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Презентация на тему IDIOMS-2. Get to the bottom of

get to the bottom of - добраться до сути = find an explanation for (a mystery)=find out the real cause причина,=to discover обнаруживать the real but sometimes hidden скрытый reason причина, that something exists существовать, or
IDIOMS-2get to the bottom of get to the bottom of - добраться до сути = find an -The government правительство is trying to get to the bottom of the -Put more men on, get the state police, get anybody... but we've -I'm not sure what is causing the problem, but I'm determined решительный,to There is clearly something wrong here, and I want to get to sources: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ru/http://context.reverso.net/%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B4/https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/get+to+the+bottom+ofhttps://www.thespiritsbusiness.com/2017/07/dewars-to-get-to-the-bottom-of-human-faeces-incident/http://srassociate.org/investigation.htmlhttps://www.hrpa.ca/HRPAChapters/grandvalley/programs/Pages/Webinar-What-to-Expect-Workplace-Investigation.aspx
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 get to the bottom of - добраться до

get to the bottom of - добраться до сути = find


= find an explanation for (a mystery)

=find out

the real cause причина,

=to discover обнаруживать the real but
sometimes hidden скрытый reason причина, that something exists существовать, or happens.

Слайд 4 -The government правительство is trying to get to

-The government правительство is trying to get to the bottom of

the bottom of the financial problems in the company.

исследователь, are trying to get to the bottom of what went wrong.что пошло не так

Слайд 5 -Put more men on, get the state police,

-Put more men on, get the state police, get anybody... but

get anybody... but we've got to get to the

bottom of this thing fast.-Найди побольше ребят, заполучи полицию штата, найди кого-нибудь... но мы должны разобраться с этим делом как можно быстрее.

-I just want to get to the bottom of this.
Я просто хочу разобрать с этим.

-Believe me, I'm going to get to the bottom of this, with or without your help.-Поверьте мне, когда я говорю, что я собираюсь добраться до сути этого, с вашей помощью или без.

Слайд 6 -I'm not sure what is causing the problem,

-I'm not sure what is causing the problem, but I'm determined

but I'm determined решительный,to get to the bottom of


-What is causing this water leakпротечка; утечка? Has anyone gotten to the bottom of it yet?
- I have every confidence уверенность, убеждённость that our detectives will get to the bottom of this crime.

Слайд 7 There is clearly something wrong here, and I

There is clearly something wrong here, and I want to get

want to get to the bottom of it.
-I'd like to

get to the bottom of this before Percy finds out.-Я хотел бы добраться до сути прежде чем Перси узнает.

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