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Презентация на тему English language assignments

Give a 2-minute talk on the kind of career you are interested in.Remember to say:what jobs are popular with teens nowadays/whywho helped you to choose your future profession and howwhat you like/dislike about your future careerwhy
Give a 3-minute talk on your school life.Remember to speak about:the school Give a 2-minute talk on the kind of career you are interested Give a 2-minute talk on Great Britain/the USA. Remember to:•	describe its geographical Give a 2-minute talk about Russia and its achievements. Remember to say:•	what Give a 2-minute talk on Russian/British/American holidays and traditionsRemember to say:•	what holidays Give a 2-minute talk on travelingRemember to say:•	why traveling is so popular Give a 2-minute talk on music Give a 2-minute talk about yourself.Remember to:•	speak about your family and its Give a 2- minute talk on teens’ free time activities.Remember to say:•	what Give a 2-minute talk on sports. Remember to say:•	which sports are popular Give a 2-minute talk on healthy lifestyleRemember to say:•	if it is important Give a 2-minute talk on nature and ecology. Remember to say:what the Give a 2-minute talk on learning English. Remember to say:•	why we call Give a 2-minute talk about television.Remember to say:•	if TV plays an important Give a 2- minute talk on reading books.Remember to:•	say why people read Give a 2-minute talk on teens problems. Remember to:•	name the most important Give a 2-minute talk on shopping.Remember to:say if you like to go Give a 2-minute talk about famous people Remember to: •	say what makes
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Give a 2-minute talk on the kind of

Give a 2-minute talk on the kind of career you are

career you are interested in.
Remember to say:

what jobs are

popular with teens nowadays/why
who helped you to choose your future profession and how
what you like/dislike about your future career
why you think you will be a good specialist

Слайд 3 Give a 2-minute talk on Great Britain/the USA.

Give a 2-minute talk on Great Britain/the USA. Remember to:•	describe its

Remember to:

• describe its geographical position and political structure
• name its

• say what you know about its people
• say what interesting places you would like to visit

Слайд 4 Give a 2-minute talk about Russia and its

Give a 2-minute talk about Russia and its achievements. Remember to

Remember to say:

• what its geographical position is
• what its

political structure is
• why you are proud of Russian people
• what Russia’s achievements in science, sports and culture are

Слайд 5 Give a 2-minute talk on Russian/British/American holidays and

Give a 2-minute talk on Russian/British/American holidays and traditionsRemember to say:•	what

Remember to say:

• what holidays people in the English-speaking countries

celebrate during the year
• what they do on different public holidays
• what Russian traditions/holidays you know
• which holiday is your favourite/ why

Слайд 6 Give a 2-minute talk on traveling
Remember to say:

• why

Give a 2-minute talk on travelingRemember to say:•	why traveling is so

traveling is so popular among people nowadays
• what the advantages

and disadvantages of different ways of traveling are
• why Russia attracts so many tourists from all over the world
• what you would show your foreign friends in your native town

Слайд 7 Give a 2-minute talk on music

Give a 2-minute talk on music

Remember to:

• explain why you think it is useful to listen to music
• describe your favorite music genre
• speak about your favorite singer/group/composer
• explain why you like him/her

Слайд 8 Give a 2-minute talk about yourself.
Remember to:

• speak about

Give a 2-minute talk about yourself.Remember to:•	speak about your family and

your family and its traditions
• say who your best friends

are/why you like them
• describe what you like to do in your free time
• say if you are good at school and what plans for future you have

Слайд 9 Give a 2- minute talk on teens’ free

Give a 2- minute talk on teens’ free time activities.Remember to

time activities.
Remember to say:

• what activities are popular among teens

in Britain and Russia nowadays
• what you do in your free time
• how much time you spend on your hobbies /why you enjoy them
• what the perfect weekend for a teenager is like

Слайд 10 Give a 2-minute talk on sports.
Remember to

Give a 2-minute talk on sports. Remember to say:•	which sports are


• which sports are popular in your country
• which sport is

your favorite to watch/why
• who your favorite sportsmen are
• which sports you enjoy playing /why

Слайд 11 Give a 2-minute talk on healthy lifestyle
Remember to

Give a 2-minute talk on healthy lifestyleRemember to say:•	if it is


• if it is important to have a healthy lifestyle/why
• what

kind of food you think is healthy/why
• if some habits are bad for people’s health/why
• what you do to keep fit

Слайд 12 Give a 2-minute talk on nature and ecology.

Give a 2-minute talk on nature and ecology. Remember to say:what

Remember to say:

what the word environment means
what the

most urgent ecological problems of nowadays are
describe the worst kind of pollution and its results
what measures can be taken to protect the environment

Слайд 13 Give a 2-minute talk on learning English.

Give a 2-minute talk on learning English. Remember to say:•	why we

to say:

• why we call English “an international language”.
• why people

learn English.
• how you learn English at school and after classes.
• what the main difficulties in learning English are

Слайд 14
Give a 2-minute talk about television.
Remember to say:

• if

Give a 2-minute talk about television.Remember to say:•	if TV plays an

TV plays an important role in our life/why
• what the

disadvantages of watching too much TV are
• what your favourite TV program is/why you like it
• what other programs teens like watching/why

Слайд 15 Give a 2- minute talk on reading books.

Give a 2- minute talk on reading books.Remember to:•	say why people


• say why people read books
• name different kinds of books

• say what kind of reader you are
• describe your favourite book

Слайд 16 Give a 2-minute talk on teens problems.

Give a 2-minute talk on teens problems. Remember to:•	name the most


• name the most important teens problems
• give the reasons of

these problems
• say which of teens’ problems you find the most serious/why
• say who and how can help teens solve their problems

Слайд 17 Give a 2-minute talk on shopping.
Remember to:

say if

Give a 2-minute talk on shopping.Remember to:say if you like to

you like to go shopping/why/why not
say if you prefer

shopping for food or for clothes
explain why it is convenient to do shopping in large shopping centres
describe a very successful visit to the shop

  • Имя файла: english-language-assignments.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 134
  • Количество скачиваний: 0