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Презентация на тему Учитель английского языка

The British people as they are
Троянова Светлана Павловна  Учитель английского языка Сукмановский филиал МБОУ Шпикуловской СОШ Жердевского района Тамбовской области The British people as they are «Not only England, but every Englishman In a nation of many million people,there are many different kinds: good The English are the nation of stay- at-home. «There is no place Their lawns are closely cropped, their flower beds are primly cultivated and English people like domestic animals. Every family has a pet: a Fact  File   There is a pet in nearly On Friday when the Englishmen leave work they say to each other On Sunday morning the English come out to move grass, wash the The British people are the worlds greatest tea drinkers. Many of them In English homes,the fireplace has always been,until recent times, the natural centre The British are known to be tradition lovers. They preserve and follow The British are known to talk about the weather all the time. English habits of politenessSome greetings in England are very informal: a simple The English take everything with a sense of humour. « He is It was the British who started the fashion for seaside holidays. Not The nearest holiday area of France is only three or four hundred The English are a sporting nationThe English like different kinds of sport. English people as a nation have been for centuries secure, serene in The apparent coldness of Englishmen and their reserve has been almost universally Источники информации:V. F. Satinova « Read and speak about Britain and the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The British people as they are

The British people as they are

Слайд 3
«Not only England, but every Englishman is an

«Not only England, but every Englishman is an

island» (Novalis, German poet) Great Britain is an island on the

outer edge of the European continent, and its geographical situation has produced a certain insular spirit among its ihabitants. They regard their own community as the centre of the world.

Слайд 4 In a nation of many million people,there are

In a nation of many million people,there are many different kinds:

many different kinds: good and bad, honest and dishonest,

happy and unhappy.
The best known quality of the English is reserve. A reserve person is one who does not talk very much to strangers, does not show his emotion. He never tells you anything about himself.

English characteristics

Слайд 5 The English are the nation of stay- at-home.

The English are the nation of stay- at-home. «There is no

«There is no place like home», they say. After

work the Englishman is at home with his wife and children. Englishmen love familiar things.

Family life

Слайд 6 Their lawns are closely cropped, their flower beds

Their lawns are closely cropped, their flower beds are primly cultivated

are primly cultivated and their trees are neatly pruned.

Everything is orderly.

The British are careful about almost everything.

Слайд 7 English people like domestic animals. Every family

English people like domestic animals. Every family has a pet:

has a pet: a dog, a cat or a


Слайд 8 Fact File
There is a pet in nearly

Fact File  There is a pet in nearly 50%

50% of the 24.2 million homes in Britain.

Слайд 9 On Friday when the Englishmen leave work they

On Friday when the Englishmen leave work they say to each

say to each other «Have a nice week-end.» Then

on Monday morning they ask, «Did you have a nice week- end?»

Слайд 10 On Sunday morning the English come out to

On Sunday morning the English come out to move grass, wash

move grass, wash the car, take the dog for

a walk or work in the. Gardening is the most popular activity.

Leisure time activities

Слайд 11 The British people are the worlds greatest tea

The British people are the worlds greatest tea drinkers. Many of

drinkers. Many of them drink tea on least eight

different occasions during the day. Tea is a suitable occasion for people to chat over their cup of tea.

Would you like a cup of tea?

Слайд 12 In English homes,the fireplace has always been,until recent

In English homes,the fireplace has always been,until recent times, the natural

times, the natural centre of interest in a room.

People like to sit round the fire and watch the dancing flames for many months of the year.

The fireplace in English homes

Слайд 13 The British are known to be tradition lovers.

The British are known to be tradition lovers. They preserve and

They preserve and follow their traditions.
The British are proud

of their traditions.

Слайд 14 The British are known to talk about the

The British are known to talk about the weather all the

weather all the time. They repeat the phrase «Lovely

day, isnt it?» at least two hundred times a day. Britain was never famous for good weather.

When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather. (S. Johnnson, English poet)

Слайд 15 English habits of politeness
Some greetings in England are

English habits of politenessSome greetings in England are very informal: a

very informal: a simple « good morning» or a

wave of the hand across
the street is quite enough.
«Sorry» takes the place
of «no» when you cannot do something for a person. «Pardon» is the polite way of asking somebody to repeat what he has said.

Слайд 16 The English take everything with a sense of

The English take everything with a sense of humour. « He

humour. « He is a man of humour» or

«He has no sense of humour» is often heard in Britain, where humour is so highly prized. The English are only offended if you tell them they have no sense of humour.

The famous English sense of humour

Слайд 17 It was the British who started the fashion

It was the British who started the fashion for seaside holidays.

for seaside holidays. Not surprisingly, nobody in Britain lives

more than one hundred and twenty kilometres from the sea. Many families prefer to drive to the warm south and camp in comfortable campsites. The nearest holiday area of France is only three or four hundred kilometres away. Spain is also popular.

The fashion for seaside holidays

Слайд 18 The nearest holiday area of France is only

The nearest holiday area of France is only three or four

three or four hundred kilometres away. Spain is also


Слайд 19 The English are a sporting nation
The English like

The English are a sporting nationThe English like different kinds of

different kinds
of sport.
They often play football

There is Manchester United
football club in Britain.

Слайд 20 English people as a nation have been for

English people as a nation have been for centuries secure, serene

centuries secure, serene in their national successes. English patriotism

is based on a deep sense of security. They have the reputation as men of poetry – the countrymen of Shakespeare and Shelley.
«We know what we are, but we know not what we may be» ( W. Shakespeare)

Слайд 21 The apparent coldness of Englishmen and their reserve

The apparent coldness of Englishmen and their reserve has been almost

has been almost universally noted by foreigners; but foreigners

also confess that they find English reserve not unpleasant, and that once one gets to know an Englishman he turns out to be a very companionable fellow.

  • Имя файла: uchitel-angliyskogo-yazyka.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 162
  • Количество скачиваний: 0