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Презентация на тему Valentine’s Day

Celebrated on February 14th…
Valentine’s Day Celebrated on February 14th… …as an expression of love. Named after Saint Valentine, an early Christian martyr Lovers send love notes, Valentine's cards,... …chocolates,... ...flowers, and gifts. Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline,... ...and the winged Cupid Thank YouCopyright Indezine.comhttp://www.indezine.comMore presentations at:http://www.indezine.com/bank/Free PowerPoint Templateshttp://www.indezine.com/powerpoint/templates/freetemplates.html
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Celebrated on February 14th…

Celebrated on February 14th…

Слайд 3 …as an expression of love.

…as an expression of love.

Слайд 4 Named after Saint Valentine, an early Christian martyr

Named after Saint Valentine, an early Christian martyr

Слайд 5 Lovers send love notes, Valentine's cards,...

Lovers send love notes, Valentine's cards,...

Слайд 6 …chocolates,...


Слайд 7 ...flowers, and gifts.

...flowers, and gifts.

Слайд 8 Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline,...

Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline,...

Слайд 9 ...and the winged Cupid

...and the winged Cupid

  • Имя файла: valentines-day.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 163
  • Количество скачиваний: 0