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Презентация на тему Открытый урок по теме Лондон для учащихся 4х классов план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме

Have you ever..................?build a house do your friend’s homework come to school late burn a cake go to London be in America see an elephant meet a famous person buy a puppy have breakfast in the
London Have you ever..................?build a house do your friend’s homework come to school The Great Fire of London was in ………..   2) The 3) William the Conqueror came to England from ……. in …….. 4) In the centre of London is the river …………. . 5) 6) The first building of the Tower of London was …………. 7) 8) The main shopping centre in London is …………… 9) More than typical – обычный prefer – предпочитать hate – ненавидеть  team – A typical Russian person
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Have you ever..................?
build a house do your friend’s homework come

Have you ever..................?build a house do your friend’s homework come to

to school late burn a cake
go to London be in America see

an elephant

meet a famous person buy a puppy have breakfast in the evening read an English book wake up at five o’clock in the morning

Слайд 3 The Great Fire of London was in ……….. 2)

The Great Fire of London was in ………..  2) The

The Fire burnt for….........days.
Quiz "All about London"

Слайд 4 3) William the Conqueror came to England from

3) William the Conqueror came to England from ……. in ……..

……. in ……..

Слайд 5 4) In the centre of London is the

4) In the centre of London is the river …………. .

river …………. . 5) The oldest bridge over the river

is …………….

Слайд 6 6) The first building of the Tower of

6) The first building of the Tower of London was ………….

London was …………. 7) William the Conqueror built it because


Слайд 7 8) The main shopping centre in London is

8) The main shopping centre in London is …………… 9) More

…………… 9) More than …………..people live in London. 10)

The biggest park in London is ……..…

Слайд 8 typical – обычный prefer – предпочитать hate – ненавидеть team

typical – обычный prefer – предпочитать hate – ненавидеть team –

– команда crime - преступление
A typical English person

  • Имя файла: otkrytyy-urok-po-teme-london-dlya-uchashchihsya-4h-klassov-plan-konspekt-uroka-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass-po-teme.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 73
  • Количество скачиваний: 1