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Презентация на тему Sights of London

big BenThere are two theories regarding the origin of the name. According to the first, the most difficult at that moment the bell of 13.7 tons - got its name big Ben (Big Ben) after sir
London London interesting places big BenThere are two theories regarding the origin of the name. According London eyeFerris wheel or London eye. the altitude of this majestic building Tower bridge.Special Committee on the Bridge and Metro was formed in 1876, Buckingham PalaceOriginally Buckingham Palace was known as Buckingham house, and was built Baker street, LondonStreet in the Marylebone area in the Northern part of
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Слайд 2 big Ben
There are two theories regarding the origin

big BenThere are two theories regarding the origin of the name.

of the name. According to the first, the most

difficult at that moment the bell of 13.7 tons - got its name big Ben (Big Ben) after sir Benjamin Hall, who headed the casting of a bell. According to another, big Ben was named after Benjamin count Basie, extremely popular boxer in the heavyweight division

Слайд 3 London eye
Ferris wheel or London eye. the altitude

London eyeFerris wheel or London eye. the altitude of this majestic

of this majestic building is 135 meters, which equals

approximately forty five floors. And every visitor of the Ferris wheel will have a view of almost the whole capital of the United Kingdom. This is a project of two architects: Julia Барфилд and

David Marx, who won the competition of the projects of constructions, to mark the new Millennium. Only took about six years to make this wonderful project.

Слайд 4 Tower bridge.
Special Committee on the Bridge and Metro

Tower bridge.Special Committee on the Bridge and Metro was formed in

was formed in 1876, under the chairmanship of A.

J.. Altman, the task of the Committee was to find a solution for the crossing of the river in this place. The Committee has opened a tender for the project for the construction of the river crossing. More than 50 projects were submitted, including one engineer sir Joseph Базалгетт. Evaluation of the projects was surrounded by controversy, and only in 1884, the project presented by Horace Jones (Horace Jones)was approved by the City Architect (who was also one of the judges).

Слайд 5 Buckingham Palace
Originally Buckingham Palace was known as Buckingham

Buckingham PalaceOriginally Buckingham Palace was known as Buckingham house, and was

house, and was built for the Duke of Buckingham

(1703). It was purchased by king George III in 1762 as a future private residence of the monarch (officially the Palace was officially announced as the main residence of British monarchs when the throne of Queen Victoria in 1837. In her reign were made last great additions, the construction of another wing and the transfer of the former main entrance, Marble arch, to its present

location near the speaker's corner in Hyde Park. Before the Palace gates is a monument in honor of Queen Victoria. The cost of construction has reached 700 000 pounds through the use of such excesses as 500 units Carrara marble with streaks.

  • Имя файла: sights-of-london.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 116
  • Количество скачиваний: 0