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Презентация на тему British Education System


contentsIntroductionHistoryPresent education systemHigher educationSchools Today
British Education SystemUnit 7 contentsIntroductionHistoryPresent education systemHigher educationSchools Today introduction1. the three “ R’s ”2. purpose of the British Education3. importance History 1. the form of British education in the past2. the British ▶Some changes to the British education system:  *before 1870, education was (1) some caused by the Industrial Revolution ⇒government decided to become involved (2) Some caused by WWII ⇒the government began planning to reconstruct ③the Education Reform Act 1988 provided for the establishment of a National CurriculumThe national curriculum occupies not less than 70% of the school The Present Education System1. Education in the UK is compulsory  (from The Present Education SystemState schools and private schools state schools: funded by The Present Education SystemThere are nine famous public schools:  Winchester, Eton, The Present Education SystemEton – (the public school) the most famous school Eton College is located in the town Eton which is an urban Eton is a public school for boys age 13-18. Almost all the School yard The facilities include purpose-built theatres, libraries, swimming pools, even a golf course. The Present Education SystemThe schooling stages(1)up to age 5 → pre-primary schooling(2)from Class teacher system in primary schools  In order to give young The Present Education System(3)age of 11-19 → secondary schools The General Certificate of Secondary Education is taken at the end of GCE A levelAbout 70% of 16 year old pupils choose to continue Higher education and training in UK1. Nearly all universities are public bodies2. Degrees awardedBachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) – after Leading universities in UK The Guardian University Guide, 2003 Cambridge University, Cambridge, east-central England The first college Opened in some1200s. the oldestBuilding dating back to 1284. Oxford university, Oxford, northwest of London Oxford University, with its famed ‘dreaming spires’ was founded in the 12th Museum of Natural History, Oxford university Open university and further educationThe open university is a non-residential university offering Schools TodayPrimary schoolsCompulsory schooling starts at 5Co-educational and a class-teacher systemThree-term school The Selective SystemA system for secondary schooling in Britain, under which children The Comprehensive SystemA system for secondary schooling in Britain, under which all Independent SchoolsPublic schools: secondary private boarding schools that prepare students chiefly for Independent SchoolsPrep schools: small private boarding schools for children up to 7 Other SchoolsCounty schools: state-run secondary schools, most of which are administered by “Red Brick”“Red brick”:The Redbrick Universities include all the provincial universities of the “Red brick”: a slightly contemptuous term used to refer to the large
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 contents
Present education system
Higher education
Schools Today

contentsIntroductionHistoryPresent education systemHigher educationSchools Today

Слайд 3 introduction
1. the three “ R’s ”
2. purpose of

introduction1. the three “ R’s ”2. purpose of the British Education3.

the British Education
3. importance of education in Britain
4. feature

of British Education
5. the school tie

Слайд 4 History
1. the form of British education in

History 1. the form of British education in the past2. the

the past
2. the British education system is run by

the state today
3. Some changes to the British education system*

Слайд 5
▶Some changes to the British education system:

▶Some changes to the British education system: *before 1870, education was

*before 1870, education was voluntary and many of the

existing schools had been set up by churches
*only 40% of children aged 10 went to school regularly

Слайд 6
(1) some caused by the Industrial Revolution

(1) some caused by the Industrial Revolution ⇒government decided to become

decided to become involved in taking responsibility for

the education of children
*in 1870 the government passed a law which called for government-funded education
*by 1880, the attendance at school for children between 5 and 10 was compulsory rather than voluntary

Слайд 7
(2) Some caused by WWII
⇒the government

(2) Some caused by WWII ⇒the government began planning to

began planning to reconstruct the education system
①1944 Education

Act stipulates that all children were given the right to free secondary education
②in the 1960s, comprehensive system was introduced into Britain
→ended the division between grammar schools and vocational schools
→entrance exams were abolished

Слайд 8
③the Education Reform Act 1988 provided for

③the Education Reform Act 1988 provided for the establishment of

the establishment of a National Curriculum for 5-16 year-olds

and regular examinations
→brought a big change
(reintroduced competition between schools)

Слайд 9 National Curriculum
The national curriculum occupies not less than

National CurriculumThe national curriculum occupies not less than 70% of the

70% of the school timetable, the rest of the

time being used for subjects of the school’s choosing.
There are four key Stages. At each of the stages the core subjects of English, mathematics, science, technology, physical education and religious education are taught.
History, geography, music and art are also compulsory subjects up to 16 years old, but they become optional in Key Stage 4.
A modern foreign language is added to the
curriculum at Key Stages 3 and 4.

