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Презентации по Английскому языку

Technical English. Технический пере
Technical English. Технический пере

На уроке «Технического перевода» ContentsSome facts from the history of Some facts from the history of Some facts from the history of Technical EnglishSome facts from the history of Technical English Some Hints To Remember Методические приемы при изучении курса


Guess the subject of the lesson НЕLPFAMILY Please, repeat the sounds: [ǽ] [θ] [r] [s] [t] [ð]


Birthday What is the best known B-day in the history?Why the people didn't celebrate their B-days in early years?Why we use candles on theB-day cake?What was the main aim of B-day cards?When and why were peopleable to celebrate theirB-days?

Мир таинственных звуков Англии
Мир таинственных звуков Англии

[AI], [L], [G], [K], [I:], [E], [H], [EI], [N], [M], [KS], [ J], [U:], [W], [P], [S], [R], [Z], [V], [N], [F], [KW], [T], [D], [I], [B], Ребята, я тут звуки перепутала.

Environmental problems in Ukraine
Environmental problems in Ukraine

Nowadays there are a lot of environmental problems in Ukraine. The byproducts pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil we grow grain and vegetables. Large cities with smoky industrial enterprises appeared in our country

Воздействие человека на окружающую среду
Воздействие человека на окружающую среду

GeologistChemist ObserveGeology EarthEnvironment EventSignificant Nature Sustain ExpensiveInventГеологхимик наблюдатьГеология ЗемляОкружающая средасобытиезначительныйПрирода ПоддерживатьДорогой ИзобретатьГеологхимик наблюдатьГеология ЗемляОкружающая средасобытиезначительныйПрирода ПоддерживатьДорогой Изобретать Geochemist ObservationGeological EarthquakeEnvironmental EventuallySignificantly Natural Sustaining Emission InexpensiveInventiveness Геохимик Наблюдение Геологический Землетрясение Окружающий В конечном итогеЗначительно Природный Поддерживающий Выбросы Недорогой Изобретательность Geochemist ObservationGeological EarthquakeEnvironmental

Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs

STEVE JOBS’ EARLY LIFE Born in San Francisco in 1955, Jobs was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs of Santa Clara, Calif.Jobs attended high school in Cupertino, Calif., the city where Apple is based. In 1972, he briefly attended Reed College

Past Simple
Past Simple

Past SimpleПростое прошедшее время Если действие, о котором мы рассказываем произошло в прошлом, то употребляется вторая форма глаголаMother Elephant lived in Africa.She had a little Baby Elephant

Tastes differ О вкусах не спорят
Tastes differ О вкусах не спорят

Tastes differ О вкусах не спорят Who are these people? What are they famous for? … is famous for …

Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written early in the career of William Shakespeare about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was amongShakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is

Elton John
Elton John

I believe in love Elton JohnListen to the song and do the task KEY:

At, in, on
At, in, on

Theme: Prepositions of place.oninat Aims of the lesson: 1.To present the new theme to the pp2.To give some information about the prepositions of place.3.To do consolidating exercises4.to develop the speaking,writing and listening skills.

British traditions
British traditions

Britain is full of culture and traditions which have been around for hundreds of years.It is known that the English are stay-at-home people. “There is no place like home”, they say. When they don't work they like to spend their

Welcome to Washington D.C
Welcome to Washington D.C

Washington D.C. Washington, D.C.is situated on both banks of the Potomac river, between the two states, Maryland and Virginia. This place was chosen by the first American President George Washington. The plot of land of a hundred square miles was bought

Здоровье на английском языке
Здоровье на английском языке

Обучение - самый значимый фактор по продолжительности и по силе воздействия на здоровье школьников.Каждое учебное заведение помимо решения общепедагогических задач должно соотносить учебную нагрузку и методы преподавания с возрастными и индивидуальными особенностями детей, содействовать охране и укреплению здоровья. Внедрение в


Republic Of Ireland Official languages: Irish and English Capital: Dublin Largest cities: Dublin, cork Form of government: parliamentary Republic Territory: 70273 km (117 in the world) Population: 4 339 000 people (123-e) Currency: Euro (EUR) Republic of Ireland - a country

my future profession
my future profession

ЕСЕПТЕУІШ ТЕХНИКАНЫҢ ДАМУ ТАРИХЫ12.10.2010ж. Сабақтың мақсаты:Есептеуіш техниканың даму тарихы жайлы оқушыларға толық мағлұмат беру.Оқушыларға Есептеуіш техниканың даму тарихы жайлы мағлұмат бере отырып, олардың білімдерін дамыту.Оқушыларды шапшаңдылыққа, ептілікке, бірін –бірі сыйлауға тәрбиелеу.

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