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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка Погода и времена года 4 класс презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс)

The topic : “Seasons and Weather”
The 7th of February The topic : “Seasons and Weather” The new wordsIt’s rainyIt’s sunnyIt’s cloudyIt’s snowyIt’s coldIt’s hotIt’s windyIt’s frostyThe sun -What season is it?-It is… Text 1It is cold, frosty and windy. But children like this season, Text 2It is sunny and warm. It is a beautiful season. You Text 3This season is not warm. It is rainy and cloudy. The Text 4This is a very beautiful season. It is warm. Birds come Fill in the gaps 1. It is ____.2. The winter months are ____.3. It is ____ 1. It is winter.2. The winter months are December, January and February.3. 1. It is ____.2. The spring months are ____.3. It is ____ 1. It is spring.2. The spring months are March, April and May.3. 1. It is ____.2. The summer months are ____.3. The days are 1. It is summer.2. The summer months are June, July and August.3. 1. It is ____.2. The autumn months are ____.3. It is ____ 1. It is autumn.2. The autumn months are September, October and November.3. -What is the weather like today?-It’s … What is your favorite season? Why?My favorite season is …  because … Try to guess hometaskEx. 10 p. 63Your favorite season (5 or 6 sentences)
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 4 The topic : “Seasons and Weather”

The topic : “Seasons and Weather”

Слайд 6 The new words
It’s rainy
It’s sunny
It’s cloudy
It’s snowy
It’s cold

The new wordsIt’s rainyIt’s sunnyIt’s cloudyIt’s snowyIt’s coldIt’s hotIt’s windyIt’s frostyThe

It’s windy
It’s frosty
The sun is shining
It’s raining
It’s snowing
The wind

is blowing

Слайд 17 -What season is it?
-It is…

-What season is it?-It is…

Слайд 18 Text 1
It is cold, frosty and windy. But

Text 1It is cold, frosty and windy. But children like this

children like this season, because they can ski, skate,

play snowballs and build a snowman.

Слайд 19 Text 2
It is sunny and warm. It is

Text 2It is sunny and warm. It is a beautiful season.

a beautiful season. You can see a lot of

flowers. They are red, yellow, white, blue. You can swim, dive and go for a walk.

Слайд 20 Text 3
This season is not warm. It is

Text 3This season is not warm. It is rainy and cloudy.

rainy and cloudy. The trees are bright. The leaves

are green, yellow, orange, red and brown.

Слайд 21 Text 4
This is a very beautiful season. It

Text 4This is a very beautiful season. It is warm. Birds

is warm. Birds come back and sing their songs.

The sky is blue.

Слайд 22 Fill in the gaps

Fill in the gaps

Слайд 24 1. It is ____.
2. The winter months are

1. It is ____.2. The winter months are ____.3. It is

3. It is ____ in winter.
4. It ____ in

5. The ____ is on the ground and on the trees.

Слайд 25 1. It is winter.
2. The winter months are

1. It is winter.2. The winter months are December, January and

December, January and February.
3. It is frosty in winter.

It snows in winter.
5. The snow is on the ground and on the trees.

Слайд 26 1. It is ____.
2. The spring months are

1. It is ____.2. The spring months are ____.3. It is

3. It is ____ in spring.
4. Spring is a

wonderful ____.
5. The sky is ____, the grass is ____.

Слайд 27 1. It is spring.
2. The spring months are

1. It is spring.2. The spring months are March, April and

March, April and May.
3. It is warm in spring.

Spring is a wonderful season.
5. The sky is blue, the grass is green.

Слайд 28 1. It is ____.
2. The summer months are

1. It is ____.2. The summer months are ____.3. The days

3. The days are ____, the night are ____.

It is ____ in summer.
5. The sky is ____, the trees are ____.

Слайд 29 1. It is summer.
2. The summer months are

1. It is summer.2. The summer months are June, July and

June, July and August.
3. The days are long, the

night are short.
4. It is hot (sunny) in summer.
5. The sky is blue, the trees are green.

Слайд 30 1. It is ____.
2. The autumn months are

1. It is ____.2. The autumn months are ____.3. It is

3. It is ____ in autumn.
4. The sky is

5. The trees and the grass are ____.

Слайд 31 1. It is autumn.
2. The autumn months are

1. It is autumn.2. The autumn months are September, October and

September, October and November.
3. It is cool in autumn.

The sky is grey.
5. The trees and the grass are green.

Слайд 32 -What is the weather like today?
-It’s …

-What is the weather like today?-It’s …

Слайд 33 What is your favorite season? Why?

My favorite season

What is your favorite season? Why?My favorite season is … because …

is … because …

Слайд 34 Try to guess

Try to guess

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