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Презентация на тему The political system of the USA

The political system of the USAGovernmentPresidential Republic50 states, centralized government in WashingtonSeparation of powers
The political system of the USATHE POLITICAL SYSTEM OF THE USATHE POLITICAL The political system of the USAGovernmentPresidential Republic50 states, centralized government in WashingtonSeparation of powers The political system of the USASeparation of powersExecutiveleading the affairs of the The political system of the USAState GovernmentEach State has its own separate The political system of the USACongress:Power of the purseCan override presidential veto(2/3 The political system of the USAThe Constitution of the United States is The political system of the USAPolitical PartiesRepublican PartyThey believe in low taxationAnd The political system of the USARepublican PresidentsDwight Eisenhower1953-61Richard Nixon1969-74Gerard Ford1974-77 The political system of the USAPolitical PartiesDemocratic PartyBelieve it is the governments The political system of the USADemocrat PresidentsJohn F Kennedy 1961-63Lyndon B Johnson 1963-68Jimmy Carter 1977-81Harry Truman1945-53 The political system of the USADemocrats and Republicans And Their VotersDemocrats supported The political system of the USADemocrats and Republicans and Their PoliciesDemocratsSupport welfare The political system of the USAPresidential electionsPlurality voting system: „The winner takes The political system of the USAProblemParties and candidates try to get as The political system of the USABarack Obamawas elected the 44th President of The political system of the USAObama‘s policy The political system of the USA The political system of the USA The political system of the USAThanks for paying attention !
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The political system of the USA
Presidential Republic

50 states,

The political system of the USAGovernmentPresidential Republic50 states, centralized government in WashingtonSeparation of powers

centralized government in Washington

Separation of powers

Слайд 3 The political system of the USA
Separation of powers

The political system of the USASeparation of powersExecutiveleading the affairs of

the affairs of the state

- President - Vice President - 15 ministers

enacting and discussing laws
Congress - House of Representatives (435) - Senate (100)

Pushing through the laws
Supreme Court (=highest judicial body)

Слайд 4 The political system of the USA
State Government
Each State

The political system of the USAState GovernmentEach State has its own

has its own separate government
There are 3 branches
State governor

State court

Social Welfare

Слайд 5 The political system of the USA

Power of the

The political system of the USACongress:Power of the purseCan override presidential

Can override presidential veto
(2/3 majority)
Power of impeachment
Senate approves treaties

the president’s appointments

Supreme Court:
Power to declare laws and
presidential actions

The President:
Power to veto
Issues executive orders
Appoints Federal Judges
Grants Pardons for offenses
against the US

Слайд 6 The political system of the USA
The Constitution of

The political system of the USAThe Constitution of the United States

the United States is the supreme law of the

United States of America. It is the framework for the organization of the United States government and for the relationship of the federal government with the states, citizens, and all people within the United States. The United States Constitution is the oldest written constitution (when defined as a single document) still in use by any nation in the world.

Слайд 7 The political system of the USA
Political Parties
Republican Party


The political system of the USAPolitical PartiesRepublican PartyThey believe in low

believe in low taxation
And little interference from the Federal

Government. The encourage individuals to work hard and do not like welfare.
A party for the rich and Middle Class.

Слайд 8 The political system of the USA
Republican Presidents

Dwight Eisenhower

The political system of the USARepublican PresidentsDwight Eisenhower1953-61Richard Nixon1969-74Gerard Ford1974-77

Gerard Ford

Слайд 9 The political system of the USA
Political Parties
Democratic Party

The political system of the USAPolitical PartiesDemocratic PartyBelieve it is the

it is the governments duty to distribute wealth

They introduce higher taxation and welfare
Their support comes from urban areas and minorities.

Слайд 10 The political system of the USA
Democrat Presidents
John F

The political system of the USADemocrat PresidentsJohn F Kennedy 1961-63Lyndon B Johnson 1963-68Jimmy Carter 1977-81Harry Truman1945-53

Kennedy 1961-63
Lyndon B Johnson
Jimmy Carter 1977-81
Harry Truman1945-53

Слайд 11 The political system of the USA
Democrats and Republicans And

The political system of the USADemocrats and Republicans And Their VotersDemocrats

Their Voters
Democrats supported by majority of black voters (Clinton

Urban ethnics
Blue collar workers
More women voters
Northeast, upper midwest, northwest, Hawaii

Protestant voters
Business community
White collar workers
Religious fundamentalists

Слайд 12 The political system of the USA
Democrats and Republicans

The political system of the USADemocrats and Republicans and Their PoliciesDemocratsSupport

and Their Policies
Support welfare programs
Keynesian economics and job creating

Social security, Medicare and Medicaid
Civil Rights legislation
Women’s right to abortion

Limiting federal regulation of business
Reduction in welfare spending

Слайд 13 The political system of the USA
Presidential elections
Plurality voting

The political system of the USAPresidential electionsPlurality voting system: „The winner

system: „The winner takes all!“

Election of a party in

form of electors

Elected electors represent the opinion of their state in the „Electoral College“

The party with the most votes gets all the electoral votes of this state -> The parties have to look that they win in the states with a high amount of electors.

Слайд 14 The political system of the USA
Parties and candidates

The political system of the USAProblemParties and candidates try to get

try to get as many as possible votes in

states with a high amount of electors and ignore the others

The party with more than 270 electoral votes wins, though an other one has more votes of the people in fact (f.e. Bush vs. Gore)

Слайд 15 The political system of the USA
Barack Obama
was elected

The political system of the USABarack Obamawas elected the 44th President

the 44th President of the United States on Tuesday,

November 4, 2008

Democratic Party

is the first Black Man ever elected to the highest office in the United States

Слайд 16 The political system of the USA
Obama‘s policy

The political system of the USAObama‘s policy

Слайд 17 The political system of the USA

The political system of the USA

Слайд 18 The political system of the USA

The political system of the USA

  • Имя файла: the-political-system-of-the-usa.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 146
  • Количество скачиваний: 0