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Презентация на тему Modifying Adverbs

Modifying adverbs make the meaning of adjectives stronger or weaker.different slightly different
Modifying AdverbsVery, pretty, quite, fairly, rather, so, slightly, a little, a bit, Modifying adverbs make the meaning of adjectives stronger or weaker.different slightly different We also can use ‘SO’In exclamations: Just look at him! He’s so Puss in Boots is . . . brave. quiteverysо Patrick is . . . clever.not verya) veryb) quitec) not very The shoes might be . . . dangerous! fairly not very a little These sneakers are  . . .  expensive!prettynot verya little bit Puss in Boots is . . . cute in this pic! so Sarah gets nervous quickly. She is . . . impatient. a little slightly very Hermione is . . . interested in reading that she can’t live They had trained so little! So… their victory was . . . Peter Parker is . . . shy with girls,  but . THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Modifying adverbs make the meaning of adjectives stronger

Modifying adverbs make the meaning of adjectives stronger or weaker.different slightly different

or weaker.

slightly different

Слайд 3 We also can use ‘SO’
In exclamations: Just look

We also can use ‘SO’In exclamations: Just look at him! He’s

at him! He’s so cute!

Winnie’s so fat (that)

he can’t walk through the door.



Слайд 4 Puss in Boots is . . . brave.

Puss in Boots is . . . brave. quiteverysо


Слайд 5 Patrick is . . . clever.
not very
a) very

Patrick is . . . clever.not verya) veryb) quitec) not very

c) not very

Слайд 6 The shoes might be . . . dangerous!

The shoes might be . . . dangerous! fairly not very a little

not very
a little

Слайд 7 These sneakers are . . .

These sneakers are . . . expensive!prettynot verya little bit

not very
a little bit

Слайд 8 Puss in Boots is . . . cute

Puss in Boots is . . . cute in this pic! so

in this pic!

Слайд 9 Sarah gets nervous quickly. She is . .

Sarah gets nervous quickly. She is . . . impatient. a little slightly very

. impatient.
a little

Слайд 10 Hermione is . . . interested in reading

Hermione is . . . interested in reading that she can’t

that she can’t live a day without a book.

Слайд 11 They had trained so little! So… their victory

They had trained so little! So… their victory was . .

was . . . a surprising result.
a little



Слайд 12 Peter Parker is . . . shy with

Peter Parker is . . . shy with girls, but .

girls, but . . . confident at defeating bad


a bit

not very


  • Имя файла: modifying-adverbs.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 203
  • Количество скачиваний: 0