Слайд 10 The Present Education System
1. Education in the UK

The Present Education System1. Education in the UK is compulsory (from

is compulsory
(from the ages of 5 to

2. State schools and private schools*
3. The schooling stages*

Слайд 11 The Present Education System
State schools and private schools

The Present Education SystemState schools and private schools state schools: funded

state schools: funded by local and central government (free)

*a system of “league tables”
private schools (public schools): receive
their funding through the private sector, tuition rates and government assistance

Слайд 12 The Present Education System
There are nine famous public

The Present Education SystemThere are nine famous public schools: Winchester, Eton,

Winchester, Eton, St. Paul’s, Shrewsbury, Westminister,

Merchant Taylor’s, Rugby,
Harrow and Charterhouse.

Слайд 13 The Present Education System
Eton – (the public school)

The Present Education SystemEton – (the public school) the most famous

the most famous school in the world, Britain’s biggest

boarding school and educator of its social elite since 1440. So far the school has educated 19 Prime Ministers and six Chancellors of Exchequer. Its literary figures include Henry Fielding, Percy Byshe Shelley, George Orwell. It was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI. In the past, almost all the students coming from upper class families. Now sons of accountants, doctors or businessmen also have access to it.

Слайд 14
Eton College is located in the town Eton

Eton College is located in the town Eton which is an

which is an urban district of southeast-central England on

the Thames River

Слайд 15
Eton is a public school for boys age

Eton is a public school for boys age 13-18. Almost all

13-18. Almost all the pupils go on to study

A levels, 90% will go on to university, a quarter to Oxford and Cambridge. The pupil/teacher ration is 9.5 to one, while in state secondary school the ratio is 20 to one.

Слайд 16
School yard

School yard

Слайд 17
The facilities include purpose-built theatres, libraries, swimming pools,

The facilities include purpose-built theatres, libraries, swimming pools, even a golf course.

even a golf course.

Слайд 18 The Present Education System
The schooling stages
(1)up to age

The Present Education SystemThe schooling stages(1)up to age 5 → pre-primary

5 → pre-primary schooling
(2)from the age of 5-11 →

primary schools
exam “the 11- plus” (co-educational/mixed)

Слайд 19
Class teacher system in primary schools


Class teacher system in primary schools In order to give young

order to give young children a sustained contact with

one teacher, usually one teacher is responsible for organizing the whole day’s lessons and have to teach all the subjects.

Слайд 20 The Present Education System
(3)age of 11-19 → secondary

The Present Education System(3)age of 11-19 → secondary schools


①age of 16 → GCSE exams (some choices)
②age of 18 or 19 → A-levels exams
(after 2 years in the Sixth Form)
go to university / if not, take vacational training (GNVQs)

Слайд 21

The General Certificate of Secondary Education is taken

The General Certificate of Secondary Education is taken at the end

at the end of compulsory education at the age

of 16. All the students are required to take it.The results often help the students and their parents to made a choice whether they will go to college or not.


Слайд 22 GCE A level
About 70% of 16 year old

GCE A levelAbout 70% of 16 year old pupils choose to

pupils choose to continue in full-time education. Some students

continue in the same school for a further two years of study in the ‘sixth form’. After two-year study, three or four subjects are taken in the examination of the General Certificate of Education- Advanced level (GCE A level). The grades obtained in GCE A level are the main basis whether the students can go to college or not.

Слайд 23 Higher education and training in UK
1. Nearly all

Higher education and training in UK1. Nearly all universities are public

universities are public bodies
2. Higher education has a long

history in the UK
3. The general condition of university students
4. Degrees*
5. Leading universities in UK*
6. Open university and further education*

Слайд 24 Degrees awarded
Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of

Degrees awardedBachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) –

Science (BSc) – after three years of full-time study.

of Arts (MA) or Master of Science (MSc) after a further one year full-time or two year part-time study.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – after at least three years of original research.

Слайд 25 Leading universities in UK The Guardian University Guide, 2003

Leading universities in UK The Guardian University Guide, 2003

Слайд 26 Cambridge University, Cambridge, east-central England

Cambridge University, Cambridge, east-central England

Слайд 27
The first college
Opened in some
1200s. the oldest

The first college Opened in some1200s. the oldestBuilding dating back to 1284.

back to 1284.

Слайд 29 Oxford university, Oxford, northwest of London

Oxford university, Oxford, northwest of London

Слайд 30
Oxford University, with its famed ‘dreaming spires’ was

Oxford University, with its famed ‘dreaming spires’ was founded in the

founded in the 12th century and still dominates the

center of Oxford.

Слайд 31 Museum of Natural History, Oxford university

Museum of Natural History, Oxford university

Слайд 32 Open university and further education
The open university is

Open university and further educationThe open university is a non-residential university

a non-residential university offering degree and other courses for

adult students of all ages. They offer degrees which are the same as those of other universities.
Further education is often taken part-time or in the evening. Further education colleges have strong links with industry and commerce, employers often being involved in the design of the courses.

Слайд 35 Schools Today
Primary schools
Compulsory schooling starts at 5
Co-educational and

Schools TodayPrimary schoolsCompulsory schooling starts at 5Co-educational and a class-teacher systemThree-term

a class-teacher system
Three-term school year
Secondary schools
Compulsory schooling extends up

to 16
The selective system, comprehensive system and independent schools
Sixth form colleges/ tertiary colleges
Other schools
County schools
Voluntary schools

Слайд 36 The Selective System
A system for secondary schooling in

The Selective SystemA system for secondary schooling in Britain, under which

Britain, under which children take an examination, the “11

plus”, in their last year of primary education.
The results of the examination determine the kind of secondary schooling each child will receive.
Those with the highest marks go to grammar schools; others may go to technical schools, and the rest – by far majority – go to secondary modern schools.

Слайд 37 The Comprehensive System
A system for secondary schooling in

The Comprehensive SystemA system for secondary schooling in Britain, under which

Britain, under which all children, regardless of ability, can

mix together.
In comprehensive schools, students study a wide variety of subjects at first until 2 or 3 years later, when they may study only those they like best.
Many new ideas in education are being tried out at present, and comprehensive schools vary widely throughout Britain.

Слайд 38 Independent Schools
Public schools: secondary private boarding schools that

Independent SchoolsPublic schools: secondary private boarding schools that prepare students chiefly

prepare students chiefly for universities. They laid the foundations

of English education, but now are generally restricted to a comparatively small section of the population, mainly the rich and conservative in politics. Eton, Harrow and Rugby are the 3 most famous public schools.

Слайд 39 Independent Schools
Prep schools: small private boarding schools for

Independent SchoolsPrep schools: small private boarding schools for children up to

children up to 7 or 8 years old, which

help to prepare the children for the “common entrance” examination at the age of 13 for admission to a public school, and where Latin, French and mathematics are all started early.

Слайд 40 Other Schools
County schools: state-run secondary schools, most of

Other SchoolsCounty schools: state-run secondary schools, most of which are administered

which are administered by the county or county borough.

About half of the money comes from the local authority and the other half from the central government.
Voluntary schools: also called mission schools in other countries, secondary schools in Britain that are mostly Church of England or Roman Catholic in origin, and partly maintained and controlled by the local authority. They give a certain amount of denominational religious instruction. Education is free in such schools.

Слайд 41 “Red Brick”
“Red brick”:The Redbrick Universities include all the

“Red Brick”“Red brick”:The Redbrick Universities include all the provincial universities of

provincial universities of the period 1850-1930 as well as

London University. Because the favorite building material of the period between 1850-1930 is red brick, and all the universities of the time were built in red brick. Thus, they were called the Redbrick Universities.

Слайд 42 “Red brick”: a slightly contemptuous term used to

“Red brick”: a slightly contemptuous term used to refer to the

refer to the large group of 19th- and 20th-century

universities and university colleges in Britain. It describes their construction, which is contrasted with the more dignified and solid-looking ancient architecture of Oxford and Cambridge. The distinctive feature of these universities was that they were non-collegiate institutions which admitted men without reference to religion or background and that they concentrated on 'real-world' skills, often linked to engineering.

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