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Презентация на тему Trave lling

To rest and relaxTo see and learn new and interestingTo get new experiencesTo come home againWhy travel… ?
Travelling To rest and relaxTo see and learn new and interestingTo get new Your education or learning becomes richer as you travel, meet people and Where  and  When How Active ... or passive What would you like to see in the UK? “Britain is a East or West, Home is best.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 To rest and relax
To see and learn new

To rest and relaxTo see and learn new and interestingTo get

and interesting
To get new experiences
To come home again
Why travel…


Слайд 3 Your education or learning becomes richer as you

Your education or learning becomes richer as you travel, meet people

travel, meet people and read.
It depends on your likes

and dislikes and has some advantages and disadvantages.

What to know before you go?

Where …

When …

How …

Active or passive…

Слайд 4 Where and When

Where and When

Слайд 6 Active ...

Active ...

Слайд 7 or passive

or passive

Слайд 8 What would you like to see in the

What would you like to see in the UK? “Britain is

“Britain is a world by itself “

William Shakespeare

  • Имя файла: trave-lling.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 111
  • Количество скачиваний: 0