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Презентация на тему к уроку Парк развлечений Legoland

Look at the pictures
Welcome  to our lesson Look at the pictures Check the answersDig for dinosaur bonesGo on safari trekTake a ride on It’s time to relax! Answet the questions according to the textWhat material is Legoland made of?What Work in pairs.  Fill in the missing pointsPlan1.Colourful bricks2.3.Most popular attractions Common plan1.Colourful bricks2. What to build with Lego3.Most popular attractions Legoland is buid for… Make a poster and present it PlanAn original name of your park;where HometaskExercise 6, page 61. Write about one famous theme parkorMake an advertisement of our local pork Finish the sentence Today at our lesson we…… Thank you for your work!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Look at the pictures

Look at the pictures

Слайд 3 Check the answers
Dig for dinosaur bones
Go on safari

Check the answersDig for dinosaur bonesGo on safari trekTake a ride

Take a ride on a roller coaster
Drive a fire

See American landmarks
Fly a plane

Слайд 4 It’s time to relax!

It’s time to relax!

Слайд 5 Answet the questions according to the text
What material

Answet the questions according to the textWhat material is Legoland made

is Legoland made of?
What are the most famous attractions

of Legoland?
What activities can children do on the Dino’s Island?
Why is Fun Town also interesting for children?
What spectacular sights made of Lego can you see at Legoland?
What special things can you see at Explore Village?
What attractions can you visit in Knight’s Kingdom?

Слайд 6 Work in pairs. Fill in the missing points

Work in pairs. Fill in the missing pointsPlan1.Colourful bricks2.3.Most popular attractions

3.Most popular attractions

b) Roller coaster
d)Knight’s kingdom

Слайд 7 Common plan
1.Colourful bricks
2. What to build with Lego

Common plan1.Colourful bricks2. What to build with Lego3.Most popular attractions

popular attractions
a) Dino’s Island

b) Roller coaster
c) Fun Town
d) Knight’s Kingdom
e) Explore Village
4. American Landmarks

Слайд 8 Legoland is buid for…

Legoland is buid for…

Слайд 9 Make a poster and present it
An original

Make a poster and present it PlanAn original name of your

name of your park;
where it is situated;
what materials it’s

made of;
describe the attractions in your theme park;
what’s the age of people you would recommend to visit it;
explain why a visit to your park will be unforgettable.

Слайд 10 Hometask
Exercise 6, page 61.
Write about one famous

HometaskExercise 6, page 61. Write about one famous theme parkorMake an advertisement of our local pork

theme park
Make an advertisement of our local pork

Слайд 11 Finish the sentence

Today at our lesson we……

Finish the sentence Today at our lesson we……

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-park-razvlecheniy-legoland.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 258
  • Количество скачиваний: 29