with disabilities associated with the name of an English neurosurgeon Ludwig Guttman, who, overcoming age- old stereotypes against people with disabilities, introduced the sport in the rehabilitation process of patients with spinal cord injury. He proved in practice that sport for people with disabilities, creating conditions for a successful life, restores mental balance, allowing return to normal life. During the Second World War at the Stoke-Mandevylsk English town hospital in Aylesbury, he established the Center for treatment of spinal injuries.
28th July 1948 group of invalids at first time of all history of sport take sport equipment. There were 16 paralyzed women and men in this group.
In 1956 Ludwig Gutman developed a Charter of athletes, creates a foundation on which further develops sports people with physical disadvantages. Goal Stoke Mandevylskyh games was paralyzed unite men and women from all parts of the world in the International Paralympics Movement. Stoke Mandevylskyh games was awarded the Fearnley Cup.
History of Paralympics games