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Презентация на тему для интерактивной доски Россия, УМК Форвард, 4 класс презентация урока для интерактивной доски по иностранному языку (4 класс)

1. Name the countries. 2. Which country is bigger?
What country is it ? 1. Name the countries. 2. Which country is bigger? What country is bigger: Russia or the USA? What part of Russia is it? What is Kamchatka famous for? What sea is it? What is it famous for? How many cities are there on the Volga? What place in Russia would you like to visit? Why?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 1. Name the countries. 2. Which country is bigger?

1. Name the countries. 2. Which country is bigger?

Слайд 4 What country is bigger: Russia or the USA?

What country is bigger: Russia or the USA?

Слайд 5 What part of Russia is it?

What part of Russia is it?

Слайд 6 What is Kamchatka famous for?

What is Kamchatka famous for?

Слайд 7 What sea is it? What is it famous

What sea is it? What is it famous for?


Слайд 8 How many cities are there on the Volga?

How many cities are there on the Volga?

Слайд 9 What place in Russia would you like to

What place in Russia would you like to visit? Why?

visit? Why?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-dlya-interaktivnoy-doski-rossiya-umk-forvard-4-klass-prezentatsiya-uroka-dlya-interaktivnoy-doski-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 85
  • Количество скачиваний: 0