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Презентация на тему Part 1 Speaking in Detail

To get a low to medium score (around band 5)
Part 1 Speaking in Detail To get a low to medium score (around band 5) 2-STEP PROCESS:  Why is it so much better? Comments Let’s Practice Let’s Check Hometown Where is your hometown? Do you like your hometown?Do you often WorkWhat is your job? Where do you work? Why did you choose Study What do you study? Where do you study that? Why did HomeWhere is your home? Do you live in a house or a ArtAre you good at art? Did you learn art at school when BirthdaysDo you enjoy your birthdays? Do you usually celebrate your birthday? What ClothesAre clothes important to you? What kind of clothes do you usually Daily RoutineWhen do you usually get up in the morning? Do you Family & FriendsDo you spend much time with your family? Who are Food What’s your favourite food? Have you always liked the same food?Is
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 To get a low to medium score (around

To get a low to medium score (around band 5)

band 5)

Слайд 3 2-STEP PROCESS: Why is it so much better?

2-STEP PROCESS: Why is it so much better?

Слайд 4 Comments


Слайд 5 Let’s Practice

Let’s Practice

Слайд 6 Let’s Check

Let’s Check

Слайд 9 Hometown

Where is your hometown?
Do you like

Hometown Where is your hometown? Do you like your hometown?Do you

your hometown?
Do you often visit your hometown?
What is

your hometown like?
What is the oldest place in your hometown?
What is there for a foreigner to do or see in your hometown?
How could your hometown be improved?
Has your hometown changed much since you were a child?
Is there good public transportation in your hometown?
Do you think your hometown is a good place to bring up children?

Слайд 10 Work
What is your job?
Where do you work?

WorkWhat is your job? Where do you work? Why did you

Why did you choose that job? Is it a

popular job in your country?
Do you like your job?
Do you get on well with your colleagues?
What was your first day like?
What responsibilities do you have at work?
If you had the chance, would you change your job?
Do you plan to continue with your job in the future?

Слайд 11 Study

What do you study?
Where do

Study What do you study? Where do you study that? Why

you study that?
Why did you choose that subject?

Is it a popular subject in your country?
Do you like that subject?
Do you get on with your colleagues?
What was your first day like?
What are the main aspects of your subject?
If you had the chance, would you change subject?
Do you plan to get a job in the same field as your subject?

Слайд 12 Home
Where is your home?
Do you live in

HomeWhere is your home? Do you live in a house or

a house or a flat?
Who do you live

Are there many rooms in your home?
What is your favourite room?
How are the walls decorated?
What would you change about your home?
Do you plan to live there in the future?
What facilities are there near your home?
What is your neighbourhood like?
Do most people live in houses in your country?

Слайд 13 Art
Are you good at art?
Did you learn

ArtAre you good at art? Did you learn art at school

art at school when you were a child?

kind of art do you like?
Is art popular in your country?
Have you ever been to an art gallery?
Do you think children can benefit from going to art galleries?

Слайд 14 Birthdays
Do you enjoy your birthdays?
Do you usually

BirthdaysDo you enjoy your birthdays? Do you usually celebrate your birthday?

celebrate your birthday?
What did you do on your

last birthday?
Can you remember a birthday you enjoyed as a child?
Do most people celebrate their birthdays with a party in your country?
Which birthdays are considered important in your country?

Слайд 15 Clothes
Are clothes important to you?
What kind of

ClothesAre clothes important to you? What kind of clothes do you

clothes do you usually wear?
Do you ever wear

the traditional clothes of your country?
Where do you usually buy your clothes?
Have you ever worn a uniform?
Do most people in your country follow fashion?

Слайд 16 Daily Routine
When do you usually get up in

Daily RoutineWhen do you usually get up in the morning? Do

the morning?
Do you usually have the same routine

every day?
What is your daily routine?
Do you ever change your routine?
Is your routine the same today as it was when you were a child?
Do you think it is important to have a daily routine?

Слайд 17 Family & Friends
Do you spend much time with

Family & FriendsDo you spend much time with your family? Who

your family? Who are you closest to in your

Do you prefer spending time with your family or friends?
Who is your best friend?
Are you still friends with people from your childhood?
Is family important in your country?

  • Имя файла: part-1-speaking-in-detail.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 153
  • Количество скачиваний: 0