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Презентация на тему Музика

Look at the screen please and read new words with their translation. A band- група музикантівTo learn over-
Презентація до уроку англійської мови у 8 класі   на Look at the screen please and read new words with their translation. Звучить запис пісні work in pairs –make up a dialogue1.You have got an extra ticket Look at the table on page 64 and complete the table on Fill in speak  talk  say  tell My cousin-----two foreign
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Look at the screen please and read new

Look at the screen please and read new words with their

words with their translation.
A band-

група музикантів

To learn over- згинатися над…

To give a hand- надавати допомогу

To walk out- виходити

Слайд 3 Звучить запис пісні

Звучить запис пісні

Слайд 10 work in pairs –make up a dialogue
1.You have

work in pairs –make up a dialogue1.You have got an extra

got an extra ticket for a concert and you

want to invite your friend to join you
DATA:15 November
PLACE: The palace of YOUTH

Слайд 11 Look at the table on page 64 and

Look at the table on page 64 and complete the table

complete the table on the screen
1.loudly/slowly/fast/for a long time/at

a conference/from notes/from memory/to the point
2.talk to/with somebody about somebody/something/loudly/a lot/to much/sport/music/politics/weather/about something
3.something/nothing/nothing important/very little/a few words about something/that….
4.somebody the news/the time/what time is it/what it means/that….

  • Имя файла: muzika.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 99
  • Количество скачиваний: 0