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Презентация на тему Парад Алфавита

Dear children , Hi! I am brave and funny . My friends are Marty, Melman and Gloria. Marty is merry . Melman is smart. Gloria is talented. We like playing together.
This istne English  ABC Dear  children , Hi!  I am brave and funny I like working in my activity book!!!And you? Are you good at morning exercises? He Let us play       Who is the This isPinocchio. DIPLOMAYou are good       at the English ABC!October 2013 We like dancing together!!!! It’s brilliant!It’s good!It’s not very good!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3

Dear children ,
Hi! I

Dear children , Hi! I am brave and funny .

am brave and funny . My friends are Marty,

Melman and Gloria. Marty is merry . Melman is
smart. Gloria is talented. We like playing
together. We are good friends.
Welcome to our ABC Parade!

Your Alex.

Слайд 6

I like working in my
activity book!!!

And you?

I like working in my activity book!!!And you?

Слайд 7
Are you good
at morning exercises?

Are you good at morning exercises?

Слайд 8

He - She1.His name is

He - She
1.His name is Tom.

- … is unlucky.

2.Her name is Ariel. - … is not silly.


Слайд 9 Let us play

Let us play    Who is the first?1.sorry 3.spell 2. please

Who is the first?



2. please

Слайд 10 This is

This isPinocchio.

Слайд 11 DIPLOMA
You are good

DIPLOMAYou are good    at the English ABC!October 2013

the English ABC!
October 2013

Слайд 12

We like dancing together!!!!

We like dancing together!!!!

  • Имя файла: parad-alfavita.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 132
  • Количество скачиваний: 0