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Презентации по Английскому языку


Borsch - one of the most popular meal in Ukraine. Who at least once tasted this fragrant taste, that for many years it will remain a true fan… NEED: potatoes beets tomatoes carrotonion cabbage 2 cloves of garlic Bay leaf

Junk Food
Junk Food

Lollies, chips and fast food are called 'junk food'. This kind of food has too much fat in it. It has too much salt in it too. And it has too much sugar. It's OK to eat a little bit, but


Wedding traditionsWedding is the most beautiful and important event in life of every person. Traditions regarding wedding are different from country to country, and region to region!  Different wedding traditions have different rules and customs which make your wedding day successful

Праздник Пасхи. Ostern
Праздник Пасхи. Ostern

Wir feiern Ostern OstersymbolsDie OsterkerzeDer OsterzopfDie bemalten EierDas OstergrasDer Osterhase

Bridges through Neva river
Bridges through Neva river

During our excursion we will get acquainted withstages of construction andshape such bridges throughthe Neva river asthe Blagoveshchensky Bridge,the Dvortsovy Bridge andtheTroitsky Bridge. From all cities of the world St. Petersburg differsthe water spaces connected by wide bridges.Without them it is

Japanese cuisine
Japanese cuisine

Japan, an island country, so for the Japanese staple food products have always been the sea.Sea gave Japanese food-fish, seaweed, cuttlefish, crabs, clams and octopus.Unlike their ancestors except fish Japanese consume today and all kinds of meat. Japanese nowadays very popular

Королева Виктория
Королева Виктория

In 1837 Queen Victoria took the throne after the death of her uncle William IV. Barely 18, she refused any further influence from her domineering mother and ruled in her own stead. Popular respect for the Crown was at a low

Буква Г
Буква Г

ґаваґанокґаздаґвинт ґрунтґуляґедзьґрати

Литература Германии
Литература Германии

Realismus und Naturalismus(1848-1900) und (1880-1900) Literatur1. Букаев, А.И. История немецкой литературы / Букаев, А.И. Ч.I. – Минск: Выш. школа, 1978. – 192 с.2. Крайнова, Л.Е. Хрестоматия по немецкой литературе / Крайнова, Л.Е. – СПб.: КОРОНАпринт, 2004. – 348 с.3. Baumann, B.

Курсы английского языка
Курсы английского языка

Планируемые результатыПанируемые результаты начального общего образования:заложены ФГОС;основаны на Примерной программе;описаны в дополнительной литературе по ФГОС;подлежат оцениванию. ФГОСПланируемые результаты делятся на:личностные;метапредметные;предметные.

Чувашский язык
Чувашский язык

Цели моей работы:воспитание любви к родному языку;воспитание уважения к выдающемуся человеку Чувашии – И.Я.Яковлеву, имя которого имеет мировое значение для человечества. Задачи :исследовать значимость издательской и переводческой деятельности И.Я.Яковлева для чувашского народа;изучить, с какой целью И.Я.Яковлев писал свои труды.

Social networks
Social networks

With the development of new communication technologies created a new opportunity to communicate with people, so to speak "without leaving home." This kind of communication are of course social networking. The first mass social network, which actually managed to assemble the

Страдательный залог
Страдательный залог

The Passive Voice in Simple Tenses to be + Vз Present Simple Passive

The Past Perfect Tense
The Past Perfect Tense

Глагол в форме Past Perfect выражает действие, которое завершилось до определенного момента или другого действия в прошлом.They had finished the work by 6 o'clock yesterday. — Они закончили работу вчера к 6 часам. Mary had got asleep before her mother came


By developing themselves, subcultures work out their unique style and own views. The style of subculture is not only clothes, but it’s a system of values that the members of subculture propagandize.Epigraph

Растения и животные (plants and animals)
Растения и животные (plants and animals)

AnimalsDomestic Wildclassification of animalsClasses of animalsbeast of pray herbivores

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