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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Trapped (8 класс)

remote (adj): far away from towns, cities and other peoplecanyon (n): a long narrow valley with steep sidescrack (n): a long narrow space between two parts of sthtrap (v): to block your way or prevent you
TrappedSacrifice - to give up something that is valuable to you in remote (adj): far away from towns, cities and other peoplecanyon (n): a blunt penknife (phr): a small pocket knife that folds up that is Utah canyon climbing gear (n): equipment needed for climbing such as ropes and hooks first aid kit (n): a small box with medical supplies crack (n): a long narrow space between two parts of sth disaster struck (phr): sth bad happened suddenly struggle (v): to try very hard to achieve sth get free (phr): to escape chip away at (phr v): to break small pieces off sth using sth else exhaustion (n): extreme tiredness dehydration (n): the state of extreme thirst delirious (adj): unable to think clearly because you are unwell administer first aid (phr): to give medical assistance notify authorities (phr): to contact the police or health services rescue crew (n): trained emergency service personnel prosthetic arm (n): a false arm that replaces a missing one disabled athlete (phr): a sportsperson who has a physical disability troubled teenager (phr): a young person who has problems
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 remote (adj): far away from towns, cities and

remote (adj): far away from towns, cities and other peoplecanyon (n):

other people
canyon (n): a long narrow valley with steep

crack (n): a long narrow space between two parts of sth
trap (v): to block your way or prevent you from moving
canyon wall (n): the side of the canyon

Слайд 3 blunt penknife (phr): a small pocket knife that

blunt penknife (phr): a small pocket knife that folds up that

folds up that is not sharp
be missing (phr): to

have disappeared
live life to the fullest (phr): to get the most out of life and enjoy every moment

Слайд 4 Utah canyon

Utah canyon

Слайд 5 climbing gear (n): equipment needed for climbing such

climbing gear (n): equipment needed for climbing such as ropes and hooks

as ropes and hooks

Слайд 6 first aid kit (n): a small box with

first aid kit (n): a small box with medical supplies

medical supplies

Слайд 7 crack (n): a long narrow space between two

crack (n): a long narrow space between two parts of sth

parts of sth

Слайд 8 disaster struck (phr): sth bad happened suddenly

disaster struck (phr): sth bad happened suddenly

Слайд 10 struggle (v): to try very hard to achieve

struggle (v): to try very hard to achieve sth

Слайд 11 get free (phr): to escape

get free (phr): to escape

Слайд 12 chip away at (phr v): to break small

chip away at (phr v): to break small pieces off sth using sth else

pieces off sth using sth else

Слайд 13 exhaustion (n): extreme tiredness

exhaustion (n): extreme tiredness

Слайд 14 dehydration (n): the state of extreme thirst

dehydration (n): the state of extreme thirst

Слайд 15 delirious (adj): unable to think clearly because you

delirious (adj): unable to think clearly because you are unwell

are unwell

Слайд 16 administer first aid (phr): to give medical assistance

administer first aid (phr): to give medical assistance

Слайд 17 notify authorities (phr): to contact the police or

notify authorities (phr): to contact the police or health services

health services

Слайд 18 rescue crew (n): trained emergency service personnel

rescue crew (n): trained emergency service personnel

Слайд 19 prosthetic arm (n): a false arm that replaces

prosthetic arm (n): a false arm that replaces a missing one

a missing one

Слайд 20 disabled athlete (phr): a sportsperson who has a

disabled athlete (phr): a sportsperson who has a physical disability

physical disability

Слайд 21 troubled teenager (phr): a young person who has

troubled teenager (phr): a young person who has problems


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-trapped-8-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 158
  • Количество скачиваний: 0