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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Speaking about Education


Warm-up:Find the odd one out in each of these lists.primary school; comprehensive school; grammar school; modern schoolwriting; reading; swimming; copyingboarding; elementary; private; compulsoryDegree; examination; certificate; diplomaIndependent school; state school; private school; public school Teacher; tutor; professor;
Сonclusion LessonTheme: “Speaking about Warm-up:Find the odd one out in each of these lists.primary school; comprehensive Reported Speech / Indirect Speech Find the verbs and the subjects.Hesaid“Iwanta hotdog.”Hesaidhewanteda hotdog. Changes Сonditional SentencesIf+ Present Simple  will (shall)    (1st Conditional Work with cards:If it doesn’t rain we shall go for a walk.2. Jeopardy! 500100200300400500100200300400500100200300400500100200300400500100200300400500 Conditional sentences 100If I (learn) English better I’ll read Conditional sentences 200If I (be) in London I’ll go to London Zoo. Conditional sentences  300If you protect nature life (be) better. Conditional sentences 400If you (help) me, you would be a true friend. Conditional sentences 500If they (know) him, they would have talked to him. Vocabulary  100method Vocabulary  200ability Vocabulary  300comprise Vocabulary 400Life-long Vocabulary  500implementation Reported Speech 100He said “I live in a house.” Reported Speech 200She said, “I want to go to the library.” Reported Speech 300He said, “I am going to school.” Reported Speech 400They said, “we agree.” Reported Speech 500He said, “We will have eaten by 5 o clock.” Education  100a person who is studying at school Education 200a school which gives all-round education and develops practical skills Education  300secondary school for more intelligent children which teaches mainly academic subjects Education  400a school which provides all types of secondary education Education  500a school at which pupils live Wild 100Name:English, Mathematics and Science are called ‘_____’ subjects of secondary education. Wild 200Translate the saying:“Only the educated are free”~ Epictetus Wild 300In reported speech“this” becomes ______ Wild 400all the different courses of study that are taught in a school, college, or university Wild  500Translate the saying:“Genius without education is like a silver in Quotations, Proverbs, Sayings, Jokes
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Find the odd one out in each of

Warm-up:Find the odd one out in each of these lists.primary school;

these lists.
primary school; comprehensive school; grammar school; modern school

reading; swimming; copying
boarding; elementary; private; compulsory
Degree; examination; certificate; diploma
Independent school; state school; private school; public school
Teacher; tutor; professor; pupil

Слайд 4 Reported Speech / Indirect Speech

Reported Speech / Indirect Speech

Слайд 5 Find the verbs and the subjects.
a hotdog.”
a hotdog.

Find the verbs and the subjects.Hesaid“Iwanta hotdog.”Hesaidhewanteda hotdog.

Слайд 7 Changes


Слайд 8 Сonditional Sentences

If+ Present Simple will (shall)

Сonditional SentencesIf+ Present Simple will (shall)  (1st Conditional )If+ Past

(1st Conditional )
If+ Past Simple

would (should) (2nd Conditional )
If+ Past Perfect would have + V3 (Past participle) ( 3rd Conditional)

Слайд 9 Work with cards:
If it doesn’t rain we shall

Work with cards:If it doesn’t rain we shall go for a

go for a walk.
2. If he had been at

the lesson, he would have known the new material.
3. If you were here, I would give you the dictionary.

Егер сен мында болған жағдайда, мен саған сөздікті берер едім.
2. Егер жаңбыр жаумаса біз серуендеуге барамыз.
3. Егер ол сабақта болғанда, жаңа материалды білер еді.

Слайд 10 Jeopardy!


Слайд 11 500


Слайд 12 Conditional sentences 100

If I (learn) English better I’ll read

Conditional sentences 100If I (learn) English better I’ll read

English books.

Слайд 13 Conditional sentences 200

If I (be) in London I’ll go

Conditional sentences 200If I (be) in London I’ll go to London

to London Zoo.


Слайд 14 Conditional sentences 300

If you protect nature life (be)

Conditional sentences 300If you protect nature life (be) better.


Слайд 15 Conditional sentences 400

If you (help) me, you would be

Conditional sentences 400If you (help) me, you would be a true

a true friend.

Слайд 16 Conditional sentences 500

If they (know) him, they would have

Conditional sentences 500If they (know) him, they would have talked to him.

talked to him.

Слайд 17 Vocabulary 100


Vocabulary 100method

Слайд 18 Vocabulary 200


Vocabulary 200ability

Слайд 19 Vocabulary 300


Vocabulary 300comprise

Слайд 20 Vocabulary 400


Vocabulary 400Life-long

Слайд 21 Vocabulary 500


Vocabulary 500implementation

Слайд 22 Reported Speech 100

He said “I live in a house.”

Reported Speech 100He said “I live in a house.”

Слайд 23 Reported Speech 200

She said, “I want to go to

Reported Speech 200She said, “I want to go to the library.”

the library.”

Слайд 24 Reported Speech 300

He said, “I am going to school.”

Reported Speech 300He said, “I am going to school.”

Слайд 25 Reported Speech 400

They said, “we agree.”

Reported Speech 400They said, “we agree.”

Слайд 26 Reported Speech 500

He said, “We will have eaten by

Reported Speech 500He said, “We will have eaten by 5 o clock.”

5 o clock.”

Слайд 27 Education 100
a person who is studying at school

Education 100a person who is studying at school

Слайд 28 Education 200

a school which gives all-round education and develops

Education 200a school which gives all-round education and develops practical skills

practical skills

Слайд 29 Education 300

secondary school for more intelligent children which

Education 300secondary school for more intelligent children which teaches mainly academic subjects

teaches mainly academic subjects

Слайд 30 Education 400

a school which provides all types of

Education 400a school which provides all types of secondary education

secondary education

Слайд 31 Education 500

a school at which pupils live

Education 500a school at which pupils live

Слайд 32 Wild 100

English, Mathematics and Science are called ‘_____’ subjects

Wild 100Name:English, Mathematics and Science are called ‘_____’ subjects of secondary

of secondary education.

Слайд 33 Wild 200
Translate the saying:

“Only the educated are free”
~ Epictetus

Wild 200Translate the saying:“Only the educated are free”~ Epictetus

Слайд 34 Wild 300
In reported speech

“this” becomes ______

Wild 300In reported speech“this” becomes ______

Слайд 35 Wild 400

all the different courses of study that are

Wild 400all the different courses of study that are taught in a school, college, or university

taught in a school, college, or university

Слайд 36 Wild 500

Translate the saying:
“Genius without education is like

Wild 500Translate the saying:“Genius without education is like a silver in the mine” ~ Franklin

a silver in the mine” ~ Franklin

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-speaking-about-education.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 156
  • Количество скачиваний: 0