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Презентация на тему Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

What’s the difference?Present SimplePresent Continuous1)I read books everyday.2)You like bananas.3) She likes pizza.He goes to a fitness centre on Sundays.I am reading a book now.You are watching TV at the moment.He/she/it is doing homework now.
Настоящее простое время и Настоящее продолженное времяPresent Simple vs. Present Continuous What’s the difference?Present SimplePresent Continuous1)I read books everyday.2)You like bananas.3) She likes What’s the difference?Present SimplePresent ContinuousI/you/we/they + readHe/she/it + readsHave vs. Has:I/we/you/they have Meaning!Present SimplePresent Continuous Действия, которые происходят постоянно:Usually – обычноAlways – всегдаOften – NegationPresent SimplePresent ContinuousI don’t read booksYou/we/they don’t read booksHe/she/it doesn’t read books.I’m Make the sentences negative!I like fish.She likes bananas.I’m reading now.They’re listening to Practise!Josh ______ (like) sport. He _____ (play) basketball and he ______ (play) Practise!My dad’s a teacher. He ______ (teach) Science. Today’s Saturday. He ________ Asking questionsPresent SimplePresent Continuous Do you like pizza?Yes, I do./ No, I Make a question!listening/ you/ to/ are/ music/ now/ ?bananas/ he/ like/ does/
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What’s the difference?
Present Simple
Present Continuous
1)I read books everyday.

What’s the difference?Present SimplePresent Continuous1)I read books everyday.2)You like bananas.3) She

like bananas.
3) She likes pizza.
He goes to a fitness

centre on Sundays.

I am reading a book now.
You are watching TV at the moment.
He/she/it is doing homework now.

Слайд 3 What’s the difference?
Present Simple
Present Continuous
I/you/we/they + read
He/she/it +

What’s the difference?Present SimplePresent ContinuousI/you/we/they + readHe/she/it + readsHave vs. Has:I/we/you/they


Have vs. Has:
I/we/you/they have a book.
He/she/it has a book.

am + read+ing
You/we/they + are + read+ing
He/she/it + is + read+ing

Слайд 4 Meaning!
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Действия, которые происходят постоянно:
Usually –

Meaning!Present SimplePresent Continuous Действия, которые происходят постоянно:Usually – обычноAlways – всегдаOften

Always – всегда
Often – часто
On Fridays – по пятницам

– каждый день

Действия, которые происходят сейчас:
Now – сейчас
At the moment – в данный момент

Слайд 5 Negation
Present Simple
Present Continuous
I don’t read books
You/we/they don’t read

NegationPresent SimplePresent ContinuousI don’t read booksYou/we/they don’t read booksHe/she/it doesn’t read

He/she/it doesn’t read books.
I’m not reading a book now.

aren’t reading a book now.
He/she/it isn’t reading a book now.

Слайд 6 Make the sentences negative!
I like fish.
She likes bananas.

Make the sentences negative!I like fish.She likes bananas.I’m reading now.They’re listening

reading now.
They’re listening to music at the moment.
He works

on Mondays.
She often plays the piano.
You’re having a bath now.
We’re learning German.
We watch TV every morning.
The cat’s walking around the house.
The cat’s sleeping.

Слайд 7 Practise!
Josh ______ (like) sport. He _____ (play) basketball

Practise!Josh ______ (like) sport. He _____ (play) basketball and he ______

and he ______ (play) football. Right now he ________

(play) football.

Слайд 8 Practise!
My dad’s a teacher. He ______ (teach) Science.

Practise!My dad’s a teacher. He ______ (teach) Science. Today’s Saturday. He

Today’s Saturday. He ________ (not teach) now – he

______ (read) a newspaper.

Слайд 9 Asking questions
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Do you like pizza?

Asking questionsPresent SimplePresent Continuous Do you like pizza?Yes, I do./ No,

I do./ No, I don’t
Does she/he/it like fruit?
Yes, he/she/it

What do you do after school?
What does he do after school?

Are you watching TV?
Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.
Is he/she/it reading a book?
Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.
What are you doing now?

  • Имя файла: present-simple-vs-present-continuous.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 199
  • Количество скачиваний: 0