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Презентация на тему Do You Have Any Superstitions?

CatsWhat cats are unlucky in Russia? In Britain?
Do You Have Any Superstitions? CatsWhat cats are unlucky in Russia? In Britain? Good luck1. On the first day of the month is lucky to Good lucka horseshoea fourleaf clover bad luckopenbreakgo underkill bad luckWhat date and day are unlucky?Why?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Cats
What cats are unlucky in Russia?
In Britain?

CatsWhat cats are unlucky in Russia? In Britain?

Слайд 3 Good luck
1. On the first day of the

Good luck1. On the first day of the month is lucky

month is lucky to say…
2. In autumn catch

falling…… . Every ….. means a lucky month in the next year.
3. If you…. two magpies, you’ll be happy.




Слайд 4 Good luck

a horseshoe
a fourleaf clover

Good lucka horseshoea fourleaf clover

Слайд 5 bad luck
go under

bad luckopenbreakgo underkill

Слайд 6 bad luck
What date and day are unlucky?

bad luckWhat date and day are unlucky?Why?

  • Имя файла: do-you-have-any-superstitions.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 129
  • Количество скачиваний: 0