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Презентация на тему османская империя

MapArea - 74,731 sq km? Population - 284 000 Population density - 3.8 pers. / Km²? The administrative center - the city of Elista? District - South? Economic
Respublic of Kalmykia MapArea - 74,731 sq Flag Coat of arms of the History of KalmykiaKalmyk or Western Mongols (Oirat) - immigrants Elista - the capital of Kalmykia National Costume traditions KalmyksTsagaan -one of the most beloved national holidays. national dishesKalmyks have long been prepared and eaten
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

MapArea - 74,731 sq km? Population -

Area - 74,731 sq km? Population - 284 000

Population density - 3.8 pers. / Km²? The administrative center - the city of Elista? District - South? Economic Region - Volga? Official language - Russian, Kalmyk? -Date Education - November 4 1920

Слайд 3 Flag Coat of arms of

Flag Coat of arms of the


Kalmykia Kalmykia

Слайд 4 History of Kalmykia
Kalmyk or Western

History of KalmykiaKalmyk or Western Mongols (Oirat) - immigrants

Mongols (Oirat) - immigrants began to settle their Dzhungaria

space between the Don and Volga, starting with the 50-ies XVII century and founded the Kalmyk Khanate.
The Kalmyk Khanate has made during the reign of Ayuka - Khan (years pravleniya1669 - 1724).
In 1697 Peter I, go abroad, instructed Ayuke - Khan guard the southern Russian border.

Слайд 5 Elista - the capital of Kalmykia

Elista - the capital of Kalmykia

Слайд 6 National Costume

National Costume

Слайд 7 traditions Kalmyks
Tsagaan -one of the

traditions KalmyksTsagaan -one of the most beloved national holidays.

most beloved national holidays. Since ancient times, the Kalmyks

revered as the Spring Festival, the awakening of nature.
Zul holiday begins early in the first month of winter, so the month is called Zul Sar.

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  • Количество просмотров: 135
  • Количество скачиваний: 0