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Презентация на тему Wales

WalesOfficial languages - English Welsh The Capital Is Cardiff The largest city is Cardiff Form of government - Constitutional monarchy Queen Elizabeth II Prime Minister - David Cameron First Minister - Carwyn Jones Territory • 20
WalesWales was never a sovereign state within its present borders. However, from WalesOfficial languages - English Welsh The Capital Is Cardiff The largest city the largest city and capital of Wales. Is a unitary administrative unit The Symbol Of WalesFlag As of today there is no officially accepted The Symbol Of WalesRoyal badge of Wales Royal badge of Wales (emblem The Symbol Of WalesNarcissus In the eighteenth century, the Welsh were acknowledged The Symbol Of WalesSaint DavidDavid was born into a noble family, and It is noted from the first to the ninth of MarchThe feast Traditional counties of WalesMonmouthshireGlamorganCarmarthenshirePembrokeshireCardiganshireBrecknockshireRadnorshireMontgomeryshire Denbighshire Flintshire Merionethshire Carnarvonshire Anglesey MonmouthshireMonmouthshire is a unitary administrative unit of Wales (district) with the status GlamorganGlamorgan is a traditional County of Wales that existed as of the Carmarthenshire Carmarthenshire is a unitary administrative unit with the status of PembrokeshireThe Pembrokeshire unitary administrative unit of Wales (district) with the status of CardiganshireCeredigion is a unitary administrative unit of Wales (district) with the status BrecknockshireBrecknockshire is a traditional County of Wales that existed as of the Culture Of WalesWales is often described by the phrase Culture Of WalesWales has ancient traditions in art, there are found numerous Culture Of WalesWales is traditionally seen as an agricultural region and its Culture Of WalesThe national sport of Wales is Rugby, in particular Rugby Culture Of WalesThe largest religious tradition in Wales is Christianity, in 2001
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Wales
Official languages - English Welsh
The Capital Is

WalesOfficial languages - English Welsh The Capital Is Cardiff The largest

The largest city is Cardiff
Form of government

- Constitutional monarchy
Queen Elizabeth II
Prime Minister - David Cameron
First Minister - Carwyn Jones
Territory • 20 779 km2
The population • The density of 3 063 456
Currency - pound sterling

Слайд 3 the largest city and capital of Wales. Is

the largest city and capital of Wales. Is a unitary administrative

a unitary administrative unit with the status of the

city, which was received in 1905 due to the rapid growth of industry in the region and the use of Cardiff as a major port for transportation of coal from Wales. In 1955 the city was proclaimed capital city of Wales.

Cardiff - capital of Wales

The name "Cardiff" is an English distortion of the Welsh name "Caerdydd". If the first part of the word "caer" easy to understand and is translated as "fortress", the second component of the name is treated differently. In modern Welsh the word "dydd" means "day", however, it is unclear what may in this context be understood to mean the name of the city. The etymology suggested a link with the AVL Didier Gaul, since the first fortification on the site of Cardiff was a Roman Fort, probably built when Didi Gaul ruled the province. In this case, the name of the city was translated as "Fortress Didia". This version is quite often found in various popular publications, however, modern science is skeptical about it.

Слайд 4 The Symbol Of Wales

As of today there

The Symbol Of WalesFlag As of today there is no officially

is no officially accepted version of how the flag

appeared Wales. Many Welsh writers have suggested that red dragon since ancient times, symbolizes the ancient warriors. Despite this, most historians claim that this logo was brought to the British Isles at the time of their conquest by the Romans. As to the combination on a panel of green and white, this combination was first used by Welsh Prince Leveling, and later was used by the Tudors.

Слайд 5 The Symbol Of Wales
Royal badge of Wales

The Symbol Of WalesRoyal badge of Wales Royal badge of Wales

badge of Wales (emblem of Wales) is divided into

gold and red shield sectors, each of which is located on one a magnificent lion, with blue tongue and claws. The shield is framed by a green ribbon, on which is written the words from the national anthem of Wales: "I am loyal to my country" and a wreath of heraldic plants: leek, Thistle, Shamrock and a double Tudor rose. Topped with a Royal sign of Wales, the Royal crown of St. Edward.

