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Презентации по Английскому языку

Project in English About Kharkiv
Project in English About Kharkiv

Map of Ukraine with Kharkiv highlighted Kharkiv or Kharkov is the second-largest city of Ukraine. Located in the north-east of the country, it is the largest city of the Slobozhanshchyna historical region. By its territorial expansion on September 6, 2012 the

Наводнения в Югре
Наводнения в Югре

Ugra is experiencing severe flooding over the past ten years. Obi water flooded thousands of private houses and garden plots in Nizhnevartovsk and Megion, Surgut, right in the centre came from the banks of the river Saimaa. gional authorities and the

We Are What We Eat
We Are What We Eat

DO WE LIVE TO EAT?Do you know how much food you will eat by the time you are seventy –nine? 25 cows

Анімалістичний жанр
Анімалістичний жанр

Жанри образотворчого мистецтва:Портрет.Натюрморт.Пейзаж.Баталії.Побутовий.Історичний.Міфологічний.Анімалістичний.Маріністичний.Види образотворчого мистецтваАрхітектураЖивописСкульптураГрафіка:Декоративно-ужиткове мистецтво Якщо бачиш - на картині Намальована ріка, Чи то іній на ялинці,  Чи хмаринка здалека, Чи засніжена рівнина, Чи вузький провулок наш, То, звичайно, ця картина Називається … (пейзаж).

New Zealand
New Zealand

Interesting facts about New Zealand FirstBird kiwi is a symbol of New Zealand. Nowhere else on the planet this bird is not made.

Outstanding People of Ukraine
Outstanding People of Ukraine

In the history of humanity there have always been people whose actions and ideas produced a great impact on the lives of other people.They have made a great contribution to the science, culture, social life of this country.That's why they are

Thomas Gainsborough
Thomas Gainsborough

Thomas Gainsborough's houseThomas Gainsborough was an English portrait and landscape painter. He was born the youngest son of John Gainsborough, a weaver in Suffolk. He painted quickly and his pictures are characterized by a light palette and easy strokes. He preferred


FranceFrench cuisine was codified in the 20-th century and become the modern haute cuisine. Knowledge of French cooking has contributed significantly to Western cuisines and its criteria are used widely in culinary education. French cuisine is divided into three parts: cuisine

Happy new year
Happy new year

Happy New Year!Let’s TalkSome facts about holidayAnswer the questionsNew Year’s traditions Let’s talk…Do you like New Year’s Day? Why?What presents do you like to get and to give?

Dishes cooked in belarus
Dishes cooked in belarus

Menu Main dish:pancakesSalad:olivierDessert:tiramisu Pancakes potatoes - 6 pieces (700 g)Onions - 2 piecesEgg 1 pc,flour - 2 tablespoonsvegetable oil,saltfreshly ground pepper


Clark Kent grew up to be a tall shy teenager with short dark hair and glasses


Repeat the words : architect army officer babysitter ballerina builder chef/cook cashier designer driver doctor dentist mechanic nursesaleswoman salesman singer swimmer teacher vet waiter waitressPHONETIC DRILL PHONETIC

Ideal Family
Ideal Family

Everyone has his own definition of what a family should be like. The meaning of a family is different to each of us. Therefore by sociologists giving definitions to what a family is, we do not have a clear idea of

Английская кухня
Английская кухня

Цель проекта – ознакомить учащихся с национальной кухней Великобритании, традициями и предпочтениями в еде.Этапы осуществления проекта 1. Сбор информации 2. Дополнительных материалов. 3.Оформление.В работе использованы: - учебники О.В. Афанасьева «English» (5,6 классы); - пособие по английскому языку В.Н.


Инклюзия (от inclusion – включение) – процесс реального включения людей с инвалидностью в активную общественную жизнь.Инклюзия предполагает разработку и применение конкретных решений, которые позволят каждому человеку равноправно участвовать в общественной жизни. Правовая основа обучения детей с ограниченными возможностями1948 г.Всеобщая Декларация прав человека1989

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