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Презентации по Английскому языку

Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso

Early Years Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Spain.He started painting and drawing at a very young agePicasso’s father José Ruiz y Blasco was also a painter himself and recognized Pablo’s talent at his young age. Picasso's

The city of USA - Boston
The city of USA - Boston

The city dates its beginning from Sept. 17, 1630, when it was named Boston after a town in Lincolnshire, England, the original home of many of the Puritan leaders. In 1632 it was made the capital of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Education in Japan
Education in Japan

In Japan children go to elementary school for 6 years , middle school for 3 years, high school for 3 years, and university for 4 years. Kindergarten is optional and usually starts at age 3. Alternately, there is government-supervised day-care, which

Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes

PersonalitySherlock Holmes is a fictional detective created by Scottish author and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In a series of novels and short stories, Holmes appears as a London-based consulting detective whose abilities border on the fantastic. The fictional detective is famous for

Computers in our life
Computers in our life

The language of computers50 years ago, people hadn’t heard of computers. And today we cannot imagine our life without them. Computer technology is the fastest-growing industry in the world. The first computer was the size of a minibus and weighed a

The state system of Great Britain
The state system of Great Britain

Elizabeth II - The official head of the state The EXECUTIVE branch of power

Шкільне МО
Шкільне МО

ІV. Заходи щодо вивчення стану навчально-виховної роботи Провести шкільну олімпіаду з іноземних мов (грудень – січень).Взяти участь у проведенні міської олімпіади з іноземних мов (грудень).Розглянути результати семестрових контрольних робіт і зрізів знань (січень, травень 2015-2016).Обговорити на засіданні МО результати олімпіад.Провести огляд


Conflict - conflicts and disagreements that arise between people because of their diverging views, interests, attitudes, and aspirations. Party to the conflict - the subject of the conflictQuestion or issue because of which there is a conflict - the

The animals In the red book
The animals In the red book

The Amur tigerLives in deciduous forest. Total number of 400-500 individuals. The Red wolf The largest number of children of 25 puppies. Extraction of red wolf smell, medium-sized ungulates.

Magic squares
Magic squares

The aim of the work:To explore the history of the emergence and development of magic squares, learn basic methods of magic squares.Tasks of the work:Analyze the literature and the Internet resources of the origin, definition, types of magic squares. Describe

10 способов работы с художественным фильмом на уроках английского языка
10 способов работы с художественным фильмом на уроках английского языка

1. О чем кино?Еще до просмотра сообщите ученикам название фильма, с которым будете работать. Можно также рассказать им о том, в каком году снят фильм, в какой стране, кто режиссер и т. д. И задайте ученикам вопрос: «Как вы думаете, о

American press
American press

List of newspapers in the United StatesThis list of newspapers in the United States is a list of newspapers printed and distributed in the United States. It includes a list of the 25 newspapers in the United States with the most

Emblems and symbols of Saint Petersburg
Emblems and symbols of Saint Petersburg

a) a shield [∫i:ld] is a broad piece of metal that soldiers carry to be protected from being hit b) a coat of arms is a pattern which is painted on a shield. It is used by a noble

1 апреля
1 апреля

On the 1st of April English people celebrate The Day of Laughter April Fool’s Day Clown’s Day It is a day for fun. Children like to play jokes this day. It is possible to play jokes on friends, parents,

лесные производитили
лесные производитили

Лес-это экосистема из нескольких этажей Какие этажи можно выделить в экосистеме леса?Кустарники , травы и мхидеревья

Моя комната
Моя комната

Make up sentences to describe the room (1)Это зал (гостиная).This is a living room.Она большая.It is big.Рядом со стеной стоит телевизор. There is a TV-set near the wall. Make up sentences to describe the room (2)Справа от телевизора стоит кресло.There is

Пожарная безопасность
Пожарная безопасность

Пожары причиняют много вреда. Горят леса, поля, дома. Погибают люди и животные. Раньше многие дома были деревянными. Пожары разгорались быстро, и нередко уничтожали всю деревню или город целиком.Нажми мышкой на , чтобы увеличить картинуКартина Леонида Соломатина «Пожар в деревне»

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