Слайд 6 The Symbol Of Wales
In the eighteenth century,

The Symbol Of WalesNarcissus In the eighteenth century, the Welsh were

the Welsh were acknowledged day of Saint David as

its national holiday. And, of course, he began to celebrate in the spring - on March 1, the day of the Saint's death. During celebratory festivals and street festivals, the Welsh national dress up in clothes, to which attach the leek and the daffodil. Daffodils blooming in Wales on 1 March, so residents believe that it is deliberate, in honor of their beloved Saint. These flowers symbolize the birth of a new life. In the nineteenth century, Welsh has officially acknowledged that the Lily is the second symbol of Wales. Existence is also another version of why the Narcissus flower was a symbol of this land. The word "cenhinen" in the translation has two meanings: "daffodil" and "leek". To avoid any confusion, both plants have become symbols of Wales. Besides, on this earth really grows a lot of daffodils, there you can see whole fields of these beautiful flowers.

Bow-young pair
About the symbol of Wales, leeks, there is an ancient legend according to which, in the VI century. In one of the battles between the Welsh and Saxons, which took place on the onion field, St. David, patron Wales, ordered the soldiers to pin on the hats the petals of the leeks. So in battle, the Welsh could easily distinguish his soldiers from the enemy. Already in the fourteenth century, white and green, the color of leek, began to be used as color archers of Wales. On the day honoring St. David, March 1, the people of Wales attach leeks to their clothing.

Слайд 7 The Symbol Of Wales
Saint David
David was born into

The Symbol Of WalesSaint DavidDavid was born into a noble family,

a noble family, and on the maternal side was

a relative of king Arthur, but not this famous Saint. He traveled extensively, preaching Christianity, founded 10 or 12 monasteries and performed many miracles. Saint David is typically depicted with a white dove on his shoulder – this is due to the fact that during one of his sermons to his shoulder descended dove, which, as we know, symbolizes the Holy Spirit.
Saint David, the Welsh have their national plant is leek. According to one version, during the battle between the Welsh and the Saxons in 640, the Welsh on the orders of David pinned on hats feathers of the leeks. This was done, to tell friend from foe. In battle defeated the Welsh, and the bow was honored to be the national symbol of Wales.

Слайд 8 It is noted from the first to the

It is noted from the first to the ninth of MarchThe

ninth of March
The feast of St. David
Annually on 1

March in Wales with parades memory of Saint David. The largest of these is the parade in Cardiff. It involved soldiers of the Royal Welsh regiment, as well as the ordinary people of Wales. The celebration of Saint David are becoming more common. Concerts are held in pubs, clubs and other places.
On this day the people of Wales attach to clothing one or both national symbols of Wales: daffodil the daffodil (total Welsh symbol) or the leek (the personal symbol of St. David). Girls sometimes wear traditional Welsh costumes to school. Also in celebration of this day plays an important role flag of Saint David, who can often be seen on the streets of Wales.

Слайд 9 Traditional counties of Wales

Traditional counties of WalesMonmouthshireGlamorganCarmarthenshirePembrokeshireCardiganshireBrecknockshireRadnorshireMontgomeryshire Denbighshire Flintshire Merionethshire Carnarvonshire Anglesey


Слайд 10 Monmouthshire
Monmouthshire is a unitary administrative unit of Wales

MonmouthshireMonmouthshire is a unitary administrative unit of Wales (district) with the

