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Презентация на тему How did you spend your holidays (Как ты провел каникулы)

Holidays are overNo more fun.Holidays are overSchool has begun!
How did You spend your holidays? Holidays are overNo more fun.Holidays are overSchool has begun! Let's talk about your summer holidays.The summer holidays are over.Schoolchildren are at school again. - Hello! I am Mark. I would like to Where did you spend your holidays?in a summer campin the countryat the seasideat home Read books What was the weather like?The weather was ...sunnycoldhotrainywindyfinebrilliant With whom did you go there?with my perentswith my friendsalone Tell your classmates about your summer holidays. Decide who had the most interesting holidays.It was great!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Holidays are over
No more fun.
Holidays are over
School has

Holidays are overNo more fun.Holidays are overSchool has begun!


Слайд 3 Let's talk about your summer holidays.
The summer holidays

Let's talk about your summer holidays.The summer holidays are over.Schoolchildren are at school again.

are over.
Schoolchildren are at school again.

Слайд 4 - Hello! I am Mark.

- Hello! I am Mark. I would like to

I would like to tell you about my summer

I spent my holidays in the camp. I had a lot of fun there. I swam in the swimming pool. I played basketball and tennis. I went to the disco club. It was exciting. I took a lot of photos.
I had a great time in the camp. And what about you?

Слайд 5 Where did you spend
your holidays?
in a summer

Where did you spend your holidays?in a summer campin the countryat the seasideat home

in the country
at the seaside
at home

Слайд 6 Read books

Read books      work in the gardenGo

work in the garden

for walks fly a kite
Swim in the sea go hiking (поход)
Earn money have a picnic
Watch TV make barbecue
Go fishing lie in the sun (загорать)
Play computer games walk in the park
Help your grandparents take a photo

What did you do there?

Слайд 7 What was the weather like?
The weather was ...

What was the weather like?The weather was ...sunnycoldhotrainywindyfinebrilliant

Слайд 8 With whom did you go there?
with my perents

With whom did you go there?with my perentswith my friendsalone

my friends

Слайд 9 Tell your classmates
about your summer holidays.

Tell your classmates about your summer holidays.

  • Имя файла: how-did-you-spend-your-holidays-kak-ty-provel-kanikuly.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 126
  • Количество скачиваний: 0