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Презентация на тему With a Funny Monkey to the Present Continuous Land

Is the Monkey walking or riding?He is walking!
With a Funny Monkey to the Present Continuous LandАвтор:Ольга Михайловна Степановаучитель английского Is the Monkey walking or riding?He is walking! Is the Monkey running or hanging?He is hanging! Is the Monkey standing or skiing?He is standing! Is the Monkey pulling or skating?He is pulling! Is the Monkey shooting or throwing?He is throwing! Is the Monkey pushing or dropping?He is pushing! Is the Monkey jumping or driving?He is jumping! Is the Monkey eating or holding?He is holding! Is the Monkey sleeping or singing?He is sleeping! Is the Monkey skating or sitting?He is sitting! Is the Monkey flying or swimming?He is swimming! Is the Monkey eating or painting?He is painting! Is the Monkey crawling or climbing?He is climbing! Well done!The End Источник: https://st2.depositphotos.com/3827765/9450/v/450/depositphotos_94508326-stock-illustration-set-of-cartoon-kids-holding.jpg/
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Is the Monkey walking or riding?

He is walking!

Is the Monkey walking or riding?He is walking!

Слайд 3 Is the Monkey running or hanging?

He is hanging!

Is the Monkey running or hanging?He is hanging!

Слайд 4 Is the Monkey standing or

He is standing!

Is the Monkey standing or skiing?He is standing!

Слайд 5 Is the Monkey pulling or skating?

He is pulling!

Is the Monkey pulling or skating?He is pulling!

Слайд 6 Is the Monkey shooting or throwing?

He is throwing!

Is the Monkey shooting or throwing?He is throwing!

Слайд 7 Is the Monkey pushing or dropping?

He is pushing!

Is the Monkey pushing or dropping?He is pushing!

Слайд 8 Is the Monkey jumping or driving?

He is jumping!

Is the Monkey jumping or driving?He is jumping!

Слайд 9 Is the Monkey eating or holding?

He is holding!

Is the Monkey eating or holding?He is holding!

Слайд 10 Is the Monkey sleeping or singing?

He is sleeping!

Is the Monkey sleeping or singing?He is sleeping!

Слайд 11 Is the Monkey skating or sitting?

He is sitting!

Is the Monkey skating or sitting?He is sitting!

Слайд 12 Is the Monkey flying or swimming?

He is swimming!

Is the Monkey flying or swimming?He is swimming!

Слайд 13 Is the Monkey eating or painting?

He is painting!

Is the Monkey eating or painting?He is painting!

Слайд 14 Is the Monkey crawling or climbing?

He is climbing!

Is the Monkey crawling or climbing?He is climbing!

Слайд 15 Well done!
The End

Well done!The End

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-with-a-funny-monkey-to-the-present-continuous-land.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 106
  • Количество скачиваний: 0