(district) with the status of the County
Monmouth Castle

The castle

was built between 1067 and 1071 years in the strategically important confluence of the rivers Wye and Monnow. Originally it belonged to William Fitz-Osbern, a close associate of William the Conqueror and Earl of Hereford, and was a wooden tower surrounded by a palisade. In the beginning of the XII century on the site of this building a stone castle was built in the XIII century added the Round tower.
Before 1267, the Monmouth remained in the hands of the Norman lords, and then came to her son Henry III to Edmund Hunchback (eng. Crouchback), Earl of Lancaster. Edmund added to the South side of the Main tower, a large rectangular building consisting of one hall, which until the XVII century, took place the trial. In the mid-fourteenth century during the reign of Henry Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster, was well-the upper tier of the Main tower. Also within its walls were cut by large, ornate Windows, a new door supplied and updated roof. It is believed that in this tower in 1387 was born the future king Henry V.


Слайд 11 Glamorgan
Glamorgan is a traditional County of Wales that

GlamorganGlamorgan is a traditional County of Wales that existed as of

existed as of the administrative-territorial unit within England in

the period from 1535 in the year 1888.


Caerphilly Castle

Caerphilly castle is a Norman castle towering above the town centre of Caerphilly in South Wales. It is the largest castle in Wales the second largest in Britain (after Windsor) and one of the largest fortresses in Europe.
The construction of the castle occurred on the historical background of the recent elevation of the Welsh Principality under the leadership of Llywelyn AP Griffid. Signed on 25 September 1267 Henry III with the Treaty of Montgomery, Llewelyn received from the British crown recognition of the territorial integrity of the greater part of Wales and of his title of Prince of Wales. This enabled him to intensify activities on collecting Welsh lands, which could not fail to arouse considerable opposition from the barons of the Welsh marches
One response to Lord of Glamorgan Gilbert "the Red" de Clare was begun on 11 April 1268 years in the disputed territories of Sangenic, the construction of Caerphilly castle, whose strategic position allowed to control the Middle of Glamorgan. In 1270, the Last Llywelyn attacked the castle, trying to stop the opponent, but in 1271 the castle was still unfinished. To resolve a territorial dispute between two great lords of Wales tried Henry III, passing to the bishops of Worcester and Lichfield's powers under the temporary control of the castle to solve the case. However, this did not prevent Gilbert soon to regain control of Caerphilly.
By the end of XIV century the castle ceased to be the residence of the owners, and most of it was abandoned. Subsequent owners, Richard Beauchamp, Richard Neville and Jasper Tudor were still produced some work on the maintenance of the castle, but they stopped at the end of the XV century. Caerphilly castle gradually fell into decay. Despite the fact that he was spared the fighting of the Civil war, 1642-1648, damage inflicted by the parliamentary army in 1648 led to the emergence of one of the most famous features of the castle — the slope of the South-Eastern tower.
The condition of the castle deteriorated until the last quarter of the eighteenth century when the first Marquis of Bute began work to restore it. Three generations of the Marquis spent documenting features of the castle, clearing the area and reconstruction of masonry walls. In 1950, Caerphilly castle was handed over to the government and currently is administered by the organization by cadw, the Agency of the historic buildings of Wales.

Слайд 12 Carmarthenshire
Carmarthenshire is a unitary administrative unit with the

Carmarthenshire Carmarthenshire is a unitary administrative unit with the status

status of Welsh County (eng. county).
Castle Llansteffan

The first Norman

castle made of wood was built on this place in the beginning of the XII century. In 1146 Welsh princes of the Kingdom of Deheubarth Llansteffan captured and kept him for twelve years, until the Normans failed to retake the castle back. In 1189 the Welsh under the leadership of a powerful Lord of Rice re-entered the castle, but soon after Llanstephan became the property of the crown.
In the same year, king Henry II Plantagenet came Llansteffan the Norman William de Camville, which was built on the site of a wooden castle with stone. In the XIII century, the Welsh attacked the castle twice — first during the rebellion of Llywelyn the Great in 1215 and again in 1257. After Llywelyn the Great's army burned and destroyed the castle, Geoffrey de Camville Llansteffan restored, enhancing its square keep and a Round tower, which to this day preserved only the Foundation.
Once in 1257 the Welsh once again has caused damage to the castle, Llansteffan restored William de Camville 2nd and his son Jeffrey. Instead of a wooden fence was built a stone wall fortified with two three-tier towers (there are only one, the Northern tower), was also enhanced West side of the castle and built a large external watchtower, watchtower reminiscent of the castles of Edward I in North Wales.
In 1338 he died leaving no heir, the last Scion of the de Camville, and land of this family has inherited Robert Perris, relative de Camville through the female line. In 1377 Llanstephan became the property of the crown, but Pericam was allowed to live in the castle as governors. In the early fifteenth century during the rebellion of the Welsh led by Oina of Glyndwr John Penris by order of the king strengthened Llanstephan, but after a brief siege the rebel troops took the castle.
Later the castle returned to the ownership of the crown, and in 1495 Henry VII granted it to his uncle Jasper Tudor, Earl of Pembrokcity. Over the next 200 years the castle, the landscaping of which no one did, gradually turned into ruins. The interest in the castle back in the early nineteenth century, when the wave of romanticism it has become a popular tourist attraction. Currently Llansteffan fosters and maintains in perfect condition the Organization for protection of historical monuments of Wales.

Слайд 13 Pembrokeshire
The Pembrokeshire unitary administrative unit of Wales (district)

PembrokeshireThe Pembrokeshire unitary administrative unit of Wales (district) with the status

with the status of the County.
Pembroke Castle

The first

fortification on the territory of castle was Motte and Bailey, built in 1093 by Roger Montgomery. In 1094 during the mass uprising of the Welsh in South-West Wales, the castle has remained the only base Normans in those lands. In 1138 the castle became the property of Gilbert de Clare, first elevated to the title of count of Pembroke. In 1189 William Marshall, married a daughter of Richard Strongbow — Isabella de Clare and taking her possessions, received a restored title of Earl of Pembroke and began the construction of the stone castle. Pembroke retained its military significance until seven-week siege of the parliamentary forces in 1648, when he fell. Despite the reconstruction in the years 1880-1883, remained in ruin until 1928, when a veteran of the First world war sir Ivor Philipps began the restoration of gates, walls and towers of the castle. After his death the castle passed into the possession of the trust Fund, jointly managed by the Philipps family and the city of Pembroke. Currently, the largest privately owned castle in Wales.

Слайд 14 Cardiganshire
Ceredigion is a unitary administrative unit of Wales

CardiganshireCeredigion is a unitary administrative unit of Wales (district) with the

(district) with the status of the County.
Castle Of Aberystwyth


Lord Gilbert de Clare built a Small grove and a lock wall rotiruyutsya mile South of its current location in c.1110. It's called Castellum tan-and-Castellon, Aberrheidol castle and Old Aberystwyth. Castle of earth and timber, was later fortified with stone. The castle was captured by Owain 1136 Guinea in before transitioning to another owner at least three times before being captured by Llywelyn the Great in 1221. Prince Welsh demolished the castle and rebuilt another in its place.
Aberystwyth castle was not complete when the Welsh briefly captured and burned it in 1282. For later work watched the Owner Mason James of St. George. Construction ceased in 1289. The castle was subjected to a long siege during the revolt of Madog ap Llywelyn in 1294-5.
To 1307 the town flourished outside the walls of castle town, called in Welsh, Llanbadarn Gaerog (English: Fortified Llanbadarn). However, historical accounts suggest that the castle had already started to fall in to bad condition to 1343.
During the national uprising led Owain Glyndwr, the Welsh captured the castle in 1404. But by 1408 the English soon regained the castle. In 1637 Aberystwyth Castle was designated as mint Royale, Charles I, who made silver shillings. The operator of the mint raised a regiment of Royalist soldiers during the English civil war. In 1649 Oliver Cromwell had the castle slighted.

Слайд 15 Brecknockshire
Brecknockshire is a traditional County of Wales that

BrecknockshireBrecknockshire is a traditional County of Wales that existed as of

existed as of the administrative-territorial unit within England in

the period from 1535 in the year 1888.


The caves of Dan-yr-Ogof

The caves of Dan-yr-Ogof - complex, which includes 17 kilometres of caves. In the caves were found the remains of people and animals, attracts both tourists and scientists. In 2005 Dan-yr-Ogof was named the greatest natural wonder in Britain.
The cave was first explored in 1912 and since then the dimensions of the cave were several times increased. Part of the cave system is open only for scientists, but open to visitors part of the rich spectacular views. For example, in many caves you can observe an abundance of stalagmites and stalactites.
Some caves are decorated with cave paintings, many you can see the cave dwellers - various insects and reptiles. It is possible to observe and underground rivers and waterfalls, which in combination with the lighting looks very nice.
And in "the Bone cave" the exhibits of the excavations, showing the life of ancient people and models of animals.

Слайд 16 Culture Of Wales
Wales is often described by the

Culture Of WalesWales is often described by the phrase

phrase "Earth Song", this speaks of the closeness of

the people to singing, poetry and music. The most famous form of musical creativity is Welsh choir, especially men. Although choral singing is, of course, an important part of current musical life of Wales, it is not the only and not the oldest part, the choral tradition really doesn't go much further than his heyday in the nineteenth century.
The most ancient musical tradition of Wales is the instrumental folk music. Traditional Welsh folk music musical instrument is the harp, namely the Welsh triple harp. Also traditional to Wales are stringed Rott horn and pibgorn, which, although they were superseded by other instruments in the eighteenth century, again get some spread and at the present time.
In the 1990's Welsh music gets a new sound, new music groups such as Super Furry Animals, Manic Street Preachers, Catatonia, Stereophonics and many others. In recent years there is a proliferation of alternative rock and punk rock, bands such as Lostprophets, The Automatic and Funeral for a Friend have achieved international recognition


Welsh triple harp

Слайд 17 Culture Of Wales
Wales has ancient traditions in art,

Culture Of WalesWales has ancient traditions in art, there are found

there are found numerous monuments of Celtic art. In

the Middle ages Welsh art had a religious character, the most famous monument of the Welsh art of the time is Psalms Bismarch.
Welsh artist Richard Wilson was one of the first known British landscape painters, but he is not known to Welsh, and Italian works, although he became one of the first artists depicting the nature of Wales.
Before the twentieth century artists of Wales find it difficult to find jobs in the homeland, many preferred to work in London or abroad. The situation has changed to 1865, when he opened the art School of Cardiff. At this time in Wales begins to form the national school of painting that gives an impetus to the development of the fine arts, there is a whole series of talented artists and sculptors.

The Bard, 1774, By Thomas Jones

Fine art

Слайд 18 Culture Of Wales
Wales is traditionally seen as an

Culture Of WalesWales is traditionally seen as an agricultural region and

agricultural region and its traditional cuisine meets. Are used

in cooking traditional foods.
Baking is the rich part of the culinary culture of Wales, various muffins, "spotty bread" (bara Brith), which can be stored for a long time.
In recent years, many chefs cook traditional Welsh food in a new form. Widely used leeks, especially in dishes prepared for the Day of St. David. Also more traditional Welsh cuisine are lamb and fish.


The traditional "speckled bread"

Слайд 19 Culture Of Wales
The national sport of Wales is

Culture Of WalesThe national sport of Wales is Rugby, in particular

Rugby, in particular Rugby 15. Major Rugby competitions are

held at the Millennium stadium in Cardiff. In the mid and North Wales Rugby is not as popular as in the South, it is more popular football. Also hails from Wales many professional athletes in Boxing and equestrian sports. Despite the popularity of football in Wales, only one of Welsh football team Cardiff city managed to win the FA Cup in 1927, and in 2008 she was a finalist in the fight for this Cup.



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