic

epic poetry
science fiction and etc.

travel books and etc.

Слайд 9 Why do you think read or don’t read?

Why do you think read or don’t read?I think people must

think people must read because reading expands the knowledge.

Sometimes it helps us to decide some questions.
I think reading is very interesting. And when the weather is rainy you can sit on the sofa and read some book and you don’t notice how time flies by.

Слайд 10 How do you read?
But if you read book

How do you read?But if you read book you have to

you have to read it very attentively and don’t

miss important things.

But some people read books very quickly, between lines. They don’t think about what they are reading. I think it’s not right.

Слайд 11 Book, which is worth to read to my

Book, which is worth to read to my mindI think the

I think the book which is worth to read,

it’s a classical literature, for example, William Shakespeare or Michael Bulgakov, or books about main historical events of our country. For example, books about the Great Patriotic War.

Слайд 12 My favourite book
“The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” is

My favourite book“The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” is poignant and tragic

poignant and tragic history of war that occurred away

from the front. It is the story of five young women which went to the war and tried to stop the Germans, but they died protecting our country.
This story was written in 1969.

Слайд 13 The author
Vasilyev Boris Lvovich(born May 21, 1924) -

The authorVasilyev Boris Lvovich(born May 21, 1924) - Soviet and Russian

Soviet and Russian writer. Published since 1954. He is

the author of many stories, novels, plays, and journalism. More than 15 films removed for books and scripts of Boris Vasilyev.

Слайд 14 The film
“The Dawns Here Are Quiet..” was dramatized

The film“The Dawns Here Are Quiet..” was dramatized in 1972. The

in 1972. The director of the film is Stanislav

Rostotsky. In 1973 the film was nominated for an Oscar in the "Best Foreign Language Film" category.

  • Имя файла: books-in-our-life.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 151
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