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Презентация на тему Конспект урока и презентация по теме My home план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (2 класс)

Whatʹs this?a housea tree house
My homeПрезентацию подготовила учитель английского языка ГБОУ школа № 626 Оганесян Армине Эдуардовна Whatʹs this?a housea tree house a gardena house and a garden What is there in my house?The rooms of my house Whereʹs mummy?Sheʹs in the kitchen.a kitchen Whereʹs daddy?Heʹs in the bedroom.a bedroom Where are the children?Theyʹre in the bathroom.a bathroom and a toilet Whereʹs the family?It is in the dining- room.a dining-room Where is the girl?Sheʹs in the living – room.a living-room My rooma tablea chaira lampan armchaira sofaa beda wardrobe Whatʹs thisa sofaan armchair Whatʹs this?a tablea chair Whatʹs this?a beda wardrobe Whatʹs thisa clocka lamp Colours назовите цвета на английском языке Fill in the missing lettersa b…da ba……rooma b…drooma h…usea tr…… ho…sea l…m…a
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Whatʹs this?
a house
a tree house

Whatʹs this?a housea tree house

Слайд 3 a garden
a house and a garden

a gardena house and a garden

Слайд 4 What is there in my house?
The rooms of

What is there in my house?The rooms of my house

my house

Слайд 5 Whereʹs mummy?
Sheʹs in the kitchen.
a kitchen

Whereʹs mummy?Sheʹs in the kitchen.a kitchen

Слайд 6 Whereʹs daddy?
Heʹs in the bedroom.
a bedroom

Whereʹs daddy?Heʹs in the bedroom.a bedroom

Слайд 7 Where are the children?
Theyʹre in the bathroom.
a bathroom

Where are the children?Theyʹre in the bathroom.a bathroom and a toilet

and a toilet

Слайд 8 Whereʹs the family?
It is in the dining- room.

Whereʹs the family?It is in the dining- room.a dining-room


Слайд 9 Where is the girl?
Sheʹs in the living –

Where is the girl?Sheʹs in the living – room.a living-room

a living-room

Слайд 10 My room
a table
a chair
a lamp
an armchair
a sofa
a bed

My rooma tablea chaira lampan armchaira sofaa beda wardrobe


Слайд 11 Whatʹs this
a sofa
an armchair

Whatʹs thisa sofaan armchair

Слайд 12 Whatʹs this?
a table
a chair

Whatʹs this?a tablea chair

Слайд 13 Whatʹs this?
a bed
a wardrobe

Whatʹs this?a beda wardrobe

Слайд 14 Whatʹs this
a clock
a lamp

Whatʹs thisa clocka lamp

Слайд 15 Colours назовите цвета на английском языке

Colours назовите цвета на английском языке

  • Имя файла: konspekt-uroka-i-prezentatsiya-po-teme-my-home-plan-konspekt-uroka-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-2-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 74
  • Количество скачиваний: 0