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Презентации по Английскому языку

Royal Opera House
Royal Opera House

Here in 1892 for the first time in the UK was performed grand opera of Wagner "Ring des Nibelungen" under the eminent composer Gustav Mahler. The building is home for the royal permanent opera and ballet troupes. On it’s stage

The educational system of Germany
The educational system of Germany

Germany is the centre of Europe. Here is a very ancient tradition of education: the oldest University in existence since 1386 . University of HeidelbergHeidelberg, Baden- Wurttemberg, Germany

Числительные в английских пословицах и поговорках
Числительные в английских пословицах и поговорках



HOCKEY - eine Wintersportart auf Eis in den Schlittschuhen gespielt. Hockey-Spieler im Kampf gegen den Puck Sticks auf den Gegner. Gewichtheber heben schwere Langhantel, sollten sie nicht nur ziehen Sie die Hantel vom Boden ...Aber heben Sie es hoch und halten

Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland

Belfast - the capital Population – the irish

The Parable of the Waiting Father
The Parable of the Waiting Father

There once was a man who had two sons. The older son worked hard and obeyed all that his father told him to do.

Деловое письмо на английском
Деловое письмо на английском

Деловое Английское Письмо Деловые письма на английском языке достаточно формальны. Стиль – подчеркнуто вежливый, как можно меньше фраз, допускающих двойное толкование, и жестко заданная структура. Форматирование абзацев – без использования отступа первой строки. В начале письма (верхний левый угол) указывается ФИО

City of My Dreams
City of My Dreams

❤London❤ I've never been to London, but to visit the capital of Great Britain is dream of my life. There are many interesting places to visit in London, such


Sydney the state capital has a spectacular harbour, a rich colonial history, and a growing international reputation. Sydney is the most recognised city in Australia Sydney is the capital city of the

Lviv National Art Gallery
Lviv National Art Gallery

Lviv National Art Gallery , a leading art museum in Ukraine, has over 60,000 artworks in its collection, including works of Polish, Italian, French, German, Dutch and Flemish, Spanish, Austrian and other European artists. The gallery is based on a Polish institution,Lwowska

Three Guests / 3 гостя (EN)
Three Guests / 3 гостя (EN)

A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come

Истории о призраках в замках
Истории о призраках в замках

Muncaster Castle in Cambria Muncaster CastleMuncaster Castle in Cambria is haunted by the ghost of a mysterious White Lady as well as by Tom Fool a jester who worked in the castle 400 years ago and now likes to play tricks

O. Henry (1862 – 1910)
O. Henry (1862 – 1910)

O. Henry is the pen name of William Sidney Porter. Some critics say that he is one of the greatest short-story writers in American history. Porter was born in Greensboro, North Carolina, on September 11, 1862.

Лексические особенности поэтических текстов в книге Льюиса Кэрролла Алиса в Стране Чудес и связанные с ними трудности перевода
Лексические особенности поэтических текстов в книге Льюиса Кэрролла Алиса в Стране Чудес и связанные с ними трудности перевода

Цель – выявить основные трудности перевода поэтических текстов в книге Льюиса Кэрролла «Алиса в Стране Чудес».Задачи :— Изучить литературу по данной теме.— Выявить источник поэтического текста, на который Кэрролл писал пародии.— Провести эксперимент предложив ученикам второго и девятого классов самостоятельно /при


The full name of the country is The Republic of Armenia, the local – Hayastan. The capital is the city Yerevan since 1920. The population in 1997 was 1 million 202 thousand people. Armenia is divided into 10 provinces: the Aragatsotn,


An avalanche is a rapid flow of snow down a sloping surface. While avalanches are sudden, the warning signs are almost always numerous before they let loose. Yet in 90 percent of avalanche incidents, the snow slides are triggered by the

Cultural Features In Management
Cultural Features In Management

The meaning of managementManagement activity is one of the deciding factors of effective work of the firm in a free market. Management is constantly being improved in line with the objective requirements of production and changes in economic relations. Is management

My impressions about Scottish festival
My impressions about Scottish festival

Mysterious Scotland Legends of ScotlandScottish history is full of legends and tales, mysterious and sometimes misleading. The bravest and the most well informed among Russian and Scot connoisseurs of Scottish culture are gathering to uncover some of the people’s secrets by

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