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Презентация на тему List of works

ListAgapism is humanism;The will to security;The will to love;The star of love;Love;Love - Dima;Love is a concern;Max Scheler on love;Mastery of love;Michael Epstein - the five components of love;Metaphysics of schizophrenia;Practical positive psychology of Steingart;Lubviology is
List of works© Steingart Sergei, 2017 (St. Petersburg) ListAgapism is humanism;The will to security;The will to love;The star of love;Love;Love Thank you for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 List
Agapism is humanism;
The will to security;
The will to

ListAgapism is humanism;The will to security;The will to love;The star of

The star of love;
Love - Dima;
Love is a concern;

Scheler on love;
Mastery of love;
Michael Epstein - the five components of love;
Metaphysics of schizophrenia;
Practical positive psychology of Steingart;
Lubviology is a project for the development of a new science;
The main provisions of the psychology of the future;
Paradise is your own, Hell is different;
Ruben Mogilevsky - four components of love;
Sergei Steingart;
Love races;
Happy life ;
Happy man ;
Philosophers about love;
The phenomenological formula of Steinhart;
Man in search of relaxation;
The four-component theory of love;
The four-component theory of happiness;
Eudemonism is humanism;
Erich Fromm - the five components of love.
List of works.

  • Имя файла: list-of-works.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 133
  • Количество скачиваний: 0