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Презентации по Английскому языку

Presentation about Easter in France
Presentation about Easter in France

HistoryEaster - religious Christian holiday in memory of Jesus Christ Resurection.For Frenchmen Easter is not only a religious holiday. Frenchmen congratulate relatives, close friends; it is even not so much a religious date, as something kind and joyful. Easter eggsFrenchmen don't


Адамның жан-жағында толып жатқан заттар бар, үнемі түрлі құбылыстар болып тұрады. Олардың жеке қасиеттерін бейнелендіретін қарапайым психикалық процесті мамандар түйсік, кейде түйсіну деп атайды. Түйсіктің физиологиялық негізін Павлов анықтады. Түйсік сыртқы тітіркендіргіштердің анализаторға әсер етуі арқылы пайда болады. Анализатор деп –

Irish cuisine
Irish cuisine

Irish cuisine is simple enough. Close to beach, favorable climate and a large area of the countryside rather strongly influence the products that are prevalent in Northern Ireland. In the XX century Irish cuisine began to experience competition from the wide


What kind of sport is it?It is one of the types of parachyting. It is a team sportThere are 2 people in a team:a skysurfer and an airoperator

Theatre. Grade 11.
Theatre. Grade 11.

The theatre is a magic world to which people escape from their everyday routine at home.

Good manners
Good manners

Each country has its own idea about good manners. Every day we meet different people and communicate with them, get new experience and communication skills. Any communication starts with the greeting. GreetingIn different countries people greet

Interrelationship among different Kinds of Art. Different Kinds Of Art Painting
Interrelationship among different Kinds of Art. Different Kinds Of Art Painting

ContentIntroductionMarine landscapeLandscapeStill lifePortraitsGala portraitsConclusion Picture it is not simple the image of something. The picture creates an image capable to move you in the fantastic world or to other epoch, giving pleasant memoirs on events of your life or about the

В поисках сокровищ
В поисках сокровищ

Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива. http://www.o-detstve.ru/ Портал «О детстве»12354678 Внеурочная деятельность. Моя педагогическая инициатива. http://www.o-detstve.ru/ Портал «О детстве»Name 5 colours


These two masks have come to symbolize the theater and its two major dramatic categories, comedy and tragedy. Theater, one of the oldest and most popular forms of entertainment, in which actors perform live for an audience on a stage or in an other space designated

Наша солнечная система
Наша солнечная система

В пространстве космическом воздуха нет И кружат там 8 различных планет. А Солнце — звезда в самом центре системы, И притяжением связаны все мы.Солнце-светило клокочет вулканом, Бурлит, как кипящий котел, непрестанно, Солнце-звезда преогромнейший шар Свет излучает, как будто пожар.

Famous travellers
Famous travellers

Урок английского языка 6 класс Тема: “ Famous travellers” Цели:Познавательный аспект: познакомить с известными путешественниками;Развивающий аспект: развитие опера- тивной памяти, способности к сравнению, развитие дедуктивного мышления, развитие способности к функционально- адекватному восприятию грамматических структур и их использование;


FACEBOOK Facebook ([ˈfeɪsˌbʊk])-Social Network, founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates while studying at Harvard University, including Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. Thanks to this site Mark Zuckerberg in 1923 became the youngest billionaire.

Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy Lifestyle

«Wealth is nothing without health, Health is above wealth» Bread and cereal give us energy by providing protein, iron and B Vitamins.


Цели урокаПрактиковать монологическую и диалогическую речьРазвивать коммуникативные способности.Практиковать употребление лексики по теме Расширять кругозор учащихся. John Lennon. One of the most popular musical groups was The Beetles. The group became famous in 1962. People heard something new, something

Fitness center
Fitness center

Something for everyoneThey will not only help you avoid boredom, but also to improve your health and create something you can be proud of. Fitness center outside

The American Political System
The American Political System

BackgroundThe Declaration of Independence 1776The War of Independence 1776-1783The American Constitution 1789Federal government and state govmts.Division of powerChecks and balances State and Federal SystemHistorically state and local government came first.The states have their own legislative, executive and judicial institutionsState and local

Past Perfect
Past Perfect

Образование past perfectPast Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в форме прошедшего времени (had) и третьей формы глагола!Для правильных глаголов прибавляется окончание –ed.

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