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Презентации по Английскому языку

Казак тiлiнiн бiлгiрi
Казак тiлiнiн бiлгiрi

1. “БӘЙГЕ”. Сұраққа жауап беру . - 5 ұпай2. “ШЕШУІН ТАП”. Алфавиттік жұмбақ шешу . -10 ұпай3. ПОЛИГЛОТ -10*3=30 ұпай4. СӨЗ ҚҰРАУ -10 ұпай5. ТАҚЫРЫПТЫҚ ӘҢГІМЕ ҚҰРАУ -10 ұпай6. Тестілеу “ҚАЙ СЕПТІК?” -5 ұпай7. Сөзжұмбақ шешу


The music of primitive people.There was not present-day music without music of the stone age. The people of the stone age did their own instruments from different things. Probably, the oldest "music instrument" is human body. The first sounds appeared because

Italian national cuisine
Italian national cuisine

Enormous popularity of pizza, but, strangely enough, most of the tourists. Famous throughout the world was once a pizza dish poor - bread with tomatoes and spices, sometimes with cheap cheese. Over time, however, the chefs have learned to give it

Feminin et pluriel des adjectifs
Feminin et pluriel des adjectifs

on, om mon – ton bon – rondbonjour le bonbon la chansonce garçon est un championnous chantons et nous dansons [˜ɔ] Bonjour Edmond! - Bonjour Gaston. Qu’est-ce que tu as? - J’ai un accordéon. Je joue

Почему английский язык является международным
Почему английский язык является международным

Подумайте: Почему английский язык распространен в мире? Является ли он самым многочисленным, с точки зрения говорящих на нем? В каких странах говорят на английском языке? Вспомните и сравните 1. Сколько падежей в русском языке? А


to wash face-to wash hands-to clean teeth-to sleep well-to drink juice-

Famous persons in the uk
Famous persons in the uk

Enter Great Britain made a great contribution to the science, literature, music and arts of the world. It gave mankind a lot jf outstanding scientists, writers and poets, muzicians and painters. POETS I shure, you know about William Shakespeare. He is one

Food & Drug Administration
Food & Drug Administration

Food & Drug Administration (FDA)1862, started with a single chemist in the USDA1927, Bureau of Chemistry changed to the Food, Drug, & Insecticide Administration1930, name was shortened to the present version2001, staff ~9,100 employees & a budget of $1.3 billion Adulteration

James Cook
James Cook

EARLY LIFE 1728 - 1755James Cook was born in 1728 in Marton, England. His father was a farm worker who allowed James to apprentice on coal carrying boats at the age of eighteen. While working in the North Sea, Cook

Традиционные празднества
Традиционные празднества

Stampede -[stæm'pi:d]- ежегодный праздник с состязаниями ковбоев, выставкой сельскохозяйственных продуктов и танцами bales of hay – тюки с сеном NEW WORDS: float - платформа на колёсах (на которой размещаются декорации, красочные фигуры во время

Умный дом
Умный дом

What is it ? Please, click here ! How can you use it ?In the smart house you can not only live! It performs many types of work!Please, click here !

Let's speak about Russia (Расскажи о России)
Let's speak about Russia (Расскажи о России)

Make up the English words using these cards gecapforguatonofgueeignfilancialital Make up a sentence with a word combinations. Work in pairs.an official language, to be famousthe largest populationto consist ofEnglish-speaking countriesa financial centrea small continent

Pablo PicassoThe founder of Cubism
Pablo PicassoThe founder of Cubism

Біографія BiographyPablo Ruiz Picasso (Picasso Pablo) (1881-1973), Spanish painter and sculptor, in 1904, residing in France. Picasso - the inventor of new forms of painting, an innovator of styles and techniques, and one of the most prolific artists in history. Picasso


My name’s Helen. I’m eight. I’ve got a lot of toys. Look! These are my toys: a ball, a teddy bear, a doll, a clown, a parrot, a fluffy rabbit. My favourite toy is a teddy bear. I like playing with

Shopping and its types
Shopping and its types

There are different kinds of shops. Some of them sell bread. Others sell tea, sugar, coffee, butter, cheese, sausages, meat, fruit, vegetables. When we want to buy something, we take our shopping-bags and go to the shop. There we can see

Tastes differ
Tastes differ

Tastes differ О вкусах не спорят Who are these people? What are they famous for? … is famous for …

History about ghosts
History about ghosts

School rescueThe family moves to the hometown after death of mother . Children, the sister and the brother, Джон and Мэри, have to attend very unusual new school in which their mother studied earlier. Establishment consists of two buildings: old and

Технология чтения и письма в Японии
Технология чтения и письма в Японии

В современной Японииактивно используется около 2000 иероглифов, при этом первая 1000 покрывает 90% употребления иероглифов в печатных текстах Японская азбукаПервоначально японцы писали по-китайски, т.е. ставили иероглифы в соответствии с древнекитайским (вэньяньским) порядком слов


ALCOHOLS (alcohols) - a class of organic compounds containing one or more groups-HE, with the hydroxyl group linked to an aliphatic carbon atom (compounds in which the carbon atom in the group WITH-IT is part of the aromatic nucleus, are called

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