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Презентации по Английскому языку

Circulatory System
Circulatory System

The circulatory system carries blood and dissolved substances to and from different places in the body. The Heart has the job of pumping these things around the body. The

What do British like to eat (Что британцы любят поесть)
What do British like to eat (Что британцы любят поесть)

BRITISH COOKING Британская кухня —За британской кухней утвердилась репутация не слишком утонченной, но уделяющей внимание качеству ингредиентов, которые обычно местного производства.Соусы и приправы традиционной британской кулинарии также сравнительно просты и их используют чтобы подчеркнуть естественный вкус пищи, а не


About 4.600 years ago-or maybe-the Stone Age inhabitants of Britain started building an enormous stone structure. Около 4,600 лет назад, а может быть больше – в каменном веке жители Великобритании начали строить огромные структуры из камня.

Проблема Подростков
Проблема Подростков

The urgency of the project: They don't talk to their children or share their own points of views with the children.Never has a generation gap been as wide as it is today, with parents having very little

Требования к современному уроку иностранного языка
Требования к современному уроку иностранного языка

Урок – основное звено процесса обучения, на котором осуществляется решение конкретных практических, образовательных, воспитательных и развивающих задач, обеспечивающих достижение конечных целей. Основными психолого-педагогическими и методическими требованиями к современному уроку иностранного языка являются коммуникативность, индивидуализация процесса обучения, речевая направленность заданий, ситуативность обучения,

Vincent Willem van Gogh
Vincent Willem van Gogh

Vincent Willem van Gogh 30 March 1853 – 29 July 1890) was a post-Impressionist painter of Dutch origin whose work, notable for its rough beauty, emotional honesty and bold color, had a far-reaching influence on 20th-century art. After years of painful anxiety and frequent bouts of

Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen (1845-1923) und Rudolf Diesel (1858-1913)
Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen (1845-1923) und Rudolf Diesel (1858-1913)

Wilhelm Conrad RöntgenWilhelm Conrad Röntgen war ein deutscher Physiker, berühmt wurde er nach der Entdeckung der nach ihm benannten Röntgenstrahlen.Röntgen ist am 27. März 1845 im Ruhrgebiet in der Familie eines Tuchfabrikanten geboren. Seine Eltern waren Vetter und Base.Diese enge Verwandtschaft

India and its coloring
India and its coloring

India is located in the South of the Eurasian continent, on the Indian subcontinent. Has borders with Pakistan on the West, China, Nepal and Bhutan to the North-East and Bangladesh and Myanmar (formerly Burma) on

Первый урок Christmas
Первый урок Christmas

Do the crossword!booksweetschocolatecardtoy holiday*get*doll*celebrate**balls*party*present*puppy*send*telegram*toy

Британский исполнитель
Британский исполнитель

Sting (Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner) is one of the most famous British singers. The musician was born on the 2nd of October 1951 in Newcastle – upon - Tine in the north of England. His mother taught him to play

Презент перфект тенс
Презент перфект тенс

The 12th of MarchWednesday [ɜ:] - Early to bed early to rise.[Ɵ] Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.[æ] - An apple a day keeps a doctor away. [ju:] - You are what you eat.[i] [i:] - Eat to live,

The educational system of Germany
The educational system of Germany

Germany is the centre of Europe. Here is a very ancient tradition of education: the oldest University in existence since 1386 . University of HeidelbergHeidelberg, Baden- Wurttemberg, Germany

Russian Museums and Theatres
Russian Museums and Theatres

The Hermitage The State Hermitageis a museum of art and culture in Saint Petersburg, Russia. One of the largest and oldest museums in the world, it was founded in 1764 by Catherine the Great and has been open to the public

Facts about advertising
Facts about advertising

Ice cubes in beverage advertisements are typically made of acrylic so they won’t melt under hot photography lights or move around. Bubbles are made by adding detergent, and water is added so light will filter through better By the time a


Red Hot Chili PeppersRed Hot Chili Peppers -American rock band formed in 1983 in California, vocalist Anthony Kiedis , bassist Michael Belzari ( better known as Flea ) , guitarist Hillel Slovak and drummer Jack Irons . Has 7 "Grammy" awards


SwimmingThis topic has touched me because I have been swimming since I was 4 years old. Let me tell you some interesting information about swimming…

Linkin Park(Англ)
Linkin Park(Англ)

Linkin ParkLinkin Park — American alternative rock band. Founded in 1996 year under the name Xero. Having been around since 2000 under the name Linkin Park, the group has twice received the award "Grammy". The group found success with their debut album

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