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Презентация на тему Навстречу к Универсиаде 2013 презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме

The Key mission of volunteers is to help. That is why the stylized image of a funny disheveled small man was chosen as Kazan 2013 volunteers logotype.
KAZAN is the host city of the Universiade 2013 The Key mission of volunteers is to help.  That is why On the one hand this logotype is a smile on the other How to be a good volunteerBe selflessBe well-trainedBe dependableBe enthusiasticBe open-mindedBe respectfulBe cooperativeBe understandingBe humbleBe friendly Kazan 2013 volunteers’ slogan “Make U real” reflects the importance of each The mascot of the Universiade in Kazan is Uni, the Sports objects in Kazan and in London“Kazan – Arena” is “Center Stadium”       “Wembley Stadium” “Gymnastics Palace”  “The 02 Arena” “The Palace of Water Sports” “London Aquatics Centre” “The Baskethall”       “The Basketball Arena” Tennis Academy      All England Lawn Tennis Centre of rowing sports       Hyde Park
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Key mission of volunteers is to help.

The Key mission of volunteers is to help. That is why

That is why the stylized image of a

funny disheveled small man was chosen as Kazan 2013 volunteers logotype.

Слайд 3 On the one hand this logotype is a

On the one hand this logotype is a smile on the

smile on the other hand it is an open

palm that has always been a symbol of sincerity, goodwill and help.

The Five colors of the palm are the five brand colors of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), symbolizing the 5 continents of the Globe.

Слайд 4 How to be a good volunteer
Be selfless
Be well-trained

How to be a good volunteerBe selflessBe well-trainedBe dependableBe enthusiasticBe open-mindedBe respectfulBe cooperativeBe understandingBe humbleBe friendly

Be enthusiastic
Be open-minded
Be respectful
Be cooperative
Be understanding
Be humble
Be friendly

Слайд 5 Kazan 2013 volunteers’ slogan “Make U real” reflects

Kazan 2013 volunteers’ slogan “Make U real” reflects the importance of

the importance of each volunteer in holding large-scale sports

event and a huge amount of opportunities that the Universiade 2013 offers to all the participants.

Слайд 6 The mascot of the Universiade in Kazan is

The mascot of the Universiade in Kazan is Uni, the

Uni, the kitten of winged snow leopard.

Слайд 7 Sports objects in Kazan and in London
“Kazan –

Sports objects in Kazan and in London“Kazan – Arena” is

Arena” is

“ Olympic stadium”
a unique stadium

Слайд 8 “Center Stadium”

“Center Stadium”    “Wembley Stadium”

“Wembley Stadium”

Слайд 9 “Gymnastics Palace” “The 02 Arena”

“Gymnastics Palace” “The 02 Arena”

Слайд 10 “The Palace of Water Sports” “London Aquatics Centre”

“The Palace of Water Sports” “London Aquatics Centre”

Слайд 11 “The Baskethall”

“The Baskethall”    “The Basketball Arena”

“The Basketball Arena”

Слайд 12 Tennis Academy All

Tennis Academy   All England Lawn Tennis

England Lawn Tennis

and Croquet Club (AEL TC)

  • Имя файла: navstrechu-k-universiade-2013-prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass-po-teme.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 124
  • Количество скачиваний: 0