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«Year after year »
«In all weathers»Урок английского языка5 класс УМК «Spotlight» MODEL 7 «Year after year » «Year after year »    Winter, winter, winter!The snow What do you think our lesson is about? What are you going WINTER   December   January   FebruarySPRING The weather can be:sunny    rainysnowycloudywindystormyfoggyfrosty It’s cold. It's wet. It’s hot. It’s raining. It’s freezing. It’ sunny. Look at the pictures and say what children can do  in winter in summer in autumn What is your favourite weather? My favourite weather IS …….. Cross the odd wordWinter, spring, May, autumn.January, October, February, December.Winter, season, summer, Cross the odd wordWinter, spring, May, autumn.January, October, February, December.Winter, season, summer, True or FalseIt’s hot in winter.We can ski in summer.June is a True or FalseIt’s hot in winter.					FWe can ski in summer.				FJune is a What`s the weather like today?It is … (fine, cloudy) today.The atmospheric pressure Rain Children play snowballs in the streets. The fields and trees are green. It is spring now. March, April and May are spring months. The SummerIt is summer. June, July and August are summer months. It is AutumnIt is autumn. September, October and November are autumn months. It is WinterIt is winter. December, January and February are winter months. The weather What have you learnt today?				We have learnt about … SB exercise 8 page 87   Imagine you are in
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 «Year after year »

«Year after year »

Слайд 3 «Year after year »
Winter, winter, winter!

«Year after year »  Winter, winter, winter!The snow is

snow is falling,
The wind is blowing,
The ground is white

day and all night!

Слайд 5 What do you think our lesson is about? What

What do you think our lesson is about? What are you

are you going to learn about? What are you going

to do?

It is about …

I think we are going to learn about …

We are going: - to give descriptions;
- to do the tasks;
- to present a text

Слайд 7 WINTER

WINTER  December  January  FebruarySPRING   March





Seasons and monthsЫSs

Слайд 8 The weather can be:


The weather can be:sunny  rainysnowycloudywindystormyfoggyfrosty

Слайд 10 It’s cold. It's wet. It’s hot. It’s raining.

It’s cold. It's wet. It’s hot. It’s raining. It’s freezing. It’

It’s freezing. It’ sunny. It’s snowing. The sun is

shining. It’s rainy.

It is sunny

The sun is shining

It is hot.

It is snowing.

It is cold.

It is raining.

It is rainy.

It is wet.

It is freezing.

Слайд 11 Look at the pictures and say what children

Look at the pictures and say what children can do in winter

can do in winter

Слайд 13 in summer

in summer

Слайд 16 in autumn

in autumn

Слайд 17 What is your favourite weather?
My favourite weather

What is your favourite weather? My favourite weather IS ……..

IS ……..


I like

heavy showers
a lot of snow
a lot of sunshine
a thick fog
fine drizzle
light rain
hard hailstorm
thunder and lightning



Слайд 18 Cross the odd word

Winter, spring, May, autumn.
January, October,

Cross the odd wordWinter, spring, May, autumn.January, October, February, December.Winter, season,

February, December.
Winter, season, summer, spring, autumn.
Cold, hot, yellow, warm.

flowers, cold, winter.

Слайд 19 Cross the odd word

Winter, spring, May, autumn.
January, October,

Cross the odd wordWinter, spring, May, autumn.January, October, February, December.Winter, season,

February, December.
Winter, season, summer, spring, autumn.
Cold, hot, yellow, warm.

flowers, cold, winter.

Слайд 20 True or False
It’s hot in winter.
We can ski

True or FalseIt’s hot in winter.We can ski in summer.June is

in summer.
June is a summer month.
January is the first

month of a year.
There are four seasons in a year.
It’ freezing in summer.
We can go swimming in summer.

Слайд 21 True or False
It’s hot in winter. F
We can ski

True or FalseIt’s hot in winter.					FWe can ski in summer.				FJune is

in summer. F
June is a summer month. T
January is the first

month of a year. T
There are four seasons in a year. T
It’ freezing in summer. F
We can go swimming in summer. T

Слайд 22 What`s the weather like today?
It is … (fine,

What`s the weather like today?It is … (fine, cloudy) today.The atmospheric

cloudy) today.
The atmospheric pressure is … (high, low…).
The sun

is shining (It is raining).
It is … (warm, cold).
The temperature is …-… degrees (below, above) zero.
The wind is blowing from the (south, north, south-east…).
The wind is (warm, cold, strong, light…).

Слайд 23 Rain

Rain          Match

Match the words to the symbols

1. sunny
2. foggy
3. cloudy
4. rainy
5. snowy
and lightning

Слайд 24 Children play snowballs in the streets. The fields

Children play snowballs in the streets. The fields and trees are

and trees are green. It is autumn. It sometimes

rains. The days are short and the nights are long. It is cool or warm. December, January and February are winter months. It is hot and sunny in summer. You can see flowers in the fields. It is winter. March, April and May are spring months. Children run and play in the streets. The weather is rainy and windy. It is spring now. The trees are yellow and red. The streets and the fields are white. September, October and November are autumn months. The weather is fine in spring. It usually snows. In May it is very warm. It is cool in autumn. The days are long and the nights are short. It is summer. The weather is nice. There are many fruits and vegetables in the gardens. The weather is cold in winter. June, July and August are summer months.

Слайд 25 It is spring now. March, April and May

It is spring now. March, April and May are spring months.

are spring months. The weather is fine in spring.

It is cool or warm. It sometimes rains. In May it is very warm. You can see flowers in the fields.


Слайд 26 Summer
It is summer. June, July and August are

SummerIt is summer. June, July and August are summer months. It

summer months. It is hot and sunny in summer.

The weather is nice. The days are long and the nights are short. The fields and trees are green. Children run and play in the streets.

Слайд 27 Autumn
It is autumn. September, October and November are

AutumnIt is autumn. September, October and November are autumn months. It

autumn months. It is cool in autumn. The weather

is rainy and windy. The trees are yellow and red. There are many fruits and vegetables in the gardens.

Слайд 28 Winter
It is winter. December, January and February are

WinterIt is winter. December, January and February are winter months. The

winter months. The weather is cold in winter. It

usually snows. The streets and the fields are white. The days are short and the nights are long. Children play snowballs in the streets.

Слайд 29 What have you learnt today?

We have learnt about

What have you learnt today?				We have learnt about …

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