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Презентация на тему ICT in the republic of Kazakhstan

Technological innovation is at the forefront of efforts to diversify Kazakhstan’s economy. The government aims to become a major technological hub in Central Asia, focusing on ICT.
ICT in the republic of KazakhstanОрындаған: Темірбай Қарлығаш Technological innovation is at the forefront of efforts to diversify Kazakhstan’s strategic location between China and Europe allows for it to play The Park of Information Technologies in Alatau, a special economic zone, has The local demand for high-quality telecommunication infrastructure and services, particularly Internet access There is a demonstrated market demand for a more agile technological infrastructure, While there are international firms working on these projects, Kazakhstan is interested
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Technological innovation is at the forefront

Technological innovation is at the forefront of efforts to diversify

of efforts to diversify Kazakhstan’s economy. The government aims

to become a major technological hub in Central Asia, focusing on ICT.

Слайд 3 Kazakhstan’s strategic location between China and Europe allows

Kazakhstan’s strategic location between China and Europe allows for it to

for it to play a critical linking role between

these economic giants, as well as acting as the communications hub for fast-growing Central Asia.

Слайд 4 The Park of Information Technologies in Alatau, a

The Park of Information Technologies in Alatau, a special economic zone,

special economic zone, has been established to facilitate transfer

of technology and foster innovation.

Слайд 5 The local demand for high-quality telecommunication infrastructure and

The local demand for high-quality telecommunication infrastructure and services, particularly Internet

services, particularly Internet access and data transfer services, is

increasing with rapid economic and social progress.

Слайд 6 There is a demonstrated market demand for a

There is a demonstrated market demand for a more agile technological

more agile technological infrastructure, included upgraded telecommunications networks in

rural and urban areas and enhancing broadband Internet access.

  • Имя файла: ict-in-the-republic-of-kazakhstan.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 213
  • Количество скачиваний: 2