MapArea - 74,731 sq km? Population - 284 000 Population density - 3.8 pers. / Km²? The administrative center - the city of Elista? District - South? Economic
Population density - 3.8 pers. / Km²? The administrative center - the city of Elista? District - South? Economic Region - Volga? Official language - Russian, Kalmyk? -Date Education - November 4 1920
Mongols (Oirat) - immigrants began to settle their Dzhungaria
space between the Don and Volga, starting with the 50-ies XVII century and founded the Kalmyk Khanate. The Kalmyk Khanate has made during the reign of Ayuka - Khan (years pravleniya1669 - 1724). In 1697 Peter I, go abroad, instructed Ayuke - Khan guard the southern Russian border.