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Презентация на тему Методическая разработка по предмету английский язык Праздники англо-говорящих стран. День святого Валентина план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс) по теме

St. Valentine's Day is on the 14th of February.
St. Valentine's Day is on the 14th of February. Symbols of         St. Valentine's Day heart cupid roses Sweets arrows The colours of St. Valentine's Day pink red Broken hearts St. Valentine's Cards and wishes To add this sum Is lots of funBecause one heart and oneMake one. My dear-dear teacher,I love you very much,I wish you to be happyThis day so much. Roses are red, Valentines, valentinesRed, white and blueI'll make a nice oneAnd send it to you. You're a special friend of mine,Friend of mine, friend of mine,You're a To each and every friend of mineI'll send a lovely valentine.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

St. Valentine's

St. Valentine's Day is on the 14th of February.

is on the 14th of February.

Слайд 3

Symbols of

Symbols of     St. Valentine's Day

St. Valentine's Day

Слайд 4


Слайд 5



Слайд 6



Слайд 7



Слайд 8




Слайд 9



Слайд 10

teddy bears

teddy bears

Слайд 11 The colours of
St. Valentine's Day

The colours of St. Valentine's Day

Слайд 14 Broken hearts

Broken hearts

Слайд 23 St. Valentine's
Cards and wishes

St. Valentine's Cards and wishes

Слайд 32 To add this sum
Is lots of fun

To add this sum Is lots of funBecause one heart and oneMake one.

one heart and one
Make one.

Слайд 33
My dear-dear teacher,
I love you very much,
I wish

My dear-dear teacher,I love you very much,I wish you to be happyThis day so much.

you to be happy
This day so much.

Слайд 34 Roses are red,

Roses are red,       Violets are


are blue,
Honey's sweet
So are you.

Слайд 35

Valentines, valentines
Red, white and blue
I'll make a nice

Valentines, valentinesRed, white and blueI'll make a nice oneAnd send it to you.

And send it to you.

Слайд 36 You're a special friend of mine,
Friend of mine,

You're a special friend of mine,Friend of mine, friend of mine,You're

friend of mine,
You're a special friend of mine,
Be my


Слайд 37 To each and every friend of mine
I'll send

To each and every friend of mineI'll send a lovely valentine.

a lovely valentine.

  • Имя файла: metodicheskaya-razrabotka-po-predmetu-angliyskiy-yazyk-prazdniki-anglo-govoryashchih-stran-den-svyatogo-valentina-plan-konspekt-uroka-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-3-klass-po-teme.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 174
  • Количество скачиваний